Shingeki no kyojin

We remember Bert's last words

Other urls found in this thread:

Armin is love
Armin is life
Armin is the shifter we need but don't deserve
Armin eternally rid us of stinky Bortshit
Armin will make the walls great again
I love Armin

I want RA to return home safely and kill Armin in the process.

Thread theme:

This is now Armin's song. He has usurped Bert as God.

Reminder that this really happened and it was very lewd.

They belong to each other.

yfw pic related


Ocean-kun WORST boy

I hope he dies a brutal excruciating death

>Do 'oo know aboud de ocean?

Ocean-kun did nothing wrong.


How many ocean flashbacks are we looking at next chapter?

Word cloud of last thread

So now that BA is dead AA is pretty much canon, right?

>mfw no qt ocean gf

>kill Armin
If there was a posibility back then, now is gone forever. And unless Zeke has more friend on the outside, he and Reiner has no more option than run away from the SL, considering anti titans weapons, Bert's death and now they have Armin as a titan shifter.

Ocean-kun is worst girl. Manlet is best girl.

If Annie didn't care about a pussy bitch like bert, what makes you think she'll care about an even bigger pussy?

>do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savor Ocean?

>Mikasa wn hold a blade to your neck as she asks you to please give it to her

Nevermind, Levi and Eren's section is really long and I have work in about 30 minutes. I'll just talk about how I feel with this guidebook.

It's really weird.

But I like the au q&as. The in-universe ones are pretty funny too. I'm really baffled by how much AM shipping faggotry there is in this guidebook however, alongside ErwHa. Those ships have never been really popular but I guess it's Isayama's secret fetish. Jean is the butt monkey of all the questions.

You'll like this one (from Mikasa's in-universe Q&A):

>Q: What helps Mikasa relax?
>A: Cuddling with Armin makes her feel better. Jean is extremely jealous that Armin gets to be that close to her.

>Q: Oh that's very sweet! But you've said Armin is perverted, does he try anything with Mikasa?
>A: He'll rub his head into her chest and pretend like it's innocent. It's not. He's not innocent at all. (lol)

>Q: But Mikasa doesn't get mad?
>A: She doesn't mind. She sees Armin as incapable of being perverted.

Armin loves Tu Casa. RA soon.

Fucking KEK. If you're the same person who did this a thread or two ago, thank you.

These are fantastic.

This shit can still be redeemed if Armin ends up dying in the next few chapters ala Rod




I fucking wish. Having them leave the basement only to get jumped by Zeke and Reiner would be great.

Promise you'll be back with more. ;-; I need all the info about Hanji from au's and in universe.
I'd die for you.


>Armin motorboats and touches Mikasa inappropriately

Armin has a plot armor the size of CT

>make a new titan shifter
>kill him a chapter later
Not only would be wasted potential, but really shitty writing right there.
I get you hate Armin, but try to be logical at least.

Post a scan.


So, who do you think came out worse off in this fight?
The titans lost Colossal, and SL gained a new shifter that they now need to train. However, the SL lost their commander and the entirety of their faceless army, leaving the main cast and that one guy as literally the only SL members.
Personally, I think the end results favors the humans. Bert was a power house and the only titan that the SL seemed to have no way of defeating. Reiner is so weak that Eren can defeat him by himself, now that they have thunder spears he's not even a threat.
On top of all this, the wall is sealed, Eren can seal up any new holes that they open, and the SL is able to access the basement now. Unless Monkey Trouble comes back with an entire army of wall-breaker shifters and opens up every gate at once, humanity has pretty much won.

No, shitty writing is keeping armin alive after what happened to him. Killing him would alievaliate that a bit

>shitmin sexually harasses mikasa
Please be a fucking joke.

Can't wait to see you faggot's faces when Armin's titan turns out to be shit.

It's not like she has much of a saying in the decision, as a certified pet slave

The writing is already shit.

If they can get another army going humans win

If not it's a toss up, Zeke will be difficult to kill but reiner should be dead next time they meet (of course he won't though)

>only threats left are the Armored Jobber and the baseball monkey that's aftaid of manlets

Humanity won

Bort was the only hope.

Thats ALSO shitty writing, but don't deny that your idea of killing him a chapter later is not shitty.
You want him dead, alright but think a little and let him do something at least with that power before he dies.

>last thing you remembered was having the upper hand and frying some manlet hooked onto yoy
>only to wake up to see that the tables have turned

Bert is borderline psychopathic. He is shown to be cold and calculating when betraying the team. To see him shit his pants like this is really a bit out of character

I knew this little shit was a massive perv. Beware the nice ones.

Why is everything about EMA so cancerous? From their fags to their actual characters.

Yes yes! He truly is best boy!

I will worship and suck his dick to his heart's content.

Aren't there more shifters back in the village?
Didn't Ymir say BRA are small fry?

I'd say humanity, but we don't know what forces the titans have. They might have something else at their disposal that makes Bert's loss no big deal.

Sometimes she steps out of line and needs out back in her place.

He was a coward, and died like a coward

Bert was literally the only thing holding humanity back

Not that I remember

I don't remember this but why they weren't in the battle?

Annie pls. Looks like the mindbreaking worked at least.

Because only edgelords and underage kids could possibly like them.

If they had anything else it would have been there in this battle. The fight was too important to hold anything back and not send the best they've got to ensure victory.

It's not perverted, he just wants comforted. Really he should do it to Sasha, she probably has better tits

Nice delusion.

The odds are already ridiculously in the favor of humans now that CT is gone, they don't need 2 fucking shifters. Was killing rods titan off shit writing too? That was one of the best things of the political arc.

Please post tho old one.

Oh yes, but it's all worth it for those sweet moments when you can tell that she cannot help but enjoy herself.

Completely depends on how many forces the titans have.


I think you mean BRA. They're the 'wooo tormented tragic villains'.

There's even more about this.

>Q: Is it true Armin has a peverted side?!
>A: He has porn magazines hidden away and can't keep quiet when looking at them. Armin often has sexual dreams.

>Q: It's that bad?!
>A: (lol) He is a young man with needs.

And for the Arminfag who asked about Edgemin being real or not...

>Q: Being a soldier is stressful. How does Armin cope?
>A: He starves himself for reasons in addition to being a soldier. Levi knows this and is worried about him. He used to cut himself but Mikasa found out and begged him to stop.

>Q: Levi is worried?!
>A: Levi has been down the same road Armin has and refuses to let Armin sabotage himself. But he doesn't know how to approach the subject. This will come into play in the manga, so please stay tuned!

Guess we're going to be getting some Edgemin and manlet scenes soon. I wonder if that's why his titan was so thin.

The tears say otherwise.

You can't kill the ocean, user.

>Still no answers


I bet you also think santa is real

Is there anything about Hange's gender, Guidebooker?

Nope. Isayama's as ambiguous as ever. I refer to Hanji as a girl within the answers, however.

BRA's fans are mostly quiet because they always end up being bullied by the stupid kids who love EMA. I hate it how most of the veterans are now dead. Leave Hange, Nile and Pixisuu alone Isayama.


Is Levi actually ill?

No. That was a fake spoiler it seems.


>all this edgy self inserting
typical tumblrfag

Thank you, these are fun.

Where were you when Manlet Jesus outplayed the Titanbowl and rid the world of evil Bort?

Was the rape part fake too?

Here's the translation for the volume 20 fake preview.

Isayama is on crack. There's no explanation for this.

>Titan: What would you do Armin? The police will soon come here.
>Titan: My body will evaporate if you cut my nape. And the evidence will be completely erased… There won’t be any trace left.

>(Subtitle: Here comes the day to say farewell to the two-head tall character [read: (Armin’s) friend])

They're quiet now. Usually threads here are 75% BRAfagging.

BRAfags tend to mostly try to discuss them in peace. It's the EMAfags who can't stop shitposting.

They also like to pretend they're moonfags posting le funny I cut myself Armin headcanons

>Titan: You should finally be able to say goodbye to this disgusting monster as well.
>Titan: …Don’t take so long. You can’t regain your own life?
>Titan: You are…really weak and it can’t be helped… You are… completely…
>Titan: DO IT NOW!!
>Armin: … I’m sorry. You will always be my friend.

Someone put this man in a mad house.

They've taken a hard blow. It might be a while before BRAfagging returns to anything remotely normal.

What about the fact she acts motherly? and she and Erwin are seen as surrogate parents? is possible to be ambiguous with that in Japanese?

Nah it's not worth it. These threads have become a beacon for attentionwhores. I miss the old days ;-;

Do not be so salty just enjoy it. He is trolling but he is having fun. Relax. I don't usually care but it made me laugh so hard.

LM soon.

Tears of joy, of course. Taught like the obedient pet she is.

Yes, it is. The word used for Erwin means fatherly, but the one used for Hanji means comforting. Fucking Isayama.

This. What the fuck happened to these threads?


Are you 5?

>Mikasa giving up and accepting Armin's death
I hope Eren hates her forever for this

Can't say I miss Berb or BR posting

Already forgotten the time Bortfags took over entire threads for days shitposting about him being 'god'?

In a way Eren accepted it too.