Do you enjoy mahou shoujo series with PTSD?

Do you enjoy mahou shoujo series with PTSD?

Also anime by urobuchi when?




What's with those filenames??! REEEEEEEEEEEE




Hahahaha! Oh shit! Picked up.

Why does she look exactly like Suigintou?


PTSD suffering is boring, normal cute girl suffering is way better than PTSD

you mean like fatalpulse?

Welp I was gonna pick this up cause I like /k/ shit and mahou shoujo, but looks like it's got a terminal case of edginess.

>MC's family is murdered
>it must be edgy!!!

This looks ridiculous. I'm interested.

Damn, I hope you're dumping this with a pack of band-aid's nearby OP.

goth loli is a style

I don't have a problem with that, but that bottom panel could be in a Linkin Park music video

>No deals! We just want to send pieces of your family to you bit by bit because reasons.

Did you just actually say that this is not edgy?

I mean like bullying

it's hardly any different from any panel where guts is going berserk or yelling "GRIFFITH!!!"

what is your definition of edgy?

The MC is a mahou shoujo fighting a war against interdimensional invaders.

Her family gets targetted. This is not strange or unique.

Said interdimensional invaders wants to wipe out all of humanity. Why would they make a deal with her? Their actions are perfectly logical.

Except they could just, you know, kill her parents.

But why would they do that when they can butcher them, then send her the pieces? I mean, that's how it's always done right?

Let me change the term so you can stop sperging: "they are using unecessary violence for shock value that adds nothing to the story".

Or "edgy" for short.

Now go fuck yourself, stop defending this shit just because people are calling it what it is and that triggers you.

Ahahaha, that's awesome.

Or they could hold her parent hostage so she won't get in their way

>evil alien invaders
>just kill them painlessly

Killing them painlessly does not have anywhere near as much psychological impact as torturing them to death. Why do you think real life dictators and terrorists use torture instead of just killing people?

did you miss the part about how they want to kill all of humanity

They don't even think like humans. This scene was to illustrate that. They may not even know of the concept of taking hostages.

> "they are using unecessary violence for shock value that adds nothing to the story".

Except that the scene does have value. A simple death wouldn't have anywhere near the kind of impact in driving home the point of how ruthless the bad guys were or the kind of risks the mahou shoujo took.

Do you also believe the CHOMP scene in madoka was unnecessary? That scene was famous for a reason, because it was the defining moment in a series that made you realise that shit has gotten real.

A typical off-screen beautiful death with dramatic hollywood style last words wouldn't have done that.