Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

No season 2.

Only 12 episodes


umaru experiences basically zero character development

>what is the "onii-chan gets sick" episode

Find a flaw.

Something that didn't stick

He's not a she.


Horrible soundtrack, no character development

no one wants to scanlate her manga anymore

>no character development

I'd say that only applies to umaru

Oni-chan! Buy me Hambuga!

it's right in the middle of the picture



if you dont like Umaru then you have bad taste. Sorry to break it to you. You can,however, change this by accepting Umaru as a cute and posting more of Umaru or even TSF

>he only watched first episode

Not Chaika

Umaru can be a bitch.

whom art thou quoting?

>It exists

Found it