What would you do if you had Spin as an ability?
Or what would you do if you had Sticky Fingers?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably just become a literal spin doctor and cure shit for incredible amounts of money. If homeopathy can sell candy and water, a actual working alt healting method will earn be billions. Then I'll fund all animated JoJo parts.
What is this, the new hamon?
>Sticky fingers
>what would you do if you had Sticky Fingers?
Wash em.
Why not Sticky Spin?
Gappy makes me happy
Why not Spinny Fingahs
Kaato's Stand is King Diamond and Holly's Stand is The Fame
Part 7 is not as good as all you fuckers said. The majority of the fights are ass. The stupid hook fight, Mrs Robinson, civil war, chocolate disco, the first magenta fight, sugar mountain, the catch the rainbow. They all sucked. The characters and art were really good but the majority of it just felt so boring. It's not the worst part but you all hyped it so much you'd think it was the second coming of christ
Gay Priest has arrived
It really fucking annoys me how people hype 7 up so much. Like it's really fucking good but Jesus do they oversell it to the point it ends up being disappointing.
What do you think of part 8?
If you don't find part 7 to be the best of even show interest in part 5 people will be down your throat
I like both a lot but holy fucking shit. People are entitled to their opinions but they need to dial it back a bit.
It's fucking incredible. Everything bad from sbr is improved in jjl. definitely my favorite part
Our savior has arrived
Hopefully we get flashback man.
But it is second coming of Christ. Even third, depends how you look on it
Doubtful at this point. He hasn't been mentioned or even hinted at once outside of the one chapter he appeared inn 5 years ago and every time someone asks about Gappy's memories he just says 'NOPE NOT A SINGLE ONE'. Flashback man hasn't even appeared in any of those recap things we get at the start of every few chapters where Josuke talks about the important shit that's happened.
>He doesn't get a penalty for starting early
>Nor pulling mindtricks on nu-Abdul, or fucking up the bridge
>pushing other horses is also completely allowed
>but please don't attack a rock our noble indian is going to hop on
What the fuck, Araki?
I would unzip my dick and shove it up my butt
Buccellati should have been Part 5's JoJo.
He is Part 5's Zeppeli.
And like Gyro, he completely steals the show.
>missing the point of Giorno
He's literally meant to be a plot device that acts as a catalyst for the other cast member's development. The reason they're all so good is because of Giorno. Take that away and the whole thing falls apart.
When did we get an "I have the weirdest boner right now." edit of Okuyasus itchy legs?
Gyro should have been Part 7's JoJo. He is better than Johnny in every way.
Pearla was retarded
I like to imagine that Buccellati's descended from the Zeppelis. Maybe descended from one of Caesar's bastards, if only to throw the poor fucker a bone by letting his legacy mean SOMETHING in the end.
Gyro in the Jojo role... Joseph 2.0?
Anyone else hear "stinky pingus" whenever he said it in asb?
I Hear "Stiky Fingarsu"
is murphyfag gone? is it safe to come out yet?
Made in Heaven vs Everyone > Josuke vs Kira > Jonathan vs Dio >>>>>>>>>>> Every other final fight.
Why JoJo has so many awful final fights?
>jonathan vs dio
>better than jotaro vs dio
>better than high voltage
>better than gappy vs kato
off yourself mi familia
Italians in the series tend to fit the role of Zeppelis really well in their respective parts.
I personally think that Caesar is Bruno's great-grandfather on his mother's side, explaining her nature and why the Zeppeli name was lost.
If you ever mention murphy again you gonna make me post murphy
High Voltage was a mistake. SBR should have ended when Johnny defeated Valentine. That was a very good final fight.
Kakyoin was italian by heart
>Your last song is the name of your stand
>Your last movie is the power of your stand
Song: youtube.com
Movie: Real Stel
A gay and strong robot
>Sticky Fingers
I'd fucking steal and become a career thief.
Probably do some esoteric shit and become Jesus.
Was jesus a spin user?
Love train is a spin hability?
Ball Breaker is Satan?
Act4 is God?
Jesus was a Jojo?
Stealing the protag spotlight isn't nearly as annoying as when Polnareff or Koichi do it.
Gyro makes a bit of sense to be ahead of Johnny, showing him the path.
Song: youtube.com
Film: Cape Fear
A very angry Robert De Niro that will do anything to avenge his user. A better version of Ebony Devil.
His legacy DID mean something though, that was the entire point of the Part. Like, the main theme revolved around that.
He is dressed like a demonic bat too.
man De Niro was fucking weird in that one
>Polnareff stealing the spotlight from Silent Mcsnotglare is annoying
>green suit Fugo
Aesop Rock - Grace
An Honest Lie
A humanoid stand bound by vegetables is able to analyze enemy stands instantly upon seeing them. It feeds all the information about the stand to the stand user by making him eat baked beans.
I guess a pretty strong supporting stand.
Moldy cheese
it's rotten cheddar, what color would it be?
I didn't necessarily say Jotaro should've filled that space.
He could've used some meaningful moments, but he could've also taken the spotlight along with Joseph or Kakyoin.
Song: youtube.com
Film: The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn.
A Blue and Black humanoid with nods to Captain Haddock that forms out of booze and gets stronger by absorbing more of it.
before you get on my case about liking Calvin Harris, the only other one I could think of was [We Are Detective]
Post yfw instead of a Stone Ocean anime as soon as Diavolo is defeated in the VA anime Jotaro shows up and asks Giorno to help him kill Pucci and then we get another 9 episodes of butchered SO arcs (to bring it up to 48 episodes) involving Pucci and they make him another generic DIO mook rather than DIO's friend and in the end they beat him and all of the dead characters from Parts 3-5 are brought back to life and then ends.
This is...
I need a more angry KC for this
>Finish part 7 two days ago
>Almost caught up on part 8
Is there anything worse than catching up with a monthly series?
>All of the dead characters
So the villains as well? That'd be interesting.
>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Royale
>Kira comes back to life and resumes his quiet life
Worth sacrificing Part 6 for
The MEGA link isn't opening for the Vento Aureo translations. Is there another place I can get them from?
>Kira put BTD in Emporio
>Emporio vs Pucci
>Pucci BTD
worth it
Which site has the old scans of Vento Aureo?
i finished upto the newly translated but batoto and manga fox have taken down the old scans. (i think).
it just says they are unavailable.
want more BUCCELLATI
>not even getting the meme right
It's still on Batoto for me, they're just listed by entire volume rather than by individual chapter.
Doesn't the pastebin have it all in DL form?
Just checked both and they're working fine user, for colour and B&w
forget bowie , i have found the true irl user of killer queen
It does, user is just retarded.
i dont want to download.
i found the old scans. will read them.
Does anybody have that image of Epitaph eating spaghetti?
No but i have this
I would forget all that shit and learn hamon
>not janta
Fuck off you suicidal horned white nigger sister fucker.
Thanks user, that looks pretty good. Ever try going back over King Crimson's face or maybe coloring it?
Pucci GTFO
Anyone got the link to the mosaics?
Have a Yasuho
I have like 30 minutes before sleep.
So i can try and add a few details.
Alright, good luck user
I'm glad we finally understand and respect each other for the most part
I know it's kind of annoying for some of (You), but I'm starting work on the mad again today and I would rerally appreciate it if you could suggest or help with anything.
Thanks again.
Lifehack: Sibling pissing you off?
Call the KKK on him!
Did you know that if JJL keeps on having 4 chapters per volume for the rest of it's run and if it's the same number of volumes as SBR then it'll end on chapter 99? Now you do.
I would also fuck my sister if she would look like this. Weather Report did nothing wrong.
The loser is the evil one.
Post yfw gyro has the tonio accent for the entirety of an 80+ episode sbr amime
Then you have low standards