What have you done pol with the youths

Not sure Ahmed, didn't know pol was Mexican friendly therefore pol didn't do anything.

based teacherman

>Speak American

What did they mean by this?

If you want to speak spanish, go to Mexico or Spain.

Yes, I'm sure it just just KILLING all of those inner-city minority children to not be able to go to school and learn

America's languages are Latin and French.

That's what the laws are wirtten in.

No, fuck you, this is America, in America you speak proper American. Go back to mexistan if you want disrupt class with your taco runes.

>mexistan... taco runes.

You made my day

>speak American
God, I fucking hate Yanks.

I live in Houston and it's fucking ridiculous with these people. I can understand someone from Mexico speaking spanish but this is like a 2nd and 3rd generation thing with them. I bet they were talking shit and trying to irritate the teacher with their shitty spic attitude as well

>in America you speak proper American
Please stop embarrassing us

Came for the Sup Forums left with "taco runes"

The best thing is that when the uk caliphate forms we can slowly rename english to american

Hate speech. Go directly to jail.

Was wondering when kids would start using "racism" to skip class.

>Latin and French
>not Hebrew

Build the wall and throw these fuckng spics over it back into Mexico.

>Speaking Spanish in an English lesson
>Speaking Spanish in an American school outside of a Spanish lesson at all
>"Racist" comments against the same race
>"fighting for your right to speak American"
Theres so many things wrong with this i don't even know where to begin.

>What did they mean by this?
Native Americans
we sell smokes and have casinos all over now

>t. cuck
We aren't island anglos, they speak bongish. They're not even the same language at this point. I'd tell a pack of racuous chavs the same thing if they started their marblemouthed 'banter' in an environment dedicated to learning. Assimilate or die. That's the American way. Meanwhile Bongish uses cuck phrases like 'keep calm and carry on' and 'part and parcel' and 'close your eyes and think of england'.

this, i've already notified the queen, mi5, mi6, gchq, and scotland yard of this flagrant hatespeech