Why are you still here after 25? Do you use animu to escape from reality like drug addicts?
Why are you still here after 25? Do you use animu to escape from reality like drug addicts?
Leave me be, I have another 2 years.
I have nothing else ;_;
>Do you use animu to escape from reality like drug addicts?
Pretty much. It fun and relaxing, like a good book.
Does anybody have a gf?
It's weird to me when people put ages on any sort of hobby or leisure activity.
>It's fun and relaxing
It brings out the better of me.
>tfw Christmas cake
I'm ready for all the Anime grills asking for my duck.
No? I watch it because I genuinely enjoy the narrative of what I choose to watch.
Do you?
Not me though ;_;
i'm only here for plastic butts, i don't even watch anime anymore.
>Do you use animu to escape from reality
Its all ive got
anime has kept me going in many dark periods of my life
I'm only 24.
Quality thread.
yes, manga, anime and vns
It helps me escape from my depressing reality and its fun
I use many hobbies to escape from reality.
Fuck off.
>escape from reality
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm 28 and I watch anime for the reason I watch any other show or movie, just something to do after work.
We're in a mod deadspot, this thread is gonna be here for fucking ages.
Only another hour or so.
Why do you care what I do with my free time?
Yes. I have nothing. Just nothing.
>tfw you watch anime to feel happy but your waifus lose and even die
It's not like the crap on HBO has better writing than your average anime.
I'm using it to learn Jap, so I can go to Nippon and find a nice cake when I'm 30.
Who NEET here?
>Your hobbies suddenly change after a certain age.
>Why are you still here after 25?
I'm here for the pantyhose and femdom.
Is this meme allowed now?
It does.
The other day i was watching Vikings and i was fun watching manly crazy men doing adventures.
Way better than something like re:zero for example.
Never understood this mentality that you have to "outgrow" your hobbies by a certain age. I'm 26 love anime more than I ever did as a teenager.
But people tend to change hobbies as they age, maybe not all of them but some. Not to mention being an adult changes the frequency you enjoy your hobbies because you are more likely to become a wageslave.
>thinking you can learn Japanese just by watching anime
>no one calls out feel shit anymore
>mods fucked off again
Brilliant board.
>Never understood this mentality that you have to "outgrow" your hobbies by a certain age. I'm 26 love anime more than I ever did as a teenager.
probably because you never grew up past 13
And before work.
And on your breaks.
And in the bus to and from work.
Anime is the only thing keeping me alive.
Nice meme.
Thank goodness for that.
27 here
Actually got back into anime this year after denying myself I love it for a few years. Fuck the rest of the world its what truly makes me happy. I can juggle it in between work, gym, and having my own place and not mooching off my parents.
There are going to be bad apples in any hobby you pick up, but why deny yourself who you are because of social stigmas?
Learn to be happy OP, it will do wonders for your life
I'm 26 and don't watch anime anymore, but I like to come by every once in awhile to see how my perception of Sup Forums has changed over the years and ultimately how Sup Forums has changed over the years.
How the fuck is this shitty thread still up? Why does almost no one call this shit out? I'm getting really fucking tired of this bullshit.
I am killing myself on the 15th anyway. I already bought the travel tickets, the pocket knife I will be using, prepared the music I will be listening to while walking to the place in the woods, and got the local anesthetic salve.
So long, fuckers.
If you're under the age of 25 and (You) came into this thread just to post your age (You) really need to have a long, hard look at yourself. (You) are the majority user here. The topic is specifically worded to imply that your input is not valuable or desired.
I am over 25 and sometimes in my darkest hours the thought of there one day being more Haruhi helps get me through. I think the quality of what I've been watching has been decreasing over time, suggesting that I'm more a slave to the habit than the actual content.
If you're still NEET after 25 your life is basically over.