what if anime wasn't so sexualized?
would you still watch it?
what if anime wasn't so sexualized?
would you still watch it?
>implying I watch haremshit to begin with.
I don't tend to watch echii anime mostly because if i want to get horny i would just watch some hentai OVA or read some ero manga, though i understand the appeal of the genre.
What would be the point if it wasn't? I could just watch Disney.
Anime doesn't need fan service at all to sell its obvious unless you're one of them shitty shows that relies on BD's showing full tits and whatever.
Probably? I don't think I'd watch a Fate spin-off in the first place though.
I wish Iri was my mom
Fuck off Lelouch.
The more fanservice in anime the better, because it keeps normalshits away.
I really succeeded on making this term a thing
Yeah, fuck the normalshits
fuck off with your shit taste
Right after you fuck off with your shit taste faggot
Thanks for creating it. It's a great addition to my vocabulary.
What happened to Normalfags?
Yeah? I don't watch anime for the fan service and tropes anyways. I watch it for the animation and art.
Heaven's Lost Property gets it right
it is barely sexualized enough for me to tolerate as it is
What is Aria, mushishi, kaiji, akagi, k-on (in bowl of rice), kino no tabi ect..
Instead of xfag or yfag, I used ''shit'' instead of the regular use, because it was a cause of anger, at least for me
And I literally the only one who used it until everyone else.
I unironically enjoyed Free! Zero sexualization. Just bros being bros.
I'd still fap to it. I fap to many non-ecchi shows.
So you enjoying being a fag?
The word fag causes anger to you? Wow, you're such a humongous faggot. Hang yourself.
Yes I still would. But a lot of audiences surely would drop.
It's like years since this image is out and still no one shopped Iris' hand to go between Ilya's legs?
No. I just got mad at someone so I used ''xshit'' instead of ''fag'' cause it was more sufficient at this particular moment. That's why I said ''cause of anger'' of 'something'
''fag'' is fine, it's just a moment of randomness that ''xshit'' was created. The end
Yes. Not all the anime I watch is tits and ass
Attractive designs are just a bonus. I have never been the type that aims for echii, I think one of the only ones I watched all the way through was Ikki Tousen and Cross Ange to laugh with Sup Forums. Fan service is just eye candy for plebs who want pretty shiny things instead of an actual coherent story. Sure I don't mind a beach episode, but I don't watch shows JUST to stare at cute girls. Ill tell you what, the most fun I've had since journeyed down this rabbit hole is watching shows with little to no sexualized girls or fan service.
I don't watch anime and most of Sup Forums doesn't either. We just come here to complain and shitpost about it
Fuck off.
Yeah fanservice is just a bonus anyway. Whether the series has a lot or not doesn't really affect me.
normalshits just rolls off the tongue so much better.
Anime being less sexualized wouldn't have much of an impact on the shows I like anyway, so I probably still would.
Well, I started to watch, cause of the oversexualizasing thing...
I'd watch more of it.
GA is my favorite anime, and it has 0 Fanservice.
Most likely more than I do now, because it wouldn't flare up my OCD as much.
Sexualization fine. Damn fine.
But, far too many anime these days are far too lazy about it that it loses it's appeal.
Oh I thought this was a kaleid thread.
May I still ask for what subs to go with when I want to watch kaleid?
I cannot bear dubs so I stay with subs, but I did not watch any kaleid yet.
So what BD release is good for the first 3 seasons?
It would have a different fanbase due to a different appeal. I'd still watch it.
I would watch a lot more
Grab loligeddon for s1 and Tsundere is your only option for s2
Anime will improve, some fanservice here and there isnt bad, but series that are fanservice and nothing else, are shallow shit to pander the otakus.
I'm a 25 year old adult. Do you think I give a shit?
What happened to things that shouldn't be considered an insult not being used as insults?
Nothing for 3rd season yet or do we count the second half of zwei as still being season two and 3rd season is drei?
Also thank you, very much appreciated!
No, that would just be censorshit
Loligeddon has it two times, one with (2014) in the name and the other without.
>not being Otaku
fucking Sup Forumsermin
It wouldn't stop them from trying to pander to shitty otaku and failing to realize that yes, mass appeal is "normie scum", but they have more money than a bunch of slobs.
I'm sure the otaku would just demand more "innocent" loli shit without realizing that they are also killing the industry.
Which is the right to go with?
I watch a lot of sexualized anime for the BGM and atmosphere, is that weird?
'Comfy' SOL shows just bore me and don't make me feel comfy at all, but I love haremshit or LN shit with a bright and cheerful summery setting.
I've watched every eroge adaption ever because I like the feeling so much. I don't care about sexualization, I'm so desensitized to it that my brain just tunes it out.
rip UTW
Yes, cause there is plenty of anime without all that crap.
I would say I watch anime in spite of the sexualization prob why I hardly watch any anime anymore.
Ok thank you!
And what about the loligeddon one and the second part of zwei?
>The more fanservice in anime the better, because it keeps normalshits away.
First, that's a stupid reason to want that, it makes you look like some desperate hipster.
Second, it would be worse for the medium since we'd get flooded with more shallow bullshit anime. At some point, it's like, if I want to watch porn, I'll just watch porn.
I would probably watch it more instead of shitposting here because there would be no more shame
>Erotica is only porn and porn alone
>Reeeeeeee, normies
You're both normal people.
Yes but I would drop shit series like Fate