Rem is the obvious choice
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For rape and torture maybe
Rem is superior girl
Is that the real translation? I have not pick up this anime yet. No idea what's about
I hear that. Dunno how he could pick that other chick over her.
All the characters in this series are shit
Love how these threads show up by the dozens, daily.
No ram was alright
You spelt Subaru wrong.
Are Remfags the next Onoderafags?
Whatever it is black clearly top tier since blue considered it a threat compared to white.
This makes me legitimately sad, poor Rem.
*Ram* is the obvious choice
2 hours later....
Subaru: I love Emilia, Rem!
That's how is gonna end
>you will never fuck Rem to a point where her horn pops out
why do i live on this shitty earth?
best girl
i want skinny elf butt
Post proper res you mongoloid
Emilia(sp?) is barely a character. Competes with that market stand guy for screen time.