Yuki-chan chapter 81!

>So she can now satisfy Kyon's ponytail fetish.

Puyo's artstyle changed so much. I wonder why.
And long hair Yuki is cute. CUTE!

Not entirely good for ponytail yet, but she is start to trying.

How many chapters are translated? I found only 69.

>sweater ponytail Yuki

All, until Volume 9 (chapter 70).
Also it seems that story will end with Asakura leaving and passing "care for Yuki", on Kyon and others. Next chapter is last, if I'm not wrong.

I really love Puyo's art.

Wasn't this garbage over already?

Are they dating already?

The anime went bad with that abortion of a human they called Kyon but even Haruhi and Green were awesome.

How did we get from this

To this?

They are like this now.

But his Haruhi is still basically Mikuru level of size.

Where did you get those raws?
Also, will this have 10 or 11 volumes?

So they've been "dating" for ~2 years now and haven't kissed yet? Give it up, Kyon, you're in the friend zone. I'm speaking from experience.

With hard work and constantly improving one's technique.

>Where did you get those raws?
From Comic-Walker.
>Also, will this have 10 or 11 volumes?
10. This month's chapter was last one, if I know. Comic-Walker will release it next month.

Puyo is an inspiration.

The "friend zone" is more like the "I'm not attracted to you and don't want a relationship with you but you are too autistic to understand zone"

I dropped this like 60 chapters ago, is it worth picking up again?

Depend on what you expect. If you want simple SoL comedy about Yuki's cute romantic troubles, then definitely yes. But if you want something deeper like original series, then probably not. Since "Amnesia arc", there was no significant arc like that ever again. Sakaki showed, but it leaded to nothing as she quickly understood that Kyon likes Yuki and thus she stepped aside and left. Kuyou is reduced on simple moeblob meganekko girlfriend for Taniguchi (see pic). And nobody others from Anti SOS-brigade showed. Plot is basically moved forward just by Haruhi and Asakura. And Asakura is now leaving. With which story apparently ends.

> taniguchi and kuyou together
I'm okay with this, I just hope she isn't as creepy as in the LN.

>Taniguchi found a girlfriend
>it's Kuyou no less
This is perfect, I'm picking this back up.

Difference between this her incarnation and her original one is essentially same as between Yuki-chan and original Yuki. This Kuyou is quite shy and little clumsy moeblob, just like Yuki-chan. And she also wears glasses.

They are like this.


Ah, what is this feeling? It's like I'm happy for Taniguchi, like he's my real friend or something. This is embarrassing.

I still want a Kyon x Tsuruya spinoff.

I like Sakaki more than Haruhi.

I tried reading the first few chapters and then the latest ones and I feel physically sick. Haruhi is probably my favorite series and this garbage is nothing but a generic SoL, not even a good one.

You must just be mad that Kyon got together with Yuki instead of Haruhi in this spin off.

>not even a good one.
Fact that you can't deal with high amount of purity in romantic comedy is your problem.

That was too much for my heart.

Lewd purity is best purity.

Guys, someone here recognize pic related?
I found it here some years ago and for all this time I thought it was part of this manga but it wasn't.

omg long haired yuki-chan....im dying here. this series is SoL. I love Haruhi just as much as anyone but I also understand that this is alternate universe and not meant to be the same in any way....I love the anime too. Sue me. Yuki-chan is super fucking cute

Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of where it's okay to type like a retard.


May be part of an anthology.

nice Sup Forums reaction image newfag-kun

consider committing sudoku