Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

They see your D eck

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First for the best rival



Looking forward to the bonerific expressions of the other girls.

>Yfw he loses to Yuri
>mfw he keeps losing until the Yuu's become one

It would be the best karma.


It's the future Yuu chose.

So I just realised the new OP and ED name should be leaked very soon, can't wait. Hopefully we get some comfy standard stills.

Birdman is going to get raped by his imouto.
And I'm fairly sure he will like it.

I want some Yuu/Ruri sequence.

S-she'll be gentle,right? Not like that brute Rin,right?

>Less than 2 months until we get the new OP/ED

Boy that was quick. At the same time, I'm glad.

You can't rape the willing.

Ditto, there's no excuse now that the OP and ED shouldn't be amazing. I want something like Trump Card and Burn and less Unleash and Light of Hope

It also just hit me they saved the Yuya/Yuzu kid flashbacks for the duel between them.

>the Yuus get to duel their brainwashed Ruris
>except for Yuuto, whose place gets taken by Shun

More like Cuckto, am I right?

>they saved the Yuya/Yuzu kid flashbacks for the duel between them.
I nearly forgot that they have barely childhood flashbacks. Can they make this happen?

Well, Yuto was fucking around with Yuzu behind the scenes for like 20 eps, so he got what was coming to him. Shun is the only one who has remained pure.

Yeah and lets not forget that this will be the last OP and ED. So they better do something good. I'm expecting good animation, tons of action, all the yus and ruris, Reiji and Leo, Yusho and maybe some side characters like Gon and Sawatari. I doubt they'll put the Legacy characters in them but who knows?

So, tell me why narrowing their eyes makes them 10x sexier.

I want to know the mechanism behind that.

Yuto/Ruri and Serena/Yuri are the counterparts where they aren't close to each other. At least in Yuto/Ruri's case Shun is more close to Ruri. As opposed to Yuya/Yuzu and Yugo/Rin who are close like family.

Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Ruri cards Shun and Yuto ends up battling Ruri by taking over Yuya.

Yuto is a beta. He gets fucked not the one who does the fucking. I beat Ruri fucks his boi pussy every night.

We still have another month before we reach the last 2 cours of the show. How early does it leak usually?

> a female in yugioh defeating a major male
> a female yugi face
This show I like it

We got the spoilers for Light of Hope and Vision in Late February/Early March.

>inb4 final ed is yuto v Reji , the lds rocket and Yuya v Yugo

Ruri is getting EGAO'd.

Because it makes their face look sharp and smooth at the same time. It doesn't help that the Ruri's are innocent, so seeing them with sharp edgy eyes makes it more hot.

We dont know anything about how close Yuto and Ruri are, they could be as close as Yugo and Rin for all we know

Kaito will save Ruri.
Screen cap this.

Just like how Jack will save Rin, on behalf of Yugo's wish

Would Sup Forumsrc-v prefer a full comfy ed/op(something like speaking, one step and arc of smile) or true zetsubou (more than future fighters)

I want to ask ritualfags in general how can you deal with having your summon method being this insulted. I mean, I did kinda understand it since synchro master race here, then arc-v happened and we are getting a ton of love. But you guys.... literally got 2 duels, are you not even mad? No, I don't care about the ritual support in the card games, it's not even that much, I am referring to the animation.

>Last OP and ED

It's going to be comfy shit.

Zetsubou opening, comfy ending.

Hopefully we get Hitotsuni in the OP.
ED, I just want Standard scenes with Yuya/Yuzu or better yet the Yuu's and Ruri's doing fun shenanigans together.

Actually I'd prefer an actiony opening. Those are usually the best ones. They had a chance to go full zetsubou OP with this one and they blew it

The ED yeah but usually the last OP is fast paced. Overlap, Precious Time Glory Days, Going My Way are all pretty hard rocking. The only ambiguous one on that is WONDAH WINGS which is slow at first but picks up in the chorus

I fucking hate Wonder Wings.

>Not posting Goku image

One job

You have shit taste

different user, but wonder wings is easily one of the worst yugioh ops .

>Pic related are the characters from DM that appear on Arc V

No. Not a single DM character should show up. DM gets wanked all the time, especially in TCG regions, so having even MORE resources devoted to DM to shaft Arc-V would just be salt in the wound.

For OP I'd say more action animations and plot-related stuffs I guess.
For ED, I want a comfy one again.

I wouldn't even be salt it'd be pouring fucking acid in a wound

Bakura or bust.

>Kaiba's deck is fucking strong mad eto have access to synchros, fusions and constantly able to shit out a boss monster responce to anything

>Dark Magicians get a bunch of shit that's either not worth using or barely worth using unless you're using outside help.

Jesus fuck Konami, you can stop sucking Kaiba's nutted like several times already. Fix your protagonists. Dark Magician is only slightly above Neos in terms of being a boss monster


Appearly, nobody like the MCs, everyone wants to be the bad guy, even in the games I just accidentally cucked Yuya, fucking sick japs.

I dont even watch Arc-V but i will download the entire series if Kaiba shows up for three minutes in one episode.

Why people like so much the mushroom head?

wat a faggot

get out

>Dark Magician is only slightly above Neos in terms of being a boss monster
Blue Eyes obviously outclasses DM, but DM is nowhere near Neos; a Dark Magician Pot of Cupidity deck topped in the OCG

Don't really care to be honest. I have noticed that Arc-V is really low on DM references though. But since we have a god tier movie instead I'm fine with no DM in Arc-V.

Where are you people watching this movie?

There a source for this?

And what movie is that?

Read the spoilers.
Some clips got leaked.

And how many of those cards were just generics and staples rather then stuff from Dark Magician's arsenal?

Haven't fully watched it so I'm waiting anxiously for the release but spoilers have been posted for almost 4 months now and recently some clips were leaked. But everything I've seen and read of the movie looks great.

Have you been living under a rock for the past year or something? Dark Side of Dimensions movie to celebrate the 20th anniversary featuring the DM cast and written by Kaz.

>rather then stuff from Dark Magician's arsenal?
Are you saying that Blue Eyes decks dont use out of archetype stuff as well? A lot of the key cards arent Blue Eyes at all (Most of the Felrand Structure deck stuff for one)

>your waifu will never have this level of animation
>keep shilling dm stuff
Please stop
Poor Kaiba, getting his dragon's ass kicked by Yugi's harem

Jesus fuck,Kaiba how could you get fucked by Magician Girls? Everyone knows not to attack those things when they come out.

DM has only gotten 8 new cards in its first round of support in TDIL in addition to Ebon Illusion Magician and Eternal Soul that came out a lot earlier.

Rod, Robe, Magician of Dark Illusion, Ebon Void Magician, Dark Magic Expanded, Illusion Magic, Dark Magical Circle, and Magician's Navigation.

Most DM decks that top in Japan use all those cards except Robe and Expanded so the deck basically uses almost all of its new support. Most people run one of the new XYZ and two of the other XYZ as well. This is a sample OCG decklist that topped an event.

DM relies much more on its support than Blue-Eyes which usually uses Ancient Stone, White Stone, Dragon Spirit of White, Alternative and Sage. It doesn't really utilize any of the other "Eyes of Blue" cards and none of the specific S/T cards.

It's literally his own fault.
If he had read Apple he would have known to summon a dummy monster to bait it out and let the Magi Girls kill that and retain Chaos MAX
At least Deep-eyes went out better than Chaos MAX.
Now you know why he's the 3rd worst rival.
only Jack and Sawatari are beneath him.

It's hard to think properly when you're batshit insane.

Until Arc-V, it was always clear that characters had no way of reading their opponent's card effects.
With Arc-V having a screen where you can read, they no longer have an excuse.

How about just walking over and looking at it?

Well that shut me up. Too bad Dark Magician Girl really can't help her master at all. Her own deck is really shitty as well

I want to marry Yuzu!

I've been wondering this for a while but who are the possible opponents for the ceremonial duel?


Just do it Yuya

It's kind of sad honestly. Reiji is a poor excuse for a rival and his relationship with Yuya isn't strong at all. Gongenzaka is more or less the same. Yuya doesn't have a good relationship with his counterparts either. Really the only one that would make any sense at this point is Yuya vs Yuzu.

>Reiji is a poor excuse for a rival and his relationship with Yuya isn't strong at all.
He's barely even a character, much less a rival.

>With Arc-V having a screen where you can read, they no longer have an excuse.
The excuse is the same as its ever been, if its more exciting for the character (or the audience) not to know the effect, they shouldn't know it

Are this the cards Jack, Edo, Kaito, and Sawatari will be shilling the next few episodes.

Yuya vs The three other Yu's in one body could be exciting

Too lewd

I really wish for that but it's highly impossible. I would put Yusho and Sawatari on the list.

What about a four vs four duel between the counterparts, but with each four of them in a same body?

>Yuya vs Yuzu

We're probably getting that though. Just not as the ceremonial duel. If anything it's going to be Yusho, since he's been Yuya's voice the entire series. Although, I would love a Yuya/Yuzu tag team somewhere down the line.

This. Before getting a Yuya vs Yuzu duel, I badly need a tag duel one.

>ya: Hey guys don't tag in while i put my deck back and you pick up yours
>Others: Sure thing :^)

>Yuri: Yugo you sneaky piece of shit, did you just look at my cards

You won't find a bigger Shingofag than me, but his main role in Yuyas development was being one of the few non forced positive effects of EGAO when dueling against Yuya turned him into less of a prick
The sad part is that Yuri is probably going to steal his waifu from him

Check the previous thread.

But Yuri is gay, user.

>But Yuri is gay, user.
Of yeah. I guess smooth sailing then

I miss the days when people were calling Yuya,Reira,Serena and Sawatari team idiot. It's actually quite amazing how quickly things escalated when they first arrived in Synchro what with Sawatari and Serena immediately being aggressive and fighting with cops. Then there's Roger's reaction to Yuya doing that stupid shit he was doing.

Why is Yugi such a waifufag?

Is Yuya capable of a final turn of the series that could top Yuseis?

Kinda wish the Lancers stayed as individual groups for bit longer and found their own ways into the Friendship Cup instead of getting rounded up and shipped off to it on councils orders.

Did Sawatari and Serena even interact after the fourth ending debuted?

I wonder why they put that in the ending if there's nothing in the show hinting at Sawatari liking her.

Sawatari was supposed to be the funny guy AKA manjoume, but Jack & CO just stole all the time, so is nothing anymore.

Because Sawatari makes good japanese humor comedy fodder. Did you see how in the episode he was the only character with a "Are you fucking kidding me?" face on at the prospect of scaling a high dangerous cliff? Then there's how he was the only lancer in who couldn't ride a D Wheel properly and the only reason Yugo was impressed with him is because he's just as stupid as he is. I'd imagine that his duel will be off screen completely or his opponent will be a Ra yellow.

Tag duels in Arc-V tend to be a bit shit, since they're usually resolved in only 1 episode

The only real time they were together was when they wandered off for a bit in Synchro. That part in the ending just came out of nowhere.

It's kinda weird because I'm not really against it and I'm not one for shipping bullshit

But even for comedy purposes that wasn't used in the show. And it does have potential to funny moments.

No they don't, however the way Sawatari responds here is notably rather wistful compared to his typical response. It definitely hints at it. Although, there really should've been more pointing in that direction aside this and his quip in 113