Literally perfect
Literally perfect
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*insert pic from New Game*
I just finished Code Geass 20 min ago. Nothing will fill the void inside me.
Don't worry, C.C. and Lelu are together and spending the rest of eternity holding each other's hands.
Holy shit I thought he may have been the cart driver with C.C. but I didn't even think that he had taken the code from Charles. You just made my day so much better.
Her boobs could be a bit bigger.
I still like her as she is.
not sure if serious... that's been what? 8 years ago? that particular pic has been around around as long
Hello summer.
Still one of my favorite endings, even if it was a gauntlet of train wrecks getting there.
And yeah, my C.C. oppai-pad is perfect.
We'll never have a better MC than the god himself.
So much swagger in himself it was mesmerizing.
I'm being completely serious, never seen that pic before and just finished watching it for my first time.
What kind of pizza does C.C. like the most?
If anyone tries to convince you the true ending is not Lelouch getting CODE GEASS, then remember this point that many people don't think of / bring up: In the finale, CC told Lelouch to go ahead and meet with Nunally. Lelouch vowed (with a salute and all) that he would see her again.
If Lelouch is dead, then CC would not have wanted to fight for Zero Requiem. She fought for Zero Requiem because she wanted to stop accumulating experiences (living life without love, as if not human), but to start living (being happy and sharing companionship with Lelouch). CC told Kallen that, and the only way it makes sense is that if CC and Lelouch are on the cart at the end together. That's also why CC isn't quite right about what she said at the beginning of the series how the power of the king will bring one solitude.
Also in episode 1 Lelouch said everything from then on about his life was a lie. And in season 1 he told Euphy how easy it was to fake a death. Really, it's not a stretch to believe that Lelouch tricked more and more people throughout the show, and eventually reached the point of tricking the audience.
To this day, people debate about the ending of CG and say "there is only one ending and Lelouch is dead". The fact that people do not believe that Lelouch is alive, which annoys us fans who understand the true end, parallels the characters in the show who had to take the burden of the secret of ZR and others don't know the truth. Truly, this is groundbreaking immersion.
Her ass is a masterpiece just like her show. Loves pizza too, literally the most perfect waifu in existence.
Can we all agree that the last episode of Code Geass was the greatest ending in anime history?
And I do mean just the last episode.
It was better than expected given how the everything leading up to it went, but no. It really wasn't.
I would have agreed wholeheartedly before Katanagatari aired, but I think that has to take take the cake. Nothing will ever out catharsis the conclusion to that year long journey.
I'm going to need that screenshot of the nude frame from the island episode.
Man that boss rush ending was amazing, however I'm quite partial to how amazingly comfy Spice and Wolf stopped at.
>you will never eat out CC's ass
why live
Why'd you remind me user.
S1 was so good, then S2 just shit the bed.
I'd rather post new Lewd
She has a dedicated fanartist that also makes great lewds, creayus is a treasure.
Akito A SHIT!
The shits she take must be horrific.
I was very happy to learn that she canonically has a nice bush.
Guilty Crown arguably came the closest in terms of sheer ridiculousness.
GC was utter trash.
Compared to shit like Valvrave and A/Z, it's a masterpiece.
I stopped watching this show after the first OVA. Is it over yet? What happened in the end? Did Spinzaku and Ledouche murder the entire cast?
I'd say A/Z is far better than GC. GC was only even close to entertaining when he got our Shürer threads. The only part of the ending that was hype was Queen of Blades, and that lasted a few seconds.
I want to form an eternal contract with C.C. if you know what I mean.
Uh, you did see how that turned out?
Pizza butt is a goddess. All other girls good but still inferior
Yes, yes I did.
Samurai Flamenco
The foot is the best part to be honest
Fucking slut.
>Lelouch didn't tap that
He did
Battle damage
>a/z is far better than gc
Pizza Butt.
Sausage. Thick, juicy Italian sausage.
Why nobody has translated this doujin yet
Pony tail c.c. a best
In terms of enjoyment I'd say it goes
the first season of A/Z was pretty damn good, but the second season was horrendous
The main blonde girl uses her geass to reverse time and save all her friends after they die, Aliens are revealed to have created the geass
>Aliens are revealed to have created the geass
Eh, after the whole Jupiter thing it was expected.
Leloch stole Charles code. The code is in his throat
High fucking bar you're setting there with your speech
I love this revisionist history thing that always happens with split cour mecha series .
When will Oz the Reflection get translated?
As soon as someone kidnaps Rapeman and forces him to continue. Or pays him.
I honestly don't understand why people try to fool themselves so hard that Lelouch is still alive. The ultimate reason that he's a good character is that he redeems himself through death. For instance, when Suzaku stabs him you can see he's crying, this means that if lelouch was cheating death, Suzaku wasn't in on it. That'd be a pretty sleazy thing for Lelouch to do considering it was his way of making amends with him.