>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Draw a girl
Traps are a real man's fetish
it's not a trap if they have zero male traits at all
Traps are the thinking woman's fetish.
>you will never be a schoolgirl (male)
Possessing a penis counts as a male trait. A very cute dick.
Traps are the furries of the 2010s.
if your trap can't pass as male, it's literally a girl with a dick
Only difference is traps will live forever while furries are seen as proto SAO.
>those shoulders
They didn't draw a girl
There aren't any secondary sexual characteristics to speak of that you can use to differentiate males and females before puberty. If your character is shota or otherwise intended to be physically immature swapping out hair and clothing should leave them indistinguishable from a female character from a design standpoint.
Also hips and waist don't look particularly feminine (which is a pretty common problem with "trap" characters.) Though hips it's hard to tell for certain because of the outfit, which may be intentional. Certainly a dress with a flared skirt that could be giving the illusion of wider hips than the character actually has is a good costuming choice for a crossdressing character.
But that's wrong you homosexual.
Traps have always been liked, user.
This fetish has spanned millennia
I'm not gonna lie, I've gone through each step of this chart.
None of it started until I came to Sup Forums
damn and here i thought she was best girl
What about when they suddenly have wide childbearing hips that they didn't have before?
Off model art is always bad.
>draw a striped pattern
>call it argyle
People will defend this.
thats completely fucked up
What the fuck
wtf i hate re:zero now
That's a boy chest there
>Draw a cute androgynous person
>Call it a boy
>It's actually a girl
Why can't there be more of this
>you will never be a cute shota
why live?
No boobs. The dress just has boob-like covering, but that chest be flat.
Sup Forums is pretty much a homo brainwashing site with the amount of trap and dick threads that you are exposed to while lurking
Then you were a faggot from the beginning and this place helped you realize it.
Every series needs a token cute boy.
But user proportion wise it's a guy.
Look at the shoulders and hips
This, he's also average height. Other than his face he's actually pretty unconvincing.
Ultra gay
Just a reminder that a cat penis is spikey.
Six years on Sup Forums and still in orange. Thank god.
I'm in the green territory (futa) without ever touching red, orange and yellow. The chart is wrong.
Thought fenris would be a more appropriate name
In that case, transcending manliness is falling in love with a boy who is immediately recognized as a boy.
But that's a cat.
Looks more like a cute girl than a cat.
I prefer
>Draw a boy
>Call it a girl
what type of panties does he wear?