New Shoukos
Koe no Katachi
This one looks less homely than Nishiya's Shouko.
Moeblob of the year?
i hate her. she's just a moeblob. too pure, too perfect. koe no katachi is manipulative and unrealistic as fuck.
>fictional story
You don't say.
Maybe you don't know, but there is a thing called suspension of disbelief. Then, based on the context of the story, she is unrealistic.
Do you mean "unrealistic" as in "unlikely" or "impossible"? I'd disagree with the latter, and the former is pretty much the whole point of writing an interesting story, with the exception of cases where people are less aware of the normal.
I hope they take liberties with the manga. The second half was a mess.
You know saints like her?
fuckin' agree
More like KnK face
Forced moe.
Reminder that if you hate Ueno you belong in MAL.
I am not aware of knowing a saint personally, but that doesn't mean that there isn't someone in my vicinity or somewhere else in the world that actually is one. One could also expand the temporal dimension by pointing to historical cases of virtuous people, by the way.
Now that you say it, I realize that I've always taken Suspension of Disbelief Theory for granted, but people accept it much too easily.
Maybe there actually isn't such a thing as suspension of disbelief.
Yet another source material with unique design ruined by SamefaceAni.
So pure and perfect she tried to kill herself.
Sameface? Are you blind?
>she's so... i want to her
Imagine having sex with a deaf girl
What the fuck? If you're suspending your disbelief then how is she unbelievable?
Well, I'm excited to see it. Especially since it has a longer runtime, I hope that means kyoani is doing a proper job.
It's "Myouken", not Akami.
the weirdest bonner
Who is her VA going to be?
She tried to kill herself because she considered herself a burden to the others and not because she had feelings of hate or revenge. Plus, suicide is not considered a sin in Japan. In fact, some look at it as a way of taking responsibility.
I don't care, just give me new Buenos
Ueno > Deaf bitch
What went wrong?
No bully
S-so that's what they mean by asking whether you will take responsibility?
Why would she have a VA is shes deaf?
But that's the problem, she goes beyond my suspension of disbelief.
She forgives easily, she loves easily, she helps easily. She is the cutest victim of bullying ever.
People with crippling depression tend to blame and hate themselves for everything bad that happens to them. You said it yourself, she seems herself as a burden. In her mind, she has nomreason to hate others but herself. She's very realistic.
Which one is which? I can't tell.
all i hope is that the movie fix the shitty ending of the manga. Is it too much to ask senpaitachi.?
She was the worst character. Even worse than broccoli.
Newfag. I bet you don't even fart in front of your deaf gf.
Deaf people make noise, you know
This. I want a kiss scene.
I hope you take responsibility.
Please, no, I'm still too young! I had so many dreams!
Good. You're already in the mindset.
>too perfect
She's deaf, has a guilt complex, talks funny, can't communicate her feelings as a result, blames herself for daddy leaving, makes plenty of mistakes and learns from them, and has fought suicidal depression for years. There are people who know how to treat people well if they've in turn been treated poorly. Not every instance of cruelty begets cruelty in return.
>too pure
She probably schlicks to pictures of Ishida every day are you kidding me. Go read Nishimiya-san to Ishida-kun she's a ravenous vanilla monogamy whore.
Fucking seriously just a kiss just one kiss.
It all makes sense now
>shitty "lets just move on" ending with no actual romance or confessions that were followed through
I dont want to live through the same nightmare again
Now make one where you switch their hair
Did we read the same manga? They both frienzoned each other, that's why there's no kiss. I think that's better than a generic romantic ending.
In Japan the no-romance ending is the most generic way to end something.
I only remember Shouko confessing to Ishida and him not understanding her gibberish, when in the manga did he confess to her? I've read it a long time ago so I can't remember.
>She tried to kill herself because she considered herself a burden to the others
How the hell is that not a sign of deep-seated issues? Are you mental?
>suicide is not considered a sin in Japan
Honorable suicide. The more common type of suicide (out of depression and feelings of hopelessness) is considered a problem like anywhere else --there are signs in Aokigahara pleading for suicidal people to reconsider. There's an episode in NHK where characters get grilled for wanting to do it and their loved one are in tears over it.
Wasn't friendzone so much as putting off romance to get their shit together. Their shared career paths and handholding at the end really implied a lot towards romance but it was just too damn shallow to be satisfying. So much of the middle arc of the manga dealt with Shou^2's feelings for each other turning romantic but it just deflated when they started making the movie. If you try to translate that into a 150 minute movie it's going to look like a mess. So either they need to give a more satisfying romantic conclusion or cut it entirely but the series wouldn't be the same if you did cut it so the only answer is that for it to be good you have to hook them up a little more definitively.
No confession, just awkward teasing from Yuzu and Broccoli and some introspection from Ishida. I mean remember how Ishida freaked out about Shouko going to Tokyo to study? That's not something a "just friend" would do.
Those no kiss endings have them both still feeling romantic feelings for each other. I don't think I've ever seen a series where they just end up as pretty much kindred spirits
>I think that's better than a generic romantic ending.
Japan almost literally never ends shit with concrete evidence that the characters end up as a couple.
And when a person suffers bullying and is humiliated, also has many reasons to revolt against the world. Ishida is an example. He suffered bullying, he thought about killing himself and began to not trust most people. He is neither good nor bad. Like me, like you he has character flaws. He is realistic. He is a character made to create reflection on the reader. Nishimiya is made to create tears and that's all.
>I mean remember how Ishida freaked out about Shouko going to Tokyo to study? That's not something a "just friend" would do.
Yeah, but he still didn't make his feelings clear to Shouko, so it's just another case of two characters both loving each other yet no concrete romantic ending of them being together. I know the manga wasn't about romance but rather the deaf girl recovering, finding friends and moving on instead of seeing herself as a burden to everyone, but the writer/mangaka should seriously fucking understand that people that read these kinds genres are expecting romance.
Ueno is a hag that would try to steal a man from a pure girl, she sucks.
You've never interacted with a self-loathing depressed person before?
Because they can some of the nicest, sweetest, and most forgiving people you'll ever meet. They'll appear to take everything in stride and never retaliate but that's only because they feel like that deserve to be treated badly. They're nice and kind because they feel they don't have the right to harbor ill will towards others. Sound familiar?
It's probably why Ishida left such a strong impression on her even later in life. Her fight with him as a kid was perhaps the first time in her entire life she felt compelled to stand up for herself, the first time she thought "the way I'm being treated is NOT okay."
Rare Shoukos?
Where are these images from?
More importantly, with the movie coming, will MTSP do more doujins starring Shouko's mom?
>implying that doesn't make shouko extra fuckable
Found in a porn studio.
>that pic
I miss those threads.
That's true but women tend to be more submissive specially in countries like Japan. That's why you see men being serial and mass murderers and not women.
Ueno's hate wall
People are not the same. Ishida being one way doesn't make Shouko unrealistic. She's convinced it's her fault, therefore no strong desires to revolt.
>I know it wasn't about romance, but I'm going to bitch about it not being romantic enough anyway
Why does no one acknowledge the real bitch, Kawai?
>hints romance but doesn't follow through with it completely
>why are they complaining??????
Kill yourself, Shouko.
Friendly reminder that cute makes right
>make antagonist a qt popular girl who goes out of her way to ruin the virtuous main girl's life in order to generate drama
This is why female authors are garbage.
I really liked this page. You can tell how much she was missing the banter.
They already announced the VAs. It's Saori Hayami.
Reminder that Ueno:
>is literally that stuck up girl form high school
>is so insecure about her own faults that she projects them onto other people
>falls victom to peer pressure unlike the MC or shouko
>bullies disabled people
>hits disabled people and their parents in an autistic fit of rage
>has no real friends because nobody likes her (until the end)
And the most important part of all
>she lost :^)
Only edgy teenagers like her
>Only edgy teenagers like her
And dykes.
Looks like whatserface from KnK.
>Deaf girl realizes that nobody falls for her "so helpless" ploy
>tries to kill herself
Literally only Ueno saw the real Shouko.
What a fucking cunt.
Bitch is salty as fuck.
>so insecure about her own faults that she projects them onto other people
describes both ueno and user imo
>that one doujin where she wants CHEX
fueled me for days desu
Daily reminder that Ueno was simply trying to get Shouko to stand up for herself and just got a little carried away. She did almost nothing wrong.