What went wrong with Prison School manga?

What went wrong with Prison School manga?


it ran overboard

it went on far too long.
just like every other shounen.
should have ended it and become a legend.

Are we still on the Andre?

What went right?

>Are we still on the Andre?

Absolutely nothing
It's the funniest manga of the decade

There was nothing "funny" in PS for months.

I found every chapter funny personnaly

the chapter is out

The current plotline is way too fucking dragged out and the frequent breaks make it worse.

It also got too whacky. The humour of the escape arc, hijinks afterwards, and second escape arc worked because there were relatively sane characters like Anzu and Kiyoshi to balance out the crazy ones like Andre.

Now there's shit like Kiyoshi essentially astral-projecting, every character is a fucking maniac, Andre might as well be the beast of revelation, and there's no downtime to build up the characters and their relationships - it's all happening alongside the hijinks.

It just doesn't work as well, neuters the great sense of buildup and gradual escalation the manga used to do so well, and isn't as entertaining.

Meiko should have been fixed before the battle, and it should have ended within ten chapters - no "deaths", no hellbeast imagery, just a funny fight mixed with Kiyoshi and Hana hiding their underwear swap desperately.

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4, 5

Are they still on Namek?


no they're on Kai's place.

It's currently too much "girls vs girls" instead of "boys vs girls".


It stopped focusing on Kyoshi
That's literaly it, before when it was focusing on his mindbreak it was pure 10/10, but since it started to focus on literaly everyone else it became a drag, even more so with the Viz

9th page




So is Moeko actually done with?


you'll soon find out.

now back to the Chairman.

I'm getting a feeling Hana will be the next one to "die"

Fun fact: as of four chapters ago, Meiko has been Moeko in more chapters than she's been Meiko


Endless fillers and stretched out arc about characters no one cares about. I bet they are still doing that fucking race.





>moeki dying and chairman in one chapter


She's like Casca.

Chairman is falling for a bad ass!

Moeko and Andre ruined the series

Came here to say this

They're still in the same fucking arc for a year now. A fucking year.
This pacing is just as bad if not worse than Naruto.


Lost sight of what made it really interesting:
>stupid prison break parody without being TOO stupid
>bros are bros
>fanservice isn't TOO ridiculous

I agree. I stopped reading for a while to let a backlog build up, and reading it in bulk I'm enjoying it just as much as I was when it first started.

i still like reading it every week, it's not like there is any real story one wants to finally get to like Berserk or HxH or such.
The only thing that was missing in my opinion was bromance, but it seems like we get this with the Chairman now

Andre/Meiko bullshit needs to be finished asap.

Covering two plotlines simultaneously is dragging the arc too fucking much.

The payoff better be worth it.

I just want this moeko bullshit to end.

Honey is Kate's mother.

I like Assman adventures but this fuckin sport shit for year killed manga. After Punished Kyoshi everything become shit. Wake me up when this arc ends

Hana already got her Mari flashback in the running contest.

it's already over
she'll be back to normal in 2 chapters

Me too user, don't listen to those fags

>dead men touch no boobies

Fucking hopefully.




Delete this here and now

But he's right.

sadly it's a good comparison

How many years has Casca been like this again ? 20 years ?

How does the Chairman subplot manage to get better and better every time the story goes back to it?

>23 volumes

pretty impressive, haven't caught up for a while tho

So what happens to Risa after Meiko returns and Andre goes back to pursuing her?

Will it always be a one-sided love?


>tfw already volume 9 in France

I wish it was faster but hey

It's not assman's story which gets better, is namek the one wich gets worse

He will realize that Risa actually cares about him and wants to satisfy his needs when Meiko doesn't give two shit about this fat pig

The recent arcs are so stretched that I wouldn't be surprised if they don't occupy a sizeable number of those volumes.

>underestimating Andrenomics

He will always follow the person providing the greatest return and no one compares to Meiko in that respect even if she doesn't care about him.

Andre is hard M as fuck.

Yeah because Andrenomics was a real succes right ?

Only because Meiko unexpectedly turned into the moeblob.

That was understandably beyond Andrenomics calculations.

Just as today's economists don't take the crash phenomenon into account for their calculations, with the results we all know

Isn't it more like 25 years?

Jesus. Hopefully it will all be over soon


The market crashed because it's something that happened outside of the system, it's like saying that it's the economists' fault if an asteroid hits earth and the markets collapse, there are some things you just can't control or anticipate.

>ctrl - f namek
> 3 result / 77 post
too little

>fan service isn't TOO ridiculous
Gave me a hearty chuckle user, thanks