What did the future of the Republican party mean by this?

What did the future of the Republican party mean by this?

He's not against being rich, he's against the rich abusing wealth to affect the government.

Communism Is The way


to dying in a gulag

Beat me to it.



He meant that Bernie Sanders specifically should put his money where his mouth is. It was pretty straight forward.

He's undeniably against being rich. Those 90 percent income taxes looked awfully nice to him.

idk desu I think he might have retweeted the wrong guy on accident because Bernie Sanders, the guy he's retweeting, ins't white, but in the tweet he refers to a white guy, it's kinda confusing

1. Why do they always avoid asians in these lists?
2. I've taken 3 years of Spanish and I have no idea what latinx is.

Literally what? There is no way those numbers for Black or Latino families make any sense.

Translation: Gimme!

wealth is like net worth, not yearly income.
White people buy houses, invest, and save money.

This senile old retard almost got the nomination and he can't even be bothered to spellcheck a tweet.

Jews are not white

>Latinx (pronounced: Latin-X) is a gender neutral term often used in lieu of Latino or Latina that refers to individuals with cultural ties to Latin America and individuals with Latin American descent.
This retard can't even be bothered to google a word

>often used

Latinx is a relatively new invention by retards upset that Latinos (masculine) is used to refer to both males and females.

Learn the difference between private property and personal property. Bernie's three mansions are his personal property that he uses for himself, so it is fine for him to keep them. But your tools that you use for your plumbing business are private property and means of production, so they will need to be confiscated.

Get rid of Corbyn then, and put someone serious in Labour. It'll be interesting to watch from a safe distance.

American conservatism is dead.

>white millionaire

why only white? what's race got to do with how many house i'm allowed to own?

who wants to be a puny brainlet white when you can have... THE PHENOTYPE

If Bernie sanders is going on about how whites should feel bad about wealth then that communist fuck should give up some of his wealth.

How is that so hard to miss man?

>The latinx meme actually has traction
wew lad
>racial wealth
>trying to imply that the average white family has 6 figure savings
more like the average white doesn't squander their wealth on bling, rims, and 40s and actually own the homes they live in

But there is already a gender neutral term for latin americans: illegals.

>But your tools that you use for your plumbing business are private property and means of production, so they will need to be confiscated.
>this is what commies actually believe

I am not but please give me a few millions and I'll lead the example

Go live in Vermont and see how much of a shit hole it is.

>owning three homes while people starve: good commie
>owning a hammer: bad commie