Senpai is an angel. She better win the Rokujouma!

Senpai is an angel. She better win the Rokujouma!

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A Rokujouma thread?! Da fuq? Is this the end of the world or something?

Also, you're close but not quite Yurika.

Last time I re-read the novels, I knew where the Harumi chapters were so I was able to skip them. It was much better.

Hard to not like her best

Have you actually kept up with the LN? Every girl is best. They're all pretty much guaranteed a win too.

dem fighting words

Welcome aboard to SS Harumi! Here's your friendly SS Yurika helping us navigate through our target.

As enjoyable as the series is, Koutaro's harem has grown to fucking ridiculous proportions. I'm on volume 14 right now and he's got at least 10 girls.

This. Everyone is quite literally Grade-A Waifu material. They have their own charms and they are ALL best girls.

Sun Ranger Girl?
Theia's mom?

10 girls is still small

To be fair... All of them have their reasons to love him and none are at all that superficial. Well... At least everyone but the Sun Ranger Girl.

Poor Sanae...
Both of them

Put Sanae on there twice. Might as well throw in Alaia too.

And God.

>Sun Ranger Girl?
>Theia's mom?
>Goddess of Dawn
I fixed it.

Here's the official chart. 14.5/15 girls?

I know, and he's not a dirty perv like Issei is, but I think any harem should have a few female characters that don't like the hero in a romantic way to balance things out. Shizuka was like that for awhile but sure enough...

That's one thing that made C-Cube so great. Even if the cast was predominantly female, only the 3 main girls had romantic feelings for Haruaki.

Underrated girl.

>Underrated girl.

Voted Theia anyway.

Koutaro can get any of the girls but Yurika's mine.

Yurika is made for bullying.

I just got into reading this series, who do I fucking pick to go to?! I cannot for the life of me choose which girl I would pick would be best girl because they are all too damn high-tiered girls.

She's like a somehow a successful version of Sacchin from Tsukihime since she's a main heroine.

Harumi-senpai and Yurika are both winners in my book.

Both cute and both are really sweet. Man each time I think of this series, I'm just so glad I started it. It's just too damn good to not be read.

Season 2 when?

So far as I'm concerned, the anime has a Harumi end.

It was silver link user, seasons 2, 3 and 4 will never happen from them. I you said A1 or Shaft however... (As much as I dislike A-1, you gotta admit that they do a fuck ton of sequels.)

That fate spinoff has three seasons though

>animeonlys don't know

>23 volumes

Man, you'd think they'd run out of shit to do.

It's really damn popular though and Rokujouma, despite having 20+ volumes, doesn't quite match up to that, quite yet. Though it being on the rise quite lately... Like hell it's at 8th I think for sales of volume 22

Surprisingly enough, it's actually not. Especially if you've got a damn well developed set of characters and all the things and sheenanigans that come from being at the crossfire of 4 different groups at the same time.

Im going to marry this Lovey girl

Volume 13 had a pretty huge battle so it's kinda hard to think how things could escalate.

The characters are well developed but even now it feels like they're so developed there's nowhere left to go. I mean, a bunch of the girls have already confessed to Koutaro. Unless he actually picks one of them what else is there to do?

take over the universe?

Yeah, I think it's pretty safe to say Koutaro has the most powerful harem in anime.


why are you watching a tv release of a series that aired years ago?


Should I just start from volume 1? LN adaptations always seem to skip out on stuff.

Yeah, the anime is pretty condensed, like how all the girls show up in the same night, where as in the novel they gradually appear over several days.

Did we ever get translations for that story where Harumi tries to learn from Kiriha about how to be more confident? I remember an user posted a preview of it in an earlier thread.

Only first half i think. Check the archives
