Manga about a cake teacher and her student

>manga about a cake teacher and her student
>it's not a serialisation, just 'whenever I feel like it' chapters

Why can't se have nice things. Is a cake romance series where the main character isn't an unlikeable twat too much to ask for?


teacher x student is a shitty fetish for shitty people

You must love it then

It's OK when they also happen to be siblings.

You speak to my soul user.

>'Looks like Big sis has some things to teach you uffuffuffuuu'

This manga is called Golden Times.

Really? Come on Japan stop reusing those few english words.

Cake does not mean older woman, you fucking moron.

Don't even try, the terminology is too deeply rooted here.

>over 25
>desperate to get married

I think you're the one who doesn't know what a cake is.


my dick
my heart

>nitpicking to this extreme

>over 25
Says she's 24 in OP's pic, which is what that user was addressing.
So he's actually right.

Your new is showing.
The definition comes from Christmas Cake which nobody wants after the 25th. So a cake has to be over 25.

Cake is someone who's under age.
Christmas cake is a girl who over the age 25 (Hint Christmas is on the 25th.)

Please tell me this artist does hentai

>24 years old

Kill yourself.

She's not over 24 though, you idiot.

These kind of stories only make me sad because I'll never know that feel.

So much autism

Not too bad. Shame it isn't a serialization.

>finally more delicious cake

I'll pass. Posting superior Teacher x Student.

>saying anything I don't like is autism