
Come on pol ,hit me with your best arguments against drug legalisation

have you ever met a druggie? that's the case against it. gas gas gas.

Weed lowers your IQ and can make you paranoid.
Heroin is used to turn women into sex slaves
Drug legalization is being pushed by big pharma companies so they can make more money off substance abuse and moral depravity. Legalization will occur once big pharma can ensure control of a monopoly on most drugs

Their choice. Let them die if they want. However, the government should have no right to stop him

Cannabis, shrooms and DMT should be legal.

Source for those claims

Come lefty, hit me with your best arguments against selling drugs for profit and drug corporations

Oh I'm pro legalization of all drugs, as well as a purge.

Your image is missing the big problem with weed:
CON: Apathy

It's bad. But the individual should have the freedom to choose whether he wants to indulge himself in drugs or not. Government has no right to stop anyone from using drugs.
PS- Not a leftard, I share the same flag as yours ;)

>makes you retarded
>irreversibly destroys brain cells
>drain all motivation
>turns you into an alt-leftist cuck


Proof? Me.

Con: Can never get a decent job, weed in your blood is equivalent to tattoos on your face.

I never had any friends to socialize and try weed with STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE

Hook me up on studies supporting those claims.

Well it's bad , I'm not gonna deny that

Again, your own choice to do drugs , your responsibility to handle consequences.

Proof is for cucks.
You want proof? Then you're a cuck
The right triumphs once more.

>Again, your own choice to do drugs , your responsibility to handle consequences.

That doesn't sound like anarchy to me.

I don't want people to use any drugs recreationally, but I'll never want them outlawed
light up, my dude
just don't do it near me

It is. The guy gets to decide whether he wanna do drugs or not without government interference. The employer gets to decide that he won't hire a crackhead w/o facing any muh discrimination charges.

I would never do drugs desu , I just don't like the idea of completely banning them.

respect my lung's NAP to clean, smoke free air

Reward is too closely linked to motivation. If you repeatedly reward your brain with drugs, you become motivated to do drugs again, instead of the other things you would be motivated to do.

OP I have no source, other than I've been at it for 10 years longer than you. I recommend you trust me, because what I'm telling you actually is true.

>good smells
I know this is bait, but seriously? Weed smells and tastes like shit. If it didn't get you high, nobody would eat or smoke it.

First time i tried weed i took too much, i felt like i traveled through time and space i could feel my entire nerve system or at least imagined i could feel it. Ever impulse felt like a massive explosion of shattering glass. I guess it made me panic and my entire body stiffed up and when it were off i was exhausted.

Ive had a bad experience with it, how high are you supposed to get? Never seemed to find a right dosage in the short period i tried it. There was the first time, then the times after with a fraction of the dosage i just sat around and drank ice tea. Didn't experience anything like it's portrayed in media.

I don't like to be retarded, not even for a few minutes.

Do you like to be retarded, OP?

Say, are you an American? No arguments, you should really legalize all the drugs immediately, they're completely harmless. Trust me.

He has none

you were mentally ill before the weed bro. sorry to tell you

cons: being an sjw nigger and having everyone want to unironically throw you in an oven and blaze that shit

Hi share blue. That plebbit joke isn't funny here.

How retarded are you? It's an acquired taste, just like tobacco and alcohol.

Just because you trick your brain into comparing a shitty taste with some kind of reward does not magically make it taste good. You could reward people for eating literal shit and they would eventually come to like the taste.

Legalization will make a bunch of faggot leftists happy, so I'm against it.

You're really fucking dense to post that image in hopes that it helps make your argument.

The most glaring con is inhaling smoke that can and will put tar in your lungs and degrade your cardiovascular performance.

I say this as I get ready to roll a joint and smoke it. Don't be a fucking trisomy 21 victim and don't reply to this because I'm already out of this neophyte thread.

Weed should be legal. It makes it easier for me to identify who is a degenerate that should be avoided, and who is not. All stoners are a waste of life.

no, you fucking coon, it smells like ass. everyone who isn't a druggie oven dodger understands this.

If the government stopped intervening in druggie overdoses I'd fully support legalization of all the hardest possible drugs.

drugs unlock mental illness, they dont cause it

We like to take irrelevant rights away from people just to remind them that we are in control. We want people to know that they work for and obey the government. If they think the government is supposed to work for them they won't be our slaves any longer.

what does it sound like then?

alcohol tastes like shit

They help with social conditioning. Why do you think they are happy for students to smoke this shit? It makes it easier to brainwash them.

> Like dude, I was down in Cali 2 weeks ago and my boy hooked us up. Shit was lit dude! We then went back to his place and like, I cant even remember what happened but we just somehow ended up at some Pride parade and then blacked out for 5 hours due to being stoned and drunk. It was so much fun but now my ass hurts and I have a funny walk. Would do it all again though dude. Shit was so spiritual.

This is the average pothead. Thinks they're spiritual, deep and intellectual but really they're a fucking retard that even a mother couldn't love.

An ordered hierarchical system of values.

Well that is because you don't know what anarchy is kek

The best part is that Americans think they actually have a war on drugs. A war on drugs is what Duterte is doing. America has never had a war on drugs. American states have been legalising shit for years. There is no war. Its a lie.

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

So nobody would be punished for smoking weed in an anarchy, because nobody would have jobs because nobody recognizes the authority of their bosses or the money they offer.

>smoking marijuana is associated with a certain probability of ending up with a mental disorder one would not have ended up with otherwise
>as long as we call this "unlocking" instead of "causation" it's totally OK

>helps with social conditioning
Source? I thought MK Ultra was a failure.
>thinks theyre spiritual, deep and intellectual
yeah maybe in the fucking 60s dude. weed is smoked as a fun recreation, like alcohol

everyone knows youre not supposed to take drugs, especially not psychadelics, if you have a family history of mental illness