Opinions on Elfen Lied?

Opinions on Elfen Lied?

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Entertaining anime . Absolutely not deep

>Opinions on Elfen Lied?
Needs a sequel.

It's okay, but way too popular with edgy teenagers, so we hate it.

It's terrible.

Is it even popular anymore? Those edgy teenagers are like 25 now and have mostly forgotten about anime.



anime ok, manga masterpiece

The art is crap, but the story is 10/10. Powerful emotions if you can get into it.

She's a liar

Anime was meh
Manga was good.

babby's first DEEP anime.
That said, if you watch it at 13-14 it can hit you pretty hard.

Why did Elfen lie?

Because of Orcs

Cant believe i laughed to that

Good Charlotte: the anime

If you rate it any higher than 0/10 you're a waste of biomass.

Yeah, the manga had Lucy commenting on the dick of elephants being so big inside the zoo. It made it an instant 10/10, shitty adaptations cuts content for me.

I thought it was nice for once to see a story that tackles the fear of being surpassed by a younger generation, even if it was done like so.For that I think its watchable, but I keep hearing that the manga is better, so might want to check that instead

ofc if you dont want any children being abused and violence, then you might want to look somewhere else

Underrated. Fun. Technically a self-insert pseudo-harem story for much of its length but doesn't really feel like one.

Relies too heavily on using drama as a character development device, which can be off-putting.

Most annoyingly, the studio who adapted the manga into anime are complete garbage and also only adapted about half of the story, giving it a weak anime-only ending. The OP was interesting at least.

I still rate the manga very highly though. If you have a high tolerance for cringe, you'll be able to look past those moments and come to enjoy the surprisingly in-depth and internally consistent world that's built up over the course of the series. Some interesting themes are touched upon in it too.

Manga 9/10
Anime 6/10

at least for the German-speaking world you couldn't be any more wrong.

Elfen Lied is pretty unanimously hated on Sup Forums. If you have any doubt about that, see what inevitably happens when someone makes a 3x3 with Elfen Lied on it.

>3x3 threads
>representative of Sup Forums
They're fucking containment for all the prententious facebook types who think anyone cares about their shitty taste.

Elfen Lied is the anime with the biggest gap ever created between the promise of the opening + first episode and the rest.

Linkin Park of anime

Death Note would be Deftones

The opening is the only good thing about it.

Why did Elfen lie?

One of the worst shows ever.

Fucking garbage that somehow got a fanbase among twelve-year-old newfags.

The manga is far better

Pretty fucking bad.

shit and overrated anime
meh manga
good opening

I liked it.

So did Elfen ever tell the truth?

It was nothing special, I watched it with mild interest I guess.
If you're gonna go edgy (No matter how much it's used as a buzzword, that's what they went for, edgy. They felt like the viewers didn't think it as edgy enough so they threw in a puppy beating in there aswell.), atleast go all in with some creepy stuff instead of some shallow "Oh no, the guy got cut in half, I sure haven't seen this before, what a sick show!" shit

I don't hate the anime. Should I start reading the manga ? Is it really better than the anime

I can't believe I laughed to this reply

>Is it even popular anymore?
It's pretty much forgotten.

In Which chapter anime stops ? Also arms did great job with the opening and the ost

Was it that popular here?

After Lucy loses her horn the first time

One of the most emotional animes I have ever seen, great stuff

Some of the melodrama was a little bit over the top.
This is how the death of the little sister more or less played out:

Also a kinda dumb "New Super Race" plot.
Gee, he's doing the same with Brynhildr again.
Brynhildr is more or less an EL clone by the same artist.

The anime technically stops at the arc before the timeskip at chapter 72, but the end of Mariko arc is completely different in the anime, and the anime skips the introduction of a main character before that, so start from chapter 43 at the very latest.


I knew from the first moment I ever laid eyes upon Elfenlied that its main appeal were the gorescenes, shock value and the shameless pandering to bullied high schoolers. It wasn't until much, much later when a good friend of mine sat me down and we watched Elfenlied in its entirety because we had some time to kill that I actually saw all the scenes in context - And it didn't much improve my opinion of it, although I have become a bit more sensitised to the show.

Overall it's a perfectly fitting production to the time it originally aired, seeing how basically everything was CRAWLING IN MY SKIN. It was an entertaining watch, but I wouldn't repeat the experience.

>Implying there will ever be a shortage of edgy teens discovering the same stuff over and over and believing its the greatest thing since sliced bread
>Implying we will ever have an age without the Edge

It's just that us chosen few don't get exposed to the eternal circlejerk that surrounds Elfenlied as it seeps into the next generation.

Also , the amount of AMVs produced to Elfenlied featuring Subway to Sally and other assorted Germany-centric acts is astonishing even in this day and age.

some oldfag once told me that it was rather ignored on Sup Forums when it aired.



I don't think there's any shortage of edgy teens, I just think that new edgy teens are watching new edgy stuff like AgK or something.

Manga :
Story :9/10
Art : 6/10

Art 6/10

If u dont like elfen lied manga u're an asshole ; D

this, the anime ending left me wanting a second season.

Elfen Lied is probably why i'm a /d/eviant.

>title is elfen lied
>no one lies

>Elfen Lied
>Nozomi peed


Neva 4get.

everyone goes into it already hating it.

Needs a remake by madhouse.

I liked the ost

I liked it. Gave it a 6/10 on my first watch and a 7/10 later.
>Good stuff:
The opening is god tier, one of the best there are
The soundtrack is amazing too
Some of the dialog is good, and can really transmit the characters feelings
Its uncensored
its not repetitive or boring
The story is good. It tackles interesting subjects and its sad but not just sad to be sad, its the good kind of sad.

>Bad stuff
Some of the dialog is very bad and the characters sound really stupid, makes them just plain unlikable sometimes
You have to be ok with a retarded naked girl who can only say Nyan. Its fucking retarded, not even cute, and will make you think the show is shit on the begining.
There are some inconsistences that dont make sense, and you just have to not care about them and enjoy the show, if you are one of those people who complain about anything you will find a lot of stuff to complain about on this one.

no. but it has an ending.
art is shit, though

The art isn't so bad once you get past the first few volumes.

Oh my god that is absolute fucking shit at the start.

am i the only one here who fapped to this show

The manga is even more fappable.

I liked the OP and ED.

I hated how contrived everything else was to maximize despair. There's a point where it stops being dramatic and just starts being stupid.

Brynhildr has better characters stuck in a stupider plot.

i dont knnw why does Sup Forums hate it . it is really enjoyable it even got me for a few scene . i dont know about you guys but i really liked lucys rough voice

is this the actual manga

i like her mask

Yup. So is this.

one of the first of many in the theme of shock gore, that being stuff like AGK and SNK

Isn't the entire plot of the show how Kouta lied to Lucy so she killed his family?

another shitty shock factor anime.


no elfen lied is the name of a german poem and it has nothing with the series . it suppose to be cool name

The poem plays a role in the manga.

Lied isn't the English word "lied".............
"Elfen Lied"=Elf Song
It's from the German poem of the same name

Yeah, but the meaning of the poem has very little to do with the manga itself
A presumably hung over elf decides to go look at the humans, but gets knocked out by a stone somehow and then proceeds to be asked if he's "had enough"

If you really want to stretch it you could make a connection with the "Elf" being 'rejected', but honestly the poem just seems to be a light humorous story

brynhildr(? fuck is that the name?) has better girls

Good manga, meh adaptation

A vietnamese friend always recommended this.
That was 8-9 years ago, but till this day i never watched it 1min of it

It's good for 11 and a half minutes, then turns into a compounding shitfest. It's even worse in the manga. In my opinion, the only reason people have such mixed reactions is due to its absurdly fantastic OP, which makes it seem deeper than the paper-thin reality.

I remember liking Elfen Lied when I was a freshman in high school for that reason. Fuck, it might have actually been middle school. I'm 25 now. Nailed it.

One of my favorites. Best opening theme.
>inb4 shit taste

It's a rare case of the anime adaptation being better than the manga, by virtue of cutting out the terrible second half of the story. Nothing special in any case.

Really, I'll agree with on on the 11 minutes thing, maybe, I dont remember the first 11 minutes

But to me, back in the day the OP was total garbage. (whoa opinions)

The anime missed everything about the manga that made it entertaining and turned it into nothing but generic edgy crap. Your taste is shit.

The first eleven and a half minutes contain the OP and Lucy fucking up the research facility. It starts going down hill once they cut to the harem protagonist.

Why did she lie, though?

Complete fucking garbage

>Oh my god that is absolute fucking shit at the start.
The funniest part is how the only way you can tell Nyuu and Yuka apart for the first dozen chapters is the fact that Nyuu has horns.

>The first eleven and a half minutes contain the OP and Lucy fucking up the research facility
Arms fucked up those scenes pretty badly.
>blood pinatas
>awful visual editing that makes it look like Lucy's max attack range doesn't exist
>completely changes up the entire nature of Lucy's escape to the point where it opens up potential plot holes in the story
>the fucking hand of blood
>the matrix elevator scenes

I mean, I like it as a series overall, but it's not like the first 11 minutes was significantly better than the rest of it, or without its obvious flaws.

The anime ending was shit.