For reasons no one can understand you now have the power to institute a five step plan to save Britain. This plan will be carried out to autistic perfection somehow. >what is it?
Oliver Edwards
does attraction really have an expiry date, how long is it
Elijah Lewis
Why are you buying grapes when they have a shop for local baked goods, which are incredible. Also, they have tried to make it look as non-depressing as possible.
David Russell
No. Magnets don't "go off" you fucking pleb.
Jason Martinez
>Why are you buying grapes He's black
Sebastian Taylor
Nathaniel Murphy
Sup fellas
Elijah Harris
...that is not my pic. The fuck is that? This is what I was uploading
Austin Cruz
Anthony Hill
>anonynonce exposed
Jaxon Foster
If unchecked, intense lust can last up to around two years
Adrian Richardson
>British """""""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""""
Is it time for a nuclear holocaust? A fresh start?
sorry, I forgot. Been away from brit/pol/ for a good while.
Blake Hill
>Iran blamed for cyber attacks
Connor James
Every society has had its share of fags and effeminates user. Ours is the first to actively try to actually cultivate them. >no I don't count classical Greece as doing so.
Isaac Richardson
/^Nadiya Hussein$/ /^Steerpike$/ /^Caesar Salah$/ /^>C O P E$/ /^Edward$/ /^Richard Topcliffe$/ /^WN$/ /^Bars & Blackpills$/
Problem solved
Caleb Ortiz
Is there a way to filter out American flags too?
Samuel Wood
With 4chanx you can, not sure if you can/how to do it without it.
Nathaniel Bell
More like Bars & Blackpills $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ amirite?
Sebastian Green
4chanx -> Flag filter: /^United States$/
Andrew Moore
trust bruv
Juan Watson
Thanks. Also goodbye to one of you.
Blake Cook
Goodbye, God bless Britain
Xavier Phillips
>tfw have to hide in COPEs attic like Anne Frank when the BAME death squads start patrollin'
Since the thread is so dead feel free to AMA and I'll try my best not to bully you this one time.
Nolan Howard
Any relation?
Alexander King
looks like im an uncle lads
Angel White
Which Pube am I talking to?
Josiah Cooper
Just don't be this uncle
Samuel Smith
stop posting my meme you faggot
Benjamin Phillips
How did you acquire your vast fortune at such a young age?
Andrew Thomas
Ethan Morris
Alright then oh great Delphic oracle, impart to us your wisdom on the following: >which is the best flavour of pot noodle?
Gabriel Campbell
>New anti-Brexit party hopes to capture UK politics centre ground
Who could be responsible for this?
Cooper Turner
I've explained this before and seeing the questions I'm being asked I really regretting saying AMA but since I said it I'll have to answer although it may be shorter and vaguer than usual since I can't be arsed.
Parents rich, live off that, move out, do your own thing, be rich.
Jonathan Ward
I don't eat pot noodles.
Evan Moore
Goodness me, to think I woke up only a couple of hours ago; sleeping pattern woes.
Michael King
Do y'all wish y'all had better gun laws like us so you could get your hands on a pistol?
Dylan Brooks
Hate these google things. I always have a look at this day in history. It's odd they didn't do the publication of Jane Eyre for them, it being a female author and all.
Kayden Roberts
Remove Muslims Remove all non-Whites Remove leftists Make the House of Lords solely hereditary again Reindustrialize
Logan Perry
Ayden Thompson
>flag What did noguns mean by this?
Chase Martinez
y'alld've thought yanks wouldn't be so sensitive to that shit
>live in uk >parents too poor to get you circumcised, NHS don't cover it >grow up in shitty estate, attend shitty comprehensive filled with muslims >willy smells of smegma, can't get grills >want to get gun, cant get guns except for a shotgun on a shotgun certificate, but need to own a farm for that >police come round to check tv licence, don't have one, get arrested
Life sure does sound swell in bongistan.
Samuel Powell
Nice Karen
Alexander Peterson
>cant get guns Cope harder m8
Blake Long
Hello cutie, how are you this night. I only woke up at midnight too
Jose Brown
I'm not exactly in a country full of choice if that's what you're implying
Nathaniel Price
I wasn't aware we transported the mentally deficient, just criminals.
Joshua Russell
how many jpegs you got with names like that lad?
Robert Martin
>be australian >housing bubble >games are £50 more >descents of subhuman rapists and irish "people" >ruled by chinks >voluntary gave away your guns LMAO >men so weak spiders kill them >abos >lose to emus >get fucked by kangaroos >have no influence >be a chink puppet
also fuck off you scar dicked kike
Lincoln Campbell
How are you going to say you just spent a hundred grand on a car then talk about guns and post the pictures to prove it? Are you always larping, part time or just telling the truth?
I don't even know what to believe anymore.
Kevin Jones
It must grind your gears that we managed to make a country many times better than bongistan out of this hellhole you sent us to.
That has to stick in your craw.
Folder with 600+ photos in my anti-UK folder.
Ayden Myers
I'm nothing more than a figment of your imagination lad, ofcourse I'm larping, guns are illegal and I'm a good boy. A good boy wouldn't break the law now would he?
Logan Hill
Not really. I tend not to credit the delusions of others with much weight. Though I might add that if you're proud of living in the arsehole of the world, you're still living in an arsehole.
You must be new if you think anything Pube posts is not either an outright lie or some bizarre joke that only he will claim to understand.
James Gonzalez
Leo Diaz
Did you not see the link he posted?
Lincoln Cooper
Hello! I am well, if a little poorly.
I hope all is well for you.
Samuel Foster
tunnocks i thought they launched you into space
Dylan Gutierrez
What link? There's nothing there for me.
Sebastian Long
Stop playing.
Gabriel Wright
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.
Gotta go give the roo some feed as well.
Jack Ortiz
Fucking faggot deleted it.
Colton Parker
No idea what you're talking about.
Thomas Cook
Off you go then. Thank you for impressing us with your wit and inability to live by your professed principles.
Jose Young
I'll repost it all tomorrow then. We'll see how you behave.
Christopher Perry
Good luck getting anyone to believe you mate.
Adam Martinez
Sebastian Collins
Brody Anderson
>the true Blackpill is to vaugley humour Pube. Much as the staff in an asylum might allow "Napoleon" to refer to his cell as "Elba"
Oliver Bailey
I'll post the pictures and the link though.
Ryder Clark
I just did post the pictures and the link, nobody believes it.
If I were fly airforce one, park it in this cunts street, get out and climb in his window, drag him out by the balls and make him stare at me and the plane and tell him what just happened exactly as it happened he'd still tell me I'm lying.
You'll back me up on this right?
Owen Myers
Is this the new meta or what? Do we call all tripfags liars no matter what or just preube? I don't post on here enough to be up to date with all the memes.
Jaxson Hall
lmao you cant even own most semi autos
Jack Martinez
What pictures and what link mon General?
Parker Clark
noguns don't at me
Thomas Turner
Just Pube. Steerpike is irrelevant. Rimmer is bit all bad. The others are not worth your time.