No wonder she lost

no wonder she lost

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I want to play music with that butt.

>implying subaru will ever get that far with Emilia

This pic is pisses me off
Rem deserves better!

Delete this thread! Now!

Seriously though. How hard would it ever be to win MC if the competitors just showed some boobs or appeared randomly in bed.

If win is just having sex then Rem could just force the matter no problem whether he likes it or not, Emilia could do the same with her icemagic and/or Puck.

>Subaru "You owe me pussy bitch" Natsuki
>ever being alpha
He couldn't even successfully use Rem as his side chick.

that ass, jesus. How can Rem even compete?

She's only into Subaru because she saw that he was hopelessly into Emilia.

>cropped perfectly so we can see her tongue getting licked and her fat ass getting squeezed without having to see his face
More artists need to learn how to do this.

Maybe Rem is a thinking woman and enjoys it.

That's you, user.


I can get down with this

I love elfs!


Why is Emilia so perfect? I'm obsessed with her.

I want to squeeze that ass

Because she's an evil communist half breed who will go back in time to ruin everything forever.

I knid of want to watch this; is it part one of a never-ending series of LNs that drag for far too long despite the fact that the winner was chosen in volume one or will it end in a season?

Because evil is sexy and she looks exactly the same as witch Satan. Also Puck apparently gets to dress her up and such as part of their contract, so she has the wisdom of a spirit at least several thousand years old to make her look better.

I love Emilia-tan!

Emilia is fucking hot

I don't remember Emilia being this thicc


How manny threads we need about Re:zero waifu wars?

Emilia must be insanely hot.

He gets dropped into a completely alien world and his only concern is to dump is load inside her.

It's either false flagging, IRC, or Emiliafags getting their revenge

>"No wonder she lost"
It's revenge

>this will reach bump limit

This, fucking hate seeing a guy in my fap material. Fucking disgusting if I wanted to be a cuckold jerking off to another dude fucking the girl I wish I was fucking (or straight up fap to hairy balls dangling in front of the camera) I'd go watch 3DPD porn.

Is Emilia-tan still virgin?

>I hate guys in porn

Are you a homosexual?

You can't self-insert if there's no guy.

What about a futa? 1 dick 2 girls.

Get more big ass fanart?

>How manny threads we need about Re:zero waifu wars?
>How many threads do we need about waifu wars?
Every thread is waifu wars.

Futa is borderline.

If you're fapping to futa with balls I think that's very nearly the definition of gay.


Most certainly. She's a loner. That's why she takes to Subaru so easily. And most people are disgusted by Elves/Half Elves. Also, do you think Puck would let her fuck someone that would leave? No way

She thinks you get pregnant from kissing. What do you think?

No, you're a fag or a cuck for wanting a man in it. The "self insert" doesn't exist, don't fool yourself, you're tugging your dick to another man's hairy taint and dangling balls as he fucks the girl you wish you were fucking.

>most people are disgusted by Elves/Half Elves.

This is always the dumbest shit in fantasy worlds where elves are considered the extremely good looking race. Especially for the women, if they're all really good looking nobody will give half a shit about some half elf that wrecked half the world centuries ago.

I'm not into Subaru though.

where can i read the LN's?

Only because it's physically impossible.

>if Germans are good looking nobody will give half a shit about some moron that wrecked half the world half a century ago

It's so she stays 'pure' for the MC. MC will be one to love her in a world that hates and fears her.

Re:Zero is wish fulfillment like the rest.

To be fair, only Germans actually still give much of a shit about that anymore.
Most of the shit Germans get at this point is for their desperate attempt at avoiding another authoritarian state by becoming an authoritarian state.

Well there's always the option she got raped as a hate crime or because witch cult stuff.

Even after Hitler was literally worse than Hitler, people still like Germans.

this senpai

>half a century ago
70 years

Are you perchance implying that Hitler did something incorrectly?

He went full retard in the latter half

I mean when you have to "joke" that you're dying to guilt trip the MC it's clear as day who the real choice is. Rem could've got it but rejected it not Subaru's fault

He got addicted to meth. Which caused this .

Not winning and not preventing Europe from becoming the leftist shithole it is now. Not winning and not preventing Europe from being overrun by mudslimes and niggers looking for handouts and white women to rape and murder. Not winning and not preventing feminism from degrading western society's birthrates, raising divorce rates, etc.

Other than that, nothing wrong.



Thinking that competes to EMT


what to ambulance drivers have to do with Emilia?

Dat ass is too fat

>This is always the dumbest shit in fantasy worlds where elves are considered the extremely good looking race. Especially for the women, if they're all really good looking nobody will give half a shit about some half elf that wrecked half the world centuries ago.
In a proper setting elves should be the apex predator and the top of the world while humans lick their boots

Nobody gives Germans shit for Hitler anymore except some retarded self-pitying Jews nobody listens to.

Fuck elves

is that NTR?

Being the biggest slut always makes you win.

>Seriously though. How hard would it ever be to win MC if the competitors just showed some boobs or appeared randomly in bed.
This happens in many harems and the girl who does it rarely ever gets D'd.

Yes, the best kind.


she tried to make subaru into a beta orbiter, she doesn't really care about him

emilia is a lewd nightmare

>check this artist to see if they put out new stuff
>see this picture last night
>Chuckle to self knowing this is gonna be posted in these kind of threads
You never fail to impress, Sup Forums.

It really is that predictable sometimes. Okay most of the time. Sup Forums might as well be run on a script


Someone loves her

Some of these better be anal.

Why does she look so steller?