Why are Sup Forums and /m/ seperate? Aren't most mecha shows anime? Aren't we brethren?

Why are Sup Forums and /m/ seperate? Aren't most mecha shows anime? Aren't we brethren?

/m/ covers toku, kaiju, and other various things in addition to mech anime.

It's the same reason /jp/ exists, and for a lesser reason /vp/.

In addition to this /m/ also talks about western and vidya mecha fairly often, which obviously isn't very well received on Sup Forums.

/m/ tried to take advantage of a drunk, unconscious Sup Forums.
moot was furious.

In all honesty every day Sup Forums has like three gundam threads up at some point in time, as long as you're not trying to talk about brave shows, or anything not macross/gundam made before 95 you can probably find a discussion on Sup Forums.
But /m/ is where you'd be able to talk about lesser known mecha anime, and ask the important questions like would you pie 2 a puru, which would die off in about an hour or so on Sup Forums

Elle best zz girl


/m/ is good because it actually gets shit subbed and encoded. Also do not underestimate the gundam autism.

/m/ was created because of Gundam SEED

But tokushit isn't /m/

leave /m/ tokufags

Gundam Seed Destiny, aka the worst anime series of all time.

Because /m/ is very distinct. A lot of mecha fans only like mecha, and will like a mecha show on the basic of the mech designs and such, they value different things out of anime, and a lot just don't watch other anime. Also a lot of general anime fans don't like mecha. Even something entry level like GGG won't get many replies on Sup Forums

/m/ is a lot more than anime. The most popular general there is for Gunpla. Sup Forums would go full autist if gunpla threads appeared here.

Containment. Same reason /u/ exists. Keeps Sup Forums as purist as possible.

Oh god I forgot what it was like when I could openly call out Tokushit.

Toku is not /m/.

Shiaspammer for life.

/m/ includes it's own Sup Forums
/m/ also contains /zeon/

Because Sup Forums is a place for people who masturbate to cute anime girls. /m/ is a place for people who masturbate to Valkyries and Mobile Suits.

Where the fuck would we discuss it?

Mecha is the best genre and rightfully deserves it's own board.

So that Sup Forums can spend more time arguing about board culture and improbably comparing itself favorably to others as an easy way to shitpost and get out of discussions that aren't going it's way. Also anime Fandom seems to like a separate and weaker sort of mentality more than a stronger and more inviting by inclusion sort of approach just to make it that much more unappealing to everyday people that might even get into it otherwise

>Gundam Seed Destiny

>Macross: Do You Remember Love?
>Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket

How can one genre possibly have the worst and best anime ever created

I don't get it, all four of those were great.

Communities are wildly different. The next time a show you enjoy gets newfags ruining the threads, if it has a trace of robots in it, check the /m/ thread instead.

Same reason Sup Forums and /c/ancer are separate


/c/ leaks a lot though

I am a mecha fan who used to like only mecha tried some other stuff for a while but has already learned his lesson. I'd never post on /m/ though cause its filled with too many whiny grumpy fucks and I just can't stand that much concentrated bitching for too long. Sup Forums literally beats it just on account of occasionally rembering to have fun once in a while though it also stand to realize that also pretending to melt down over everything under the sun really isn't as funny as it thinks it is. Basically it's a matter of levels and concentration since /m/ if anthing makes mecha look like the worst genre ever with its specific nature and just constant unending complaining

Sup Forums is a containment board, that's why.

My dick leaks a lot too.

Is SEED Destiny worth watching?

SEED was actually alright.

>Gundam Seed Destiny and Valvrape = Great
>Macross and Gundam 0080 = Worst
It's a miracle.

Yeah, you're right OP. This is bullshit.

Let me go create an Armored Core thread for my Sup Forums bros since /m/ and Sup Forums are the same thing.

Sup Forums is the first containment board.

If you're doing it on Sup Forums, it won't last 50 replies unless you bait them.

No fucking shit.

I know. . . I know

It's why we get " on the front page" threads

First half was really enjoyable; but after a while it turns into Kira's show again. I'd say it's worth a watch though

This man knows

Sup Forums = Sup Forums
/vp/ = /m/

sounds about right

So do you only watch mecha still?

>It's the same reason /jp/ exists
I remember when the split happened and the board was full of life, well mainly touhou. But modern day /jp/ is like a ghost town.

VVV is good though


>though it also stand to realize that also pretending to melt down over everything under the sun really isn't as funny as it thinks it is
Have you ever been as fas as go look more like?