Haibane Renmei is too pure to be ruined by anything

Haibane Renmei is too pure to be ruined by anything.

You know this to be the truth.

So much better than Serial Experiment's Lain, yet so overlooked

Why do you compare Lain to Haibane ?


same author


>Season 2 by DEEN

This is the closest thing to porn i have ever seen of haibane renmei. Good

>off by 3

I know Abe was inspired by some books when he came up with Haibane Renmei but I forgot which ones.

Can an user tell me? I think at least one of them is from Murakami but I'm not sure.

Also, you're now hearing it manually.


>Can an user tell me? I think at least one of them is from Murakami but I'm not sure.
Hard-Boiled Wonderland, though the similarities are only really surface-deep.

Thanks but wasn't there another one too?

>Season 2 by never ;_;


Not that I know of, but it wouldn't surprise me.

>That can't be true
>Look up 灰羽連盟 R-18 on pixiv
>3 results, only one that could be called porn was drawn by some faggot from canada


Which Haibane would you fuck, Sup Forums?



I love both. Serial Experiments Lain gets more attention for good reason.

I just watched it and it was fucking garbage

I can't believe you baited me into this banal nonsense



I think my absolute favourite thing about this show was how the whole place felt real. Like, everything about it was extremely tangible and grounded somehow, like you could really go visit Old Home, and be able to navigate north-west to the town, past the windmills and across the little river.

I can't really think of any other anime that's made me feel the same way.

>I think my absolute favourite thing about this show was how the whole place felt real. Like, everything about it was extremely tangible and grounded somehow, like you could really go visit Old Home, and be able to navigate north-west to the town, past the windmills and across the little river.

I've actually used maps and reference materiel from the show to insert references into a few stories. The detailed maps really helped with that, and the anime shows that the animators used those maps to make sure every shot was consistent.

I agree. I don't understand why people enjoyed this shit.

It's the kind of thing you watch at 3am after getting up at 5am and you've been running on 2-3 hours of sleep a night for weeks putting in 12-16 hour days beating yourself to death for a few extra bucks from a company that could give a shit less if you fell over dead tomorrow.
And yea, your boss says they appreciate it, but one fuck up and they'd have you out the door so fast you'd have whiplash. Your girl is constantly on you about how you're not spending enough time with her and she's guilting you to death while spending your money as fast as you can make it. You're getting bad knees, your hands are getting arthritic, you're in a constant haze of pain and you'd swear you can barely set your feet down in the morning without wincing.
And god does it twist your emotions when you're in such a fragile state.
Wishing you were dead.
Wishing you could just be there in old home.
Any place but where you are right now.

hey stop that

I'll forgive your sins, baby

The setting is entirely a take-off and there's a ton of hidden homages scattered around, but yeah, thematically they're completely different.