You can hate Re Zero like an edgy 16 year old all you want Sup Forums. But you cannot deny the GOD TIER openings this show has
You can hate Re Zero like an edgy 16 year old all you want Sup Forums...
>Not the ED
Stop staying alive at any time.
openings are trash compared to the endings. Bait harder.
The second opening is one of the best anime openings I've seen in a while.
I wasn't trashing the EDs, you autists.
Use the catalog faggot
Even the haters have to admit that the OPs and EDs are fantastic. I don't think anyone is denying that.
The second opening is awful, the first one is far superior.
I like OP1 more
Rem is the only good thing in this show.
She deserves to be moved to a better show.
But edgy 16 year olds love this shit, it's the Sao crowd 3 years later
I skip them.
I hate both of these. Imagery is too blatant and songs are chaotic mess. The show is fine, I'm actually suprised how it has such shitty openings when the direction of series is good for what it is.
The EDs are great but OPs are shit.
I don't like any of the OPs. The songs are a mess and I the imagery is nothing special, both are a big let down during the climax as well.
The series itself is okay though.
Stopped watching right there tbqh senpai
Poor man's Kawada Mami
The OPs are nothing special, the EDs are bretty good and the actual show is much better than OPs and EDs which don't fit to the theme all that well imho.
They're pretty good, I prefer the EDs. Overall the production values are pretty decent, it's just the story and the characters that's unbearable for me.
>You can like Re Zero like an edgy 16 year old all you want Sup Forums
Also this
nice samefagging faggot
But I'm not him. Can't people have similar opinions?
How much anime have you seen?
This is the tipycal guy that says that openings are good just because the music matches the visuals.
Get on my anime expertise level friendo.
Enjoyable, but not actually good in the same way Re Zero's are.
is this guy serious
Fucking really? Visually they're quite boring, second is a tad better. 1st song is shite, 2nd is good. Overall it's a show with average OPs.
How the fuck can you like the second OP? It's just so lazy and routine compared to the first, it's the perfect example of the typical quality drop in OPs for 2-cour anime.
It reminds me of SAO's because it's only depicting the characters doing something randomly or just thinking about killing themselves or not because of being in a shit show.
I bet you took that from MAL.
An OVA is not an entire series.
To be honest, I think the OP and ED are really forgettable. I appreciate the fact that they're pulling a Shinsekai Yori and skipping the OP and ED very often, and only using them as insert songs whenever they see fit.
People like it? I personally don't dig techno dubstep or whatever. Maybe I'm more concerned about melody than having a visual feast.
For me, unforgettable OPs are ones like Skies of Love (from LOGH), or All the Way ( Kino's Journey) etc.
>it's only depicting the characters doing something randomly
Literally every opening ever.
Yeah tell me more about that.
No that is way better than the Re Zero openings. I fucking skip those every episode.
Not necessary. There are some OPs that depict things in more artistic ways or show interesting themes the series touches.
The OPs of this show are generic and forgettable. They can be exchanged with any OP from Raildex and you wouldn't notice the difference
Too bad they never play them
That's just unfair.
Not as good as this.
And Raildex OPs are great.
Hurr durr, isekai is shit. Am I cool now?
So damn predictable.
Holy shit kek
Yeah pretty much this guy gets it
>This is the tipycal guy that says that openings are good just because the music matches the visuals.
>Composition and direction are not indicators of good
Get on my anime expertise level friendo.
Meh. EDs are better.
Wrong ED you fucking asswipe!
i dont like OP1 song but the goddam OP sequence is Elder God Tier. it fits perfect with the story
>depicting the characters doing something
This user is a fucking genius.
The 2nd OP visuals is fucking garbage
This is the only isekai I've liked so far. Konosuba was decent but I dropped it. Need to pick it back up.
SAO and others like it do nothing for me.
This first opening has a better execution but it shows less what the series is about. It kinda feels like its a classical harem where the MC keep trying and trying with his return by death to save everyone.
The second OP is worse, but shows better that the series is about Subaru's internal problems and how things are not under his control, even with his return by death. Also shows more relevant characters.
OP 1 > OP 2
>there are anons on Sup Forums who do not appreciate the greatness that is Konomi Suzuki
Shit taste anons.
Konomi Suzuki is also good, though.
It sucks though, they just slap in scenes from episodes and still images like it looks barely any effort was put in
I have to add though, that none is anywhere close to the first ending.
First ending is god tier.
no bully
I will say this, show really knows when to cut the opening out of the show. That and loves to push past the ending for an emotional gut punch.
Ep 15 for instance, jesus
Felt like something out of a movie my god
They're pretty forgettable if we're being honest.
The only time i listen to them is when an episode comes out
nobody cares
>Replying to an ironic Op
Is this show any good
They skip the OP/ED most of the time.
I think Styx Helix played only three or four times
This pissed me off honselt. I really like Redo and was disappointed they played it so few times. What was the point then of having an OP if you're going to underutilize them?
Giving more focus to the show. If anything, insert songs in this case are weirder, like Straight Bet and Rem's song.
Why would it? They only serve as decorations after someone has seen them once so I think it's great that they use the time they have on the actual show.
EP1 was better
It's good if you go in with low expectations.
Like the show thrives on low expectations.
I just watched it to see what all the fuss was about and I love it.
You see, they're so forgettable even the studio forgets to add them in
If it was that easy.
But no, they themselves said that they want to fit as much content of the series as possible.
I have to remind you that OP/EDs actually save them money, so "forgetting" is not the reason.
Anyone have the soundtrack from when Subaru and emilia die the first time?
How accurate is this show to the manga or whatever its original format.
OP 1 sucked dick. OP 2 has a god-tier song but the animation was kinda lacking in the chorus, the final seconds are pretty good though.
>taking a joke seriously
You must be a fun at parties
You know what I like about this show?
They don't use the death of a character as the emotional pull but the idea that the characters will forget about every single happy memory they shared in that loop.
Like it seems like every final loop will be the least time spent with characters. Kind of neat if this will bite subaru some more.
Nobody cares
Your giving me mixed messages here.
But that's correct, user.