A Strange and Mysterious Haruhi Suzimiya Sign was put up at Kyoto Animation Studios

Our friends at kyoani are back and more cryptic than ever. Large crowds are gathering around the the studio building. What does this mean Sup Forums. Is season 3 around the corner or something else?

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Haruhi Hunting had it's own general for like 3 months, find something else to use.

I'm a time traveler from 2014.

It's pachinko.

Hopefully they announce K-On college

Did Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan end recently?

wasn't made by Kyoani. Also filler garbage

>photoshopped picture on a stock image
>looks nothing like the area around Kyoani's office

honestly if you love haruhi, really want a season 3 and count it as one of your favourite anime ever then you need to completely ignore the yuki anime it was awful. Like drags-down-the-souce-material awful

if you don't care that much and just want a moe slice of life with some haruhi characters then yeah maybe

Season 3 when?

nice shoop

THe manga, I mean. Last I read, Kyon and Nagato actually hooked up, and Asakura was moving to Canada.

The anime wasn't great, but everything after Nagato gets hit with a car is enjoyable.



sounds even worse if you actually like the canonical haruhi series then

Snooped around, and, supposedly.it ends with Kyon and Nagato kissing in the bottom of a pool, so, yeah, you're right.

Mita ini

I still don't understand why Kyon stays around that bitch and the craziness she attracts.

Cause Haruhi wishes it so

Still he should talk to her and ask her to not talk to him again. That way she would subconsciously push him away, freeing him from the living hell named SOS Brigade.

Because it's fun.

Its alternate universe...not the characters we know and love. I dont care what other people think, I liked it for what it was. That version of Yuki is really cute in her own way...

>from 2014.

August 17th is next week