Did Sup Forums like Psycho-Pass?

Did Sup Forums like Psycho-Pass?

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Psychopass, more like psychopiss

as the official representative of the Sup Forums hivemind, the answer is "no"

i liked the girl because i love pixie cuts

First season yes, 2nd season and movie not so much.

It was really good as long as we're only talking about 1st season and some music from the 2nd season/movie while disregarding the fact that they continued the show past s1

so, yes?

Movie was better than S2 but things still don't feel complete which is annoying.

Spookie boogie.

It was pretty good. Sadly they fucked up with the sequel. I don't know how the movie holds up though

The art and animation quality wavered massively from garnish to moderately good (see "Spooky Boogie" arc compared to the finale)

The story had a decent concept but the twists eventually made it silly

Read any type of "introduction to philosophy" textbook for high school students and the philosophical topics the show brings up comes across as obnoxious, especially when the writer strokes his cock while referencing very entry-level philosophers by name (Plato, Nietzsche and Sartre all get name-dropped like a year 7 philosophy & ethics classroom)

The characters were the only thing holding it together but once the story starts taking wild turns and everyone seems to share a very similar sounding voice the pen of the writer overshadows any slight amount of character in the series

I am only talking about season 1

The only thing I ever hear people praise about the series is that their waifu is in it or that it's "dark" or "deep"

first season was fuccin gud

Ghost in the shell for tumblr shits.

this view was the best part about the movie

The battles were nice too.

It had some top quality engrish.

Spookie boogie.
I can still hear it in my head.

1st season was great, great OPs and a God Tier ED

2nd season can fuck off tho


The premise was ridiculous and they didn't do anything interesting with it in the first few episodes. Never finished it.

1st season was good until i think they killed the white hair guy


I enjoyed the moe aspects of the show, mostly to spite the faggot director.

General consensus I've seen is that first season was solid. Second season wasn't.

It's a shame, because I rarely ever get excited for anime sequels. Was hoping they could keep taking things in an interesting direction after Akane and Ginoza had their character development.

why is it that people who don't like the show present arguments and are trying to contribute to the conversation but people who do like it are just stating that fact without any justification? Do people who enjoy Psycho-Pass just naturally inclined towards shitposting? Could it be that those who enjoy the show are either younger or from underdeveloped nations?

has the director explicitly come out and said that he doesn't like the lighter (moe) aspects of the show?


>The only thing I ever hear people praise about the series is that their waifu is in it or that it's "dark" or "deep"
I thought Akane's development was decent.

The Minority Report premise has been done before, but I liked how each of the villains emphasized a certain philosophy regarding the fear of loss of identity and its perception in modern society. In the first season anyhow.

I really didn't see much character development. While I only watched half of the second season, I just felt like Akane was pretty much unchanged. Nothing new came from her. If she was plucked from episode 2 and placed in the second season, you wouldn't of noticed. (In my opinion, anyway)

That said, the second season was a huge let down. If you haven't watched it yet, I recommend you don't bother. You won't be happy.

>Autism, the post.

Overall? No. It had a lot of potential, and for a story that was based around something like this, I had expected more. Instead, I felt almost cheated by the absolute lack of anything beyond what you'd expect. Some people cheat the system, maybe the system is wrong, and in the end, you keep the system since the alternative was worse. It was like I was watching any dystopian society show, this one just happened to involve a Psycho Pass.

That said, it wasn't until the second season I became disillusioned. I actually liked the first season quite a lot, but the second season just left me so irritated that in total, it outweighed the good of the first.

The engrish in the movie was fun for like 2 seconds and then it became unbearable.

For person who like the first season, what is it about the second season that is so much worse that it warrants being singled out?

I finished the first season - didn't enjoy it - and have had the second sitting on my desktop for near enough a year now

Akane maintains a certain level of optimism from the start, but by the end of season one I think there's a good sense of her coming into her own as an inspector who readily stands behind her views rather than apologizes for them.

Her taking charge of things was probably the only thing I remember enjoying at all in season 2.

It's incredibly dumb and it lacks the interest of exploring the setting that the first season had. It was fun with the threads on Sup Forums but I don't think it would stand on its own.

>what is it about the second season that is so much worse
I think it was mainly that it just felt like a watered down version of the first.

Akane doesn't have Shinya to act as a foil anymore.

The reveal of the system being flawed has already been let out the bag. The new villain has a similar goal, and ability to avoid judgement, like the first season's, but never says anything of depth that Makashima hasn't already said.

The tragic dynamic of Ginoza and his father is replaced with some random rookies whose names I don't remember.

And some of the conflicts just feel sort of contrived in how people react in order to make the situation more dire. Like a trained inspector not being able to take down that random old guy during the hostage situation

When did Akane get nice tits?


Use this


Fine, enjoy the terrible engrish on all of the characters that do nothing but speak english anyway.

I liked psycho pass but never saw season 2

It should more or less stay that way. You can watch the movie though. S2 Characters appear, but don't do much of anything

our hivemind went to shit desu

honestly I liked it better than S1

It was shit.

>Forced drama.
>Unlikable characters.
>Failed at being cyberpunk.
>Had no cyberpunk

I'll sum up S2 for you: Akane is still the lead Inspector and is smarter than everyone else, some frankenstein kid causes a shitstorm because he can't be scanned because his brain is also frankenstein'd and he kills a bunch of people with his crew of drugged up followers, the underling inspector you see at the end of s1 gets mindbroken from the truth by sibyl and one of its brains' sadist son who is an enforcer trying to make akane go crazy, but he fails and gets killed while killing frankenstein kid by frankenstein kid after frankenstein kid kills his mom in the brain room

Urobuchi is a pretentious writer. Like that scene in Fate/Zero where Rider, Archer and the Knight gather around in a circle and discuss their philosophy about the ideals of a King. That shit was so dumb. I don't think Urobuchi realises that people don't watch his show because they're deep and explore deep themes, they watch it because of the premise. He's not Nasu or Nisio.

The concept behind the anime was in my mind a good idea but the delivery was a bit ... narrow. idk how to describe it, it just never felt like anything progressed in each episode and the only real progression i've ever felt was at the end of the series. But its a "good" anime.

Yes. Eagerly waiting s3. The noitaminA producer said it's on the way.


>eating an apple with a fork

Why didn't I notice this while watching



What? Next you are gonna say that you don't eat pizza with a fork.

Deep dish may require a fork depending on how it was made.

Lol, this show is "could've been so much better"/10.

Mika a qt3.14

s1 was good, both OP are god tier

havent watched s2 or movie yet.

Wow, can't believe someone actually went and fused dub and sub. Never even thought such a thing was possible or that anyone would bother to do such a thing, and all because of engirsh of all thanks. Kudos to them.

wait. by OP i mean ED.

It was edgy shit, so no.

Water closet?

I'm bored. I'll watch this tomorrow.

Movie was complete bullshit with its abandoned plot threads, obvious bad guys who anticlimactically get slaughtered by deus ex machina, muh colonialism and all the Engrish.

S2 was good.


Are CBM subs any good?

Yeah it was pretty great. Season 2 screwed the pooch in delivery but I liked the idea they were going for.
The film was good so in my mind that and S1 balances S2

>I don't think Urobuchi realises that people don't watch his show because they're deep and explore deep themes, they watch it because of the premise.
No, he knows what he's doing. Urobuchi fans want something that SEEMS to be deep and clever, but that they don't actually need to switch their brain on to understand.

Mika best girl. S2 a shit

I Psycho-Passed on that one.

I really loved season 1 and but season 2 was a major disappointment mainly due to the antagonist and the fact the plot was pretty a bad rehash of season 1. Does anyone else feel that Kamui could of been a better antagonist if they revealed he was a collection brains to the viewers at the start. That way they could of used it to explore his struggles and develop his character

I only watched season 1. I thought it was okay, but I thought the ending was retarded. "Hurr I'm a horible evil person but the dominator doesn't recognize me as evil for some reason even though I killed a person right in front of it."

I'd say you were a psycho for passing but then we'd just be a psycho impassing