Do strong independent sexually liberated women intimidate you? Is that why you're against feminism?

Do strong independent sexually liberated women intimidate you? Is that why you're against feminism?

Anime girls are sexually liberated, right?


no and no

no and no

slide thread move on

>Do strong independent sexually liberated women intimidate you?
No, if they did I would go to the police.

no, no

Disgusted by is not the same as intimidated by

2D Pure waifus > 3D whores

hi Sup Forums

the leaf is right

Mentally unstable women scare the shit out of me. Girls think this feminism will make them happy, it won't. Now the world is exactly how they want it and they're still not happy, single or with some fag they walk all over. They are so far from happiness. Still some non libtard girls out there tho.

>larping libtards try to use Weinstein to push feminism
>fail hard
>now libtards return to the old tactic of shaming

No, I dislike ugly women, hence why is dislike feminism. Pretty simple sonny jim.

She looks so dead inside. That smile is as fake as the dicks she is surrounding herself with.

I worry as they are being heavily manipulated by marxists and that this is just another tool of depopulation.

>strong independent sexually liberated women

This girl looks like shes about to cry. The fuck are you talking about?

They're just damaged goods no one wants

feminism is hurting women that's why I don't like it.

If I'm intimidated by a woman I'd have to say that I'd also have to be intimidated by my sock.

How is being a cum dumpster somehow "liberated"? Especially when the slut gets knocked up by 20 and is dependent on the state to exist.

Those eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who wishes they could go back in time and make different choices.

No, I'm just tired of running into exclusively degenerate whores who have fucked at least 20 guys by the age of 18 and have the same vote as me despite being completely irrational hedonists.

Actually I enjoy taming lib women with my dick

>sexually liberated
But that's an oxymoron faggot

"sexually liberated" just means mentally ill and covering it up or excusing it with feminism and shitty "art" memes and fashion. "Sexually liberated" women are some of the most self absorbed cunts I've met.

>0 niggers

Is she, if it's possible for me to muster the emotional fortitude to express myself verbally, /ourdegenerate/?

The left often misunderstands the right's motivations, and they should understand them because when you do you'd be more appropriately afraid.

The right is motivated by disgust, not fear.

>Do strong independent sexually liberated women intimidate you?
Nope. They're whores contributing to the downfall of society.

> Is that why you're against feminism?
Feminism is Jewish and so are you.

>Anime girls are sexually liberated, right?
Anime "girls" aren't real. Stop obsessing over another race's culture.

hey. anarchy user. NO ONE is scared of women. That's precisely the problem, they want us living in fear of them. NO ONE gives a fuck about their supposed 'power'. Even the men that are like cucks and weak in front of them, innately understand that they're just not the men they want to be it has nothing to do with the women its just that women happen to be this being with a vagina.

I'm 33 and my ditsy 20 year old, hill-billy, gf is Very sexual (it intimidates me because she's young) and loves my Nazi flag...she doesn't have ID and if cops showed up...hahah

I am against feminism because of their constant infringement on our rights, and also because they, along with most other SJWs, are willing to stay blind as they constantly support horrible cultures.

How can a woman possibly be intimidating?

Everyone and everything is reliant.

To be completely independent is to become either a beast or a god.

>sexually liberated
>owns a collection of dildos
More like sequestered and afraid of human contact.

overcompensating for living in a sexually repressive society.

Yes. They scare me.

Yes because a woman whose orifice has seen one too many is as appealing as a bathroom in the park.

women need to know there fucking place.
Cunts need to be punched in there old flabby tittts.

learn the difference between "there", "their", "than", "then".

on other topics you're correct

No feminism is a communist ideology that is only interested in controlling others.
It is destroying the black family for no other reason than to accumulate power

>"human contact"
it really thinks it is.

The issue with these movements is they inevitably invade into the rights of others

Its my body just
>let me terminate another life
>pay for my birth control
>pay me more for less work
>let me infringe on your right to free association
>allow me to constantly shit on you in the public sphere and demonize the 'patriarchy'

I'm pretty sure if feminists were self sufficient, practiced safe sex while not constantly aborting babies, paid for themselves, and generally just did their own thing without making a big stink about it people wouldn't have an issue

However, the natural consequence of any degenerate lifestyle is that it cannot sustain itself. Living recklessly results in more costs and consequences than one can bear. Therefore the natural equation is Reckless Lifestyle = Relying on others

Only a true faggot would put them all into the same sentence.

the emotional damage is done either way she is no longer able to form a pair bond.

I don't see how being promiscuous is being sexually liberated..

No hymen
No diamond

My dick
My choice

The "alt-right", nazi larpers, kekistani fags - they're all afraid of a strong, intelligent, and independent woman for the simple fact that a good woman is far better than any of them would ever be on their best day.

They know it...they run scared

No, weak, dependent, sexually confused little child-women who think they're "strong", and proclaim so extremely loudly while demonstrating anything but strength, annoy the shit out of me.

And I'm against feminism because it's a communist invention designed to destroy western civilization.

>sexually liberated
In other words, whores.

Intimidate? More like repulse. Have fun on the cock carousel, it doesn't last forever.

I too dare cauciously to bring forth the suggestion with the utmost humility that , she, pardon the colloquialism, may be /ourwhore/

Yeah, a little.

Op ran away crying

>passed around roastie meat

pick only one

I feel bad for them if anything.
Who the fuck would honestly want to be in a relationship with this?

no it's the disgusting roast beef whores with the gall to think their good enough for quality men despite having fucked 20+ other men in their 'independent' phase.
>all strong independent means is literally 'whore' for fucks sake even women have begun waking up to the push for this shit

No I just wanted to observe
I personally do not care. I fuck many girls, she fucks dudes. So what? Past is the past.

love and bonding is a construct... you can have sex with some one you love. you can have sex with someone your not emotionally connected to. you can love multiple different people. you can love one person and have sex with other people... breaking someones trust is always bad but unrelated to sex.

you have really backwards way of thinking

No. Its more that men aren't sexually liberated and women still complain about being oppressed and do absolutely nothing to help men.

you can be in a polyamorous relationship?

me and my partner are both bottoms so we always sleep with other people and have threesomes constantly. sometimes i top sometimes she pegs me


No, they disgust me.

best post

Women are not the problem. Gynocracy is the problem. Women control the family. Women control the workplace. Women control the courts. Any woman can have any man dragged away in chains and possibly imprisoned by merely pointing a finger. Female and want a male out of the way of your climb to the top of the ladder in the workplace? Tell HR he "made you feel uncomfortable." Want cash and prizes? Get married, divorce, take the kids, take the cash, enslave the man for life - lather, rinse and repeat. Women cannot survive in nature on their own. They need men. Men evolved to extract resources from the environment. by manipulating that environment. Women evolved to extract resources from men, by manipulating men. Women get protection and provision; men get sex, children and domestic labor. Women now put a welfare state gun to the heads of men, and are "liberated" from their end of the bargain. Women are educated - families wither and die and the birthrate plummets. Women are genetically programmed to - literally- embrace invading males. They are treacherous by nature. They are collectivist by nature. Men fucked up - they let women vote. That's it. Now we'll have a new Christian patriarchy, or an Islamic one. You choose, princesses.

Hot. Bet she can fit all those inside her at once

You're right. Everyone is a part of that sub-species known as mammalia. 'Human' is but an abstract concept with no absolute to reality.

A fucking leaf.

am i being memed

You are terrible at LARPing as a man, you decrepit old sow.

You say liberated, I say liability.

He's not wrong though, roastie apologist

"strong" :Independent" "sexually liberated" Sounds like a cold bitch, incapable of monogamy, jumps dick to dick to dick and never builds meaningful relationships with her partners. You're a whore. Not even good men need multiple partners. You're weak, and a slave of the flesh. You should burn in hell. Women like this really hurt men, they break hearts, destroy families, and ruin people.

No, not at all. I'm against feminism because it is a supremacy movement by its very nature. I'm against Feminism because it asserts that Masculinity is the greatest problem with society while femininity is a boon in every way. I'm against Feminism because it is turning men into Beta Males at an alarming rate. I am against Feminism because it is Anti-Science, Anti-Egalitarian, and Anti-Enlightenment. I am against Feminism because it is Marxist. I am a Liberal, I cannot be a Liberal and a Marxist

Ding Ding Ding. Used up whores pretend to be liberated because that's basically their last straw. So society has to bend over and play pretend for them

it only bothers me when, like this young woman, they obviously fetishize and worship penises.
it's a lot of baggage that is, quite frankly, nowhere near to being worth the costs incurred.
But tell us about yourself. What are you planning to do with all that time as you wait on death row for society to abandon you, and subsequently kill you as casually as we kill other animals, Sage?

>you can have sex with some one you love. you can have sex with someone your not emotionally connected to. you can love multiple different people
I could, but I'm not a degenerate disease spreading faggot.

>Does a hedonist scare you

Lately I've seen a few of these types get engaged lately after dating the guy for only a year or maybe two. First I was pretty baffled with the 1yr but after asking others, they said it's pretty normal? I thought it was just desperation hitting?

I mean, at even the 6 month mark of dating someone I still don't trust them much so getting engaged after another 6 seems crazy to me?

Good post, user namefag.