How obsessive is too obsessive for your waifu?

How obsessive is too obsessive for your waifu?

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I just want a waifu who'll steal my empty juice straws from the garbage bin, and treasure it

As long as she doesn't chain me to the bed and breaks my legs I'm OK.

I literally want her to eat my heart

Chaining to bed is hot though

probably chained to the bed or locked in a room after drugging me


One of those threads?

My waifu wants me to kill her; even in my fantasy life is hard.



Do you take it?

Well I'm not going to toss it in the trash, that's just rude

>I liked your eyeball better when it was still inside your head.

Did this game ever get updated?


Next time, ask me first.

Is this a playable LN or? I think I'm going through a girl with eye patch phase.

Is it possible to just raise her as a daughter and see her grow up into a proper woman ?


This is legit a hard fucking question. On one hand, it's creepy as hell. On the other hand, I'd imagine she'd kill herself if I say no.

That's kind of hot actually.

I remember this serie, the yandere girl is really creepy, but the user she seem to be in love not only reciprocates her feelings, but actually tries to talk her down of ther self harming and more violent tendencies. She is still a yandere.

They have blood right? I dont remember this that well.

I beg of you... Sauce?

Best response would be express appreciation towards the thought, but say that you don't want her to cut up her body because you're scared she would be hurt. Finally, assure her that her whole body is still pretty in its whole form.

Here you go user. Is actually cute since like this user said the guy seem to reciprocate the feelings, so we avoid jealousy and the most violent shit, and just have the cute-creepy and obsessive girl


It's love nectar

>How obsessive is too obsessive

but she's not even yandere

this shit is so out of character and i kind of like it


read all the images, she is crazy for the guy, but since the user cares for her we dont see the violent part, is more like a yandere that actually won, now she will only show her creepy love.

where is this from? Got nothing from google

Keep your body parts as they are, please.

Immediately start procreating on the table. Maybe slam her head against the surface a few times.

Hol up, this girl isn't Sylvie right?

Willing to kill or hurt other people out of jealousy
I want a girl who will stalk and harass me, not leave me alone in the creepiest ways (like pic related)
But when murder and shit gets involved then please stop
Do what you want to me leave everyone else alone

>Waifu is baking for you
>Cuts off bits of her hair, mixes it in as an ingredient, cuts her hand intentionally and adds some of her own blood in

Can't shake off the perception that she's a Rikka

Except her hymen, let me break that.

>ha ha! time reopen my waifu's eye wound!

>Your body is mine
>You're not allowed to do anything to it without my permission
Probably the best answer.


Sylvie is in love with someone else

>is more like a yandere that actually won
holy shit, THIS, is there something like this out there? were the yandere wins and somehow gets tamed yet creepy?

Why not just fuck her eye socket? I'm sure my cock was already on her mind

I'd gladly accept

>having unconditional love for someone

No it isn't, different story same artist


I always wondered if there was this self mutilating kind of yandere, had a friend of mine draw me one a while back
>inb4 getting called out for amputee fetish

>Gifting you own eye
>making chocolates with hair, nail, blood and "lover nectar
>No creepy

user, yeah is unconditionl love and even pure and genuine love, but the ways the girl shows that love are creepy. I will prefer if she. specially, didnt do the eye thing, why make her suffer when you didnt ask for it?

yeah, you are a sick fuck.

I've seen her once before, what show or VN is this based off of?

>when she grips your hips with her stumps as you cum inside her
Too bad the art is shit tier.

If you're talking vns you're probably thinking of Sylvie who is someone else

The only thing creepy about that is it's read left to right.

Looks like I am, what VN is she from? She's cute and I wanna see her smile.

You're probably thinking of Teaching Feeling. Completely different.
Slyvie isn't that obsessed with you, yet.

I really like the artis desing and stories, but I dont like the palette he use.

She's from Teaching Feeling, not half as yandere as this one as a heads up

is the game still getting updates? is there hope for a full yandere route?

The only route I recall being straight up said to happen eventually rather than speculated if he has time was the marriage one

Is it any good, I'm trying to find a download.

No yandere route. There's only one route with her being really in love with you.
And as this user () said.
The only possibly next is a marriage route.
It's pretty good I liked it.
Just read that OP for info.

Go to /h/.

Also holy fuck I didn't realize this wasn't Sylvie. This entire thread makes so much more sense.

[Spoiler] Wait does Sylvie have a sister? Incest time? [/spoiler]

>ends up activating the yeast prematurely due due to adding warm liquid
Yanderes were a mistake.

reminds me of this creepy shit
it's pretty sad that she would mutilate herself over something that small though
it makes my heart hurt a little


I know right, I feel the skin and eyes are good and is part of his style, but there is something in the clothes that I dont like, also everthing is pretty grey too.

Clearly this all stemmed from not giving her the D fast enough

thanks japan.

This is probably the point where I only stick around out of pity rather than appreciation of her devotion.

This thread reminds me, I might need to update my Sylvie.

does that really evoke pity for you? more than anything, I'm deeply concerned for her well-being
how would she even deliver the second eye once she'd blinded herself? You might even get in trouble if she tried to deliver it on account of people thinking you were somehow responsible, like some kind of Stockholm syndrome level abuse

How kind of her.

>She blinds herself
>Can't see the pained expression in your face as you lie that you love it
>Say you want to elope
>You want to kiss her by Niagara Falls
>Hold her hand gently as she gets in the car
>Tell her how happy you are
>Drive to local mental hospital
>"We're at the airport honey, I'm just going to buy our tickets, first class. This will be the trip of a lifetime, I'm so happy."
>Walk inside
>Fill in paperwork
>Watch her gently escorted inside
>"They're just airport liaisons honey, they'll make you comfy on the plane, I'll be right besides you. It's going to be amazing."
>Walk out the front door and try not to think about this
>Live in crippling guilt forever for someone else's craziness
>And cookies never taste as good again

The adage "Don't fuck crazy" needs to exist because everyone REALLY wants to, but there is a limit.

>I've been on the receiving end of this except my parents were very honest about where I was going

You sound like you speak from experience.

This type of crazy came up because you didn't fuck her though

I don't like that story.
why are you making this worse?

To be honest, this may actually be the most sound course of action. Nonetheless, I pursue dickings. I say this, of course, with the knowledge that this is a hypothetical situation wherein I may decide my actions without warrant for any repercussions.

If this were a situation I found myself in, then I am unsure of the course of actions I would take. I would most likely try to work around such issues, given the allure the unconditional love of the yandere sings so sweetly to me. I would probably welcome the companionship, whilst trying to steer her away from such mutilations.

>start playing teaching feeling for the first time
>make pure daughteru
>she calls me father
>accidentally start fucking her
well looks like I'm going for the Electra route.

The first time I arrived in a taxi
The second in a police car
Life just turns out this way sometimes

It sucks that you can't just love her as a daughter.
I always end up making her my fuck toy.

>accidentally start fucking her

You and your thesaurus can't save her.
That kind of crazy is bone-deep. Smartest move is to get her help. Make sure she's safe.
She won't thank you for it, but it's best for everyone.

That desperation to make you happy at any cost just makes me sad. It seems like the only thing keeping her from completely breaking down into despair is the hope that you'll give her some kind of acknowledgement. You could be a nice person and it would maybe work out, or you could be a total dick telling her to fuck off and kill herself, and she'd do it without question. There's no way I could treat her like an equal like that, I'd always be thinking of how I'd have to treat her to keep her from hurting herself further.

>click go to bed to try and get to the next day to buy more clothes
>suddenly I'm Freud's wet dream

This legitimately made me feel sick to my stomach. Why would anyone do that?

That's what blue flowers are for.

those places aren't meant to keep you safe
they're meant to keep others safe from you
they're meant to make you stop being a person
the people who never end up there, they're the real crazy ones
it's just a racket for doctors to sell more pills and bloated healthcare budgets to justify more spending
I didn't think it through that far. I see your point. That is pitiful. You might be able to help her though, but I guess that's a lot of work for someone you don't really know.

Couldn't he tell her that she shouldn't do anything that would harm her?

Is it bad I found it really cute and thoughtful in a super creepy way?
And got a little aroused since I like disfigured girls?

This picture made me miss Slyvie.
I might need to update the game later on tonight.

I'm just bummed out now. Thanks Sup Forums

Being safe isn't the same as being happy
Being safe isn't the same as being healed

Being safe in this instance means the 10-minute checks, the bathrooms without locks, watching every meal be eaten with plastic cutlery that is collected back from you, the tiny paper cups of water at the dispensary window, the TV behind thick glass in the TV room.

It is not a good life.
I would not be happy to put her into it.
I know there's a monstrously slim chance that she'd ever be "helped" to the point where she can re-integrate into society.
But it's more of a chance than I could give her.

And the sad matter is, most people have a very limited tolerance for "crazies", they can pass off humans to professionals and sleep calmly at night knowing that it's someone else's problem. At least I would know what I'd done to her.

You came to the right artist

Yes, you are sick for enjoying the fact that a girl scooped her eye out in an attempt to press you.