You stupid fucking whore
I hope Rurukas face gets melted off by a blow torch.
You stupid fucking whore
I hope Rurukas face gets melted off by a blow torch.
Ruruka a cute
Everything is Seiko's fault
Anyone else glad this pathetic doormat is finally out of the picture?
stay mad cucks
>Punches Naegi and makes him bleed
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag and makes niggers drop faster than the Detroit police department
>Went one on one with Gozuboys
>Rekt Hinata so hard he turn Izuru
>100% accuracy rate in Olympic chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was just to flex his muscles and check dat ass
>Went full ham on the old man and crew just to get his kick quota fulfilled
>Roundhousekicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet
>Too busy punching manlets, so some mentally deranged kid blows up half the school.
>Great try, but no normalfags died
Fucking reeeeeeeeeee
>Tried to take kill the donut but jobbed again.
>Survived 2 missile barrages by some random ass cripple in a wheelchair.
He is gonna kick everyone in the damn anime and survive, shrugging it off while kicking the traitor back to hell. HE WAS LITERALLY INVOLVED IN ALL THE DEATHS, HE'S GONNA KICK EVERYONE.
PS: Normalfags and Chiakifags need not apply to based Juzo.
So what's Ruruka's real ultimate talent?
Don't try and pretend that it's still Confectioner, bitch doesn't know how to make anything without sugar and had to use drugs to try to pass her exams. She's clearly lying.
>this pathetic doormat
what did he mean by this?
How do you die from eating a piece of candy?
Its like you didn't pay attention
Ask Izayoi in a few episodes.
Why did she get so angry about the sweets when she knows that Seiko can't eat them because of her condition? Is she just a petty cunt?
I want to hug all the Dangans and tell them everything is going to be fine, everything is going to be all right, and then I want to give them ice cream
This is why I am a fan of this series.
The twists are so fucking insane.
kusu kusu
>Is she just a petty cunt?
>tfw youre the SHS confectionary
>but you're too goddamn inbred levels of retarded to make sugarless candy and get bitchy to your bff for not killing herself over you
nagito did nothing wrong
So you want to kill Seiko too.
I didn't feel like this was a twist. Am I missing something?
She doesn't have one. Everything she achieved was thanks to Seiko's help.
It's just a ruse right , right ?
She better get some good redemption, considering she is 100% gonna survive now
Shit I actually didn't think about that.
I just want them to be happy, is that so wrong
>Seiko sees Asahina is hurt, starts to approach her
>has a bottle of her medicine in hand
>Monaca shows up and starts firing missiles at her
>she's left to die
Ultimate notJunko
Maybe she did make sugarless candy and Seiko just never noticed or bothered to try
Seiko could have been good. I liked that she actually tried to save Bandai with an antidote. Unfortunately the writers wasted her character with this dumb candy plot, so I'm glad it's over.
It's okay. She's with Gozu, Ishimaru, Chihiro, Sakura and all the other innocent souls who deserved better than this shitty world.
Surely she can make confectionery without sugar.
Ultimate confectioner my oshiri.
Who smashed her into the wall hard enough for her to stay there?
i like candy after this ep even more
I thought the Ruruka-Seiko relationship was actually kind of interesting. Like Ruruka says it was because Seiko refused to eat her candy but that felt more to me like it was just the surface symptoms; Rather the main issue came from the fact that Ruruka had a huge inferiority complex to Seiko. We know that she did think that Seiko was pretty amazing. After all here we have a person who can create medicine that can more or less heal animals on the verge of death, deal with sickness, help you remember stuff, etc. On top of that she would willingly give Ruruka anything and everything she asked for. On the other hand, Ruruka's only talent is making (apparently extremely delicious but still) candy. On top of that she can't even give any of that candy to Seiko because it is like poison to her. So here we have her extremely talented friend who keeps using her talent to create gifts for her, while she can give literally nothing back, even if she tried to make something with her own talent. Over time it looked like her insecurity and inferiority complex would grow, hence her becoming more and more distant over the course of the flashbacks.
Why didn't he kick donut?
Man in the stands from Killer Killer finally revealed.
Is it him?
Ruruka is too stupid to live yet... most likely will live
At least she will probably get her doormat boyfriend offed by her own candy
She'll wake up thanks to her Hulk drugs, and we'll find out Ruruka was actually killed because she wasn't with Yoi when the timer went off right?
Kodahack already bullshited Asahina back to life, he can do it again right!? ;_;
Do guys think that when he said he won't let the Kamakura Project go to waste that he was talking about Naegi? Maybe there's a reason why he's so sure and confident that Naegi is the True Ultimate Hope over Izuru and it's because unlike Izuru he never gave into the True Ultimate Despair Junko. Tengan saw this on the broadcast and would recognize that Naegi is Izuru's successor aka Izuru 2.0. So maybe during the process of having the DR1 survivors' memories restored, Tengan did some additional "touch ups' on Naegi aka have the remnants of the Kamukura Project not go to waste by injecting him with some similar things Hajime got. But unlike Hajime, Naegi's hidden Izuru 2.0 talents are much more hidden and would come at a later time.
Tengan is using Naegi to show that the Kamukura Project wasn't a failure after all just because Izuru 1.0 didn't work out since unlike him Naegi has his strong hope that can fight back the despair AND retain all the multiple talents Izuru 1.0 may have had. Essentially making Naegi a more "complete" Izuru 2.0 aka True Ultimate Hope.
That's why Tengan told Naegi he truly believes that he is Ultimate Hope and not for the reasons we think he says this for. It's because he believes Naegi will be the true success from the Kamukura Project which is why Tengan said he hasn't and wouldn't give up on it.
>Tries to kill Candy Girl & Blacksmith by overdosing, after getting tired of their shit.
Final twist: Munakata was Hajime from the future trying to kill Naegi.
tl;dr - Ruruka is an insecure cunt.
>Hoists the corpse of Chisa onto a chandelier
>Hangs the Great Gozu against a wall
>Seiko wedged pretty far through a different wall
Is it me, or is the killer friggin' strong?!
Ultimate Refuckingtarded
No, it's some guy named Fujikawa Shuuji. He was friends with Hijirihara in Middle School and is surprised to see Hijirihara is Killer Killer.
yes i know you like flawsless waifubaits
>you will never fall asleep in a shitty tent on the streets between Junko and Mukuro, snuggled together to stay warm in the winter.
Only took her how many years?
Farmer KNEW
Ahhhh, thanks for the explanation. I didn't know that, at first glance I really thought it was Yuu2.
Why did Tengan keep the identity of the traitor a secret from everybody?
Makes it seem like they must be asleep for a long time for things so dramatic to happen, but then Weedman outside kind of confuses the issue.
She can't be redeemed at this point.
>she is 100% gonna survive now
Nigga she's gonna watch her beloved runesmith die before her and then die in one of the most painful ways imaginable. We all know how the writers operate
It's crazy enough to work. I always felt Naegi would have some role to play in all this anyways
Yeah she can.
Nah she's definitely gonna live
>We all know how the writers operate
Yeah, they leave the shitty characters alive the whole way through. Bonus points if they did something wrong along the way and never faced any consequences for it (like Asahina trying to get everyone killed)
>justifying having bad taste
No, I just don't like insecure cunts.
They can do better if despair is their goal
make blacksmith betray and kill her
What's Izuru going to do to Chiaki?!
Lip readers confirmed Tengan is saying "the killer alternates"
Massive butthurt incoming
It would require a metric ton of suffering and self-reflection.
Where's the artist?
Sounds about right.
Calling it now: Asahina 2.0
She died for their sin
>Kodaka is gonna try to redeem either Boxer, Ruruka or Munakata
Nah she's not gonna suffer. She's just gonna survive. She'll reflect though
Why bother? Naegi doesn't care about her.
why is tengan dying by electrocuted cables in the OP?
>That small flashback where she's spreading her asshole
Literally the best part of that whole episode, and it's only a few seconds long.
>Lip readers.
>In anime.
>In a muted fragment.
You know this is a ruse, right?
It's Mankitsu Happening
How the fuck is she going to get redeemed then? Also, blacksmith has an incredibly high chance of dying.
I'm gonna go steal Monaca from you!
you cant lip read in anime, it's possible to narrow down the number of syllables, but definitely not anything more than that
What would you even do with a cute crippled girl user?
Because the opening deaths have never fucking mattered, Seiko's didn't match either
You guys still watching this crap? Did you enjoy whatsherface forced sob backstory in preparation for her obvious dead at the end of the episode?
Chunsoft has gone the easy way since DR2, but at least they put some effort there with hopeman and a few others. With this fucking anime they are not even trying.
Apparently you watched it too.
if you switched out Asahina's role in the anime with Kirigiri the Kirigirifags would be acting like their ship is basically confirmed
rape, usually.
And I regret it dearly. Came here to vent.
"the killer alternates" isn't even an appropiate answer to who the traitor is
nice bait though
I love my Monaca-chan.
It must be hard to like things
I've always wanted to know the exact Koksal video this pic came from
>Bonus points if they did something wrong along the way and never faced any consequences for it (like Asahina trying to get everyone killed)
Asahina wasn't facing consequences, Asahina WAS the consequences. Sakura killed herself because everyone threatened and isolated her. When she tried to talk to people they panicked and tried to kill her, and then after knocking her unconscious, tried to frame each other for killing her.
Honestly the only person who didn't have it coming was Naegi, and Asahina did in fact feel sorry for dragging him into her revenge/suicide play. Even Kirigiri gave no fucks and nearly got everyone killed with her indifference.
And doing something like this completely fits with Asahina's personality- she's totally ready and willing to put her life on the line to protect her friends, or to take revenge for them.
>tfw Boxer is more tolerable than Yu and Candyslut
>Weedman has a better survival rate then Kirigiri
Okay. Enjoy the fujoshit and SoL of the season then.
Not if she rapes you first!
I used iqdb afterwards, but thanks anyways.
goddamn the dr1 cast was trash
Why many of DR1 characters don't use their talents into anything?
>No swimming contest
>No useful estimation
>No biking
>No singing
>No novel writing things
>No game involved in Celes case
Certainly best non DR1 girl after this episode