Shaftfags will defend this QUALITY

>shaftfags will defend this QUALITY

Is there a more deluded fanbase?

because I wanted a kizu thread up anyway.

First off, I don't even like Shaft so don't call me a Shaftfag or something. But how does a still from a movie prove anything? It's irrelevant.

thats quite an accurate depiction of someone dying a slow death without any hope left

So when people lose hope, their mouths start to melt down their face?

They get pretty ugly at least.


Absolutely. Didn't you pay attention in your biology class?

Miss Piggy has gotten kinda ugly lately

That's not QUALITY. Shinobu is just ugly.

>people can't make ugly faces when they're in distress
Get fucked OP

Imagine spending decades of your life learning how to perform a skill as complex and demanding as animation only for someone to take one frame of it and call your work shit because they don't like the fans of the studio you work for

It's a vampire user, not a person.


>he's never killed someone before




hibike euphonium fanbase

they're both great desu senpai

They both suck. It's the only time shaft has made better girls than kyoani though. Mostly because of cat and crab breast meat.

I actually like this

>inb4 shaftfag

>implying all kyoanus girls aren't trash

>Mostly because of cat and crab breast meat.
>liking trash

What's the best kizu rip?

Is the entire Monogatari series available on Blu-Ray?

see this simulation of despair for reference

Why was there a baby crying in the background?

Deep symbolism for crying because she was crying, you would never understand SHAFT's genius.

Why not?

Yes, but not entirely localized.

Such is the life of the Japanese animator in the post 2ch Sup Forums industry. No fan of Shaft but give shitposters an inch and they'll take a light year and guess what people will talk about any time the work you did gets mentioned from that point on. You people are the absolute masters of taking even the slightest controversy and running it into the ground until it defines everything about something and is all anybody knows of it. That's why we've had this thread like 5 times already

>distressed female has an appropriately ugly expression

Please don't confuse not wanting to fuck a character with that character being poorly drawn/animated. Emotions are not always pretty.

Can we ignore the studio wars and make this is a Monogatari thread?

Spooky a cute.


Snake best girl

>Tanabe Kyou doing vanilla again
Fucking finally.

Hey, KissShot's nose is almost as pretty as Cleopatra's.

She looks like the Grinch.

>Commie subs are out
Finally, I can watch it.

To set the mood.

what did they mean by this?

>Is there a more deluded fanbase?
kyoanifags. For something more specific mobfags this season are quite deluded.

Apparently the commie devs believe that's common English because they've never talked to a normal human being in their lives.

>musashanifags will defend this QUALITY

Is there a more deluded fanbase?

Is this from the new season? What animoo is this? Sorry for not being in touch other than being a slut for Jojo

>it isn't cute so it's quality
well you're pretty retarded, what did you expected from a dying vampire?

Kizumonogatari the movie part 1 the second part releases the 18th this month. I'd watch it if I were you that way you'll be caught up since it's only an hour long

>To set the mood.
was it meant to be disturbing or something? I would rather hear her shouting in an exagerated and terrorific way than a baby crying, it was annoying. It works like a symbol, ok, but it didn't fit at all

Because it was a primal urge: To survive. She wasn't a composed adult, her entire brain shutdown and went back to it's most primitive state. It's to symbolize the entire lack of logic in that scene, she just wanted to survive.

That's was my take anyway.

For shame

But she wasn't terrifying at that moment, she was pitiful.

Does Araragi fap a lot?


She reminds me of this cosplayer called Calssara,

>can't even draw a fucking hand

The fuck happened to her hand? This is almost as bad as seeing Hitagi's ear take up half her head in Bakemonogatari.

>Is there a more deluded fanbase?
No, there is not.

Actually this time is not commie fault, Araragi says meaningless bullshit like 人間強度が下がる, that's even why such line turned into japanese meme.

It's a stylistic choice of course.

Stop whining bro. Kiss shot is max-hot. Pure quality.

It was supposed to be borderline-chuuni retardation, not a meme. What's worse, they repeated that same line, verbatim, at another part in the series and Commie didn't translate it in a retarded way then.

Hanekawa just makes my life feel good.

what the fucj

Watching Kizu, I like that the current monogatari TV director stopped with the frequent black/red/text frames in between scenes at least.

Do they have actual templates for all those cookie cutter face and eye closeups? Every time I watch a new webm from monogatari I get the feeling that I've already watched it before.

Does Araragi have long balls or what? His crotch area looks big.

Does she go no-pantsu or are they see-through? Cause I'd go no-pantsu in a see through dress if I was KissShot.

Maybe he sags he swags.

In the novel Araragi's line of thought basically goes from seeing her as a wounded monster and more as a helpless child as he reconsiders helping her

It depends on the character, Sodachi usually looks the same since she is angry at 95% of the scenes.

this. save for the legendary neck bend. that's just all kinds of shaft hallmark.

This: Even though it's stupid he actually means something specific by it. Turning it into a barely-relevant meme just makes it sound like he doesn't mean anything by it.

Sodachi is cute when she's not angry too!

Storytime on Sup Forums, user?

Sure, in the entire 30s it trully happens or when she is acting.

well she's wearing pantsu here anyway.

That might just be the crease in her skin. The lines don't complete.

I also forgot the scenes she is just sad instead of angry.

I didn't say it happens often. Speaking of which, I like that Sodachi Fiasco is all about her helping other people out while being completely miserable the whole time.

>Complaining about this
>He didn't see the original cut

That's basically her whole life though.

Tries to fix her family -> beatings
Teaches Araragi math -> he never helps her
Takes care of mother -> abused and ends taking care of corpse
Helps everyone as class president -> called dictator and no friends
Tries to solve teacher's cheating -> Betrayed and becomes a NEET
Abuses Araragi -> gets help

I thought everyone agreed that commie's only value was still being alive to sub shit?

-She didn't do shit to try and fix her family.
-Araragi literally did exactly what she asked him to.
-Maybe she could have admitted that her mother was dying way fucking earlier.
-She didn't do anything beyond the ordinary as a class president and wielded whatever measure of power she has gratuitously and stupidly. There is no time she deserved what she got more.
-She tried to go about it in the most unproductive and retarded fashion imaginable. This was more of her reaping what she sowed from being a cunt to everyone. She should have kept going to school too. A random class vote has no fucking power to do anything discipline-wise.
-The one time she does anything that slightly resembles using her words to describe her feelings and situation actually gets someone who gives half a fuck about her to do something. Incredible.

Basically Sodachi continuously fucks up her own life and creates her own problems so any sympathy I would have had for her has nearly vanished.

It really bothers me that people try to justify this as "well she's dying." The whole point of the scene in the LN is that she looked so fucking unimaginably beautiful that without even knowing her Araragi tried to give his life to save her. Making her look ugly destroys the entire purpose of one of the most important scenes in the entire series.

Yes she did.

Only said she taught him math, and that she had expectations that weren't met. Ougi explained that she was afraid of beatings and confirming she was a bad daughter like her parents did so she wouldn't directly accuse her parents in any way.

Well, her being sane would certainly make her life easier.

She was definitely a terrible class president, mostly because she is unable to deal with people on equal grounds. She either controls everything or nothing.

Pretty sure many people stopped going to class for less. Having the whole class against you and even the the teacher using you as a scapegoat isn't easy to deal for someone already full of troubles. No one even bothered trying to get her back either.

You mean when someone finally went out of their way to extend a hand to her she got help? She didn't ask anything, and If it was not current Araragi the person would just ignore her after all aggression, if not get her expelled.

i can't be the only one who watches shaft's stuff and not give a fuck about it's quality

Good post user

You are correct. I simply think we have nothing worth talking about right now so people shitpost.


She actually dropped half a hint and let people know that something was wrong.

I'm okay with this

You could see like that, but I'm not sure if the riddle was intentional, it might just be her saying too much. There are some points when she was going to talk about her and switches the subject in the same talk.

She certainly expected nothing from Araragi, and was surprised when he remembered the math lessons, so she didn't expect him to actually investigate.

>the riddle


It's been a year

I thought you meant the hint for the "riddle" in sodachi riddle. Basically when she asks him if he remembers the shoe locker from middle school, which was the lead to all his investigation with Ougi.

Not the original user.

Isn't the arc called Ougi Riddle? I never really got what the riddle was. But you're saying that was it. Okay.

I need to rewatch.

Ougi Formula
Sodachi Riddle
Sodachi Lost
Shinobu Mail

The character in the title defines the OP, and Sodachi Riddle OP was Mathemagics.

The riddle was "why the fuck does this girl hates me so much".

I'm currently on Monogatari season 2 and is there going to be other Monogatari season or movie after this precuel?

Has everything from the books been covered already?

Yes, there are still two books to adapt in the final season.

And after that there are spin-offs books featuring the girls as main characters and without Araragi being present anymore. They probably won't be adapted, but some of them are translated or being translated right now.

Nice, btw when are those 2 books happening? I mean are they precuels or the last chapters chronologically?

Sorry for asking so much but I feel like I'm gonna end up getting huge spoilers if I google this shit

The 2 remaining books are sequels chronologically to the rest of the final season, but a prequel to the last book of second season (hanamonogatari).

People tend not to look so good when they're dying. I'd imagine it's similar for vampires.

Okay. I got the first two mixed up it seems. I thought Formula = Mathemagics.

And yeah, that seems to be the riddle now that you point it out.

Also, Shinobu mail was my least enjoyed arc in a while. It just was slow and hard to follow. I wish someone could explain the ending to me.

My girlfriend looked good while I was strangling her (well of course it was fake) recently.