What if Jack the Ripper was a loli?

That's Fate/Grand Order for you gentlemen. A video game that has its head so far up its own ass that it has a roster of heroes that includes Leonardo da Vinci with tits, a fat ass Julius Ceaser, about five different versions of saber and this is not counting Jean of Arc and Red Saber (who all conveniently happens to look nearly god-dammed identical) and last but not least a loli Jack the ripper. You know I get that this is a fantasy scenario where you need to suspend your disbelief at least a little bit but there are just some line that you just don't cross. I mean when you say Jack the ripper the first thing that comes to mind is a bloodthirsty murderer and not a fucking loli. I mean try to picture a fucking loli terrorizing London and brutally slaughtering prostitutes.
Look when they made King Arthur female I didn't really mind but turning one of the worst Roman emperors of all time who in historical context beat his pregnant wife to death into a saber clone and turned Jack the Ripper into fap material that's just a no no.
Seriously what were those chinks smoking I mean did all that leftover nuclear radiation finally get to them?

Here's your (You).

Nice review faggot, where can I subscribe to your YouTube channel?

Back to Rebbit


H.G. Wells pursues Jack the Ripper to the 20th Century when the serial murderer uses the future writer's time machine to escape his time period.

No, there is no line in fiction. Eat a dick.

>what if we took a serious VN
>then, what if we took some random, unimportant side heroic spirit...
>and then, what if we made her, and all irrelevant heroes cashgrabs
>grand order

a complete insult to the Fate franchise.

As long as there is no blackwashing, it's fine.

You know Jack was in Apocrypha first, right?

Stay mad I have fun with it.

Who is this cutie?

Is this a thread created by someone from that laughable "community" known as Redshit? Anyway, have a pity (You) for you shoddy pasta, bitch. Now fuck off.

I'm going to take the b8

Leonardo Da Vinci voluntarily turned himself into a carbon copy of Mona Lisa.
Red Saber Mordred is a homunculus clone of Saber.
Jack the Ripper is a personification of all the orphaned children abandoned by prostitutes. Jack the Ripper himself was never caught nor identified fully, so there isn't a "true" Jack to summon. Just many different possibilities of who could be Jack. LoliJack wishes to return to the wombs of the prostitutes that abandoned "her", so she tears out their entrails and climbs inside. Also, Fate/Grand Order isn't responsible for Nero, that's Fate/Extra.


Fate was always shit.

Helena Blavatsky. She's in GO.

Thank you.

Nigger they already pulled this shit with saber, what the fuck did you expect

Wow what a top reply.
It's thanks to genius minds like yourself who justify everything with "but i like it lol u jus mad" that we have shit like SAO and you can't even argue against it because in the end shitters just default to "i like it tho u jus mad."
What's the point.

The only reason I have to accomplishing something important is the chance that Japan will make me an anime girl.



What are you even complaining about? Japan has genderbended a lot of historical figures in a lot of anime. If you don't like the game, don't play it. It's that simple.

GO is fun shit

>world is getting fucked by Solomon

>It's thanks to genius minds like yourself who justify everything with "but i like it lol u jus mad" that we have shit like SAO and you can't even argue against it because in the end shitters just default to "i like it tho u jus mad."
yes, the behavior of english speaking weebs is clearly why we have shit like SAO, truly an incisive analysis for the ages
if you can't argue over "i like it tho", you're mentally incompetent. And if you can't argue over "i like it tho" without seeming like an autist, maybe that's because you're actually autistic and your irrelevant hangups and "line that you just don't cross" are just as stupid as those of the plebs

Don't forget what they did to the manly paladin Astolfo. He's supposed to have a beard.

But you can't argue against "I like it tho" except by going "but it's shit."

That's why Sup Forums is such shit. Because people don't discuss anything anymore, they just say "but I like it" and there's nothing you can say back other than "it's shit" and then both sides devolve into accusing the other of shitposting.

Well whatever, Fate/Grand Order is shit.

>Roman needs time to get the singularity working
>go to the beach meanwhle

Literally nothing wrong with that

Hey man, Chaldea has a time machine. We've got all the time in the world to fuck around before Solomon blows everything up.

Welcome to Japan's entertainment industry, newfag.

Why is it shit? Because some genderbended Servants that weren't even genderbended in GO?
I think the story is interesting if you're a TMfag

>What's the point

I think they've gone overboard on the waifushit with GO. I'm not even opposed to genderbending historical figures, but there are limits.

Dubquads? Damn it you indecisive bitch, which is it? Dubs or quads? East or West? You can't pick both.

Well, the world is already fucked, everything but Chaldea is gone(Only because they had the goddamn shield belonging to Galahad), thats why they are fixing shit, and they might as well take a break once in a while, wouldn't want to lose the final fight because Gudao/Gudako is overfatigued.

>I think they've gone overboard on the waifushit with GO.

Well yeah, It's a mobage after all and waifus bring the money. Waifushit tends to stay away from the main plot though . The last chapter was written by Nasu and was pretty good imo.

The point is that worthless garbage like you is in the wrong because everything that doesn't cater to your politically correct tastes triggers you to the point that you you crap out shit like

Japan doesn't listen to a small western crowd that corrupts everything it touches, that alone makes it better than anything the west shits. Now go eat some progressive numale dick, filthy homosexual.

I'm not even the OP, fag.

So what? You're the same as that cocklover. Now go die in pain.

And was meant for you,

I still don't get why people keep talking about a cell phone game on an anime board when it has its own threads on /vg/. Again you people have problems

You're right. FGO anime when?

>this entire thread

I just don't get it, how does Sup Forums manage to get dumber and dumber and more shitposty every month. There really is no bottom line is there. Half the time I don't even know what or why people are arguing bitterly over or what shit they're even trying to start

Sup Forums just seems to be where people come to whine about shit now. It doesn't even have to he related to the board in question. It might as well be an anonymous MySpace

People bring in shitty posting habits from other boards and sites and it just gets slowly diffused into the board culture. People complain that all the shitposting radiates from Sup Forums and before that Sup Forums, but it's on every board now.

For what it's worth, here there are no mods to protect special "snowflakes" and imbeciles when they get raped for their shit and "unique" ideas.

Lame bait

Jack the Ripper true identity is unknown in the Nasuverse that's why you can summon many aspects of it. Loli Jack just happens to be one of them

Fun fact: GO has more male servants than female ones

Seiba is CUTE! CUTE!!!


Agravain can't catch a break.


>Dat ponytail
>Dat Justice Jackt
>Dat underboobs

I never thought I would find Saber attractive one day.

>Leonardo Da Vinci voluntarily turned himself into a carbon copy of Mona Lisa.
You think that makes it okay? That is very clearly just a bullshit reason to turn him into a girl.
>Red Saber Mordred is a homunculus clone of Saber.
This I'm fine with. The first Saber, Altria, is the only one I'm okay with being genderswapped.
>Jack the Ripper is a personification of all the orphaned children abandoned by prostitutes. Jack the Ripper himself was never caught nor identified fully, so there isn't a "true" Jack to summon. Just many different possibilities of who could be Jack. LoliJack wishes to return to the wombs of the prostitutes that abandoned "her", so she tears out their entrails and climbs inside. Also,
Doesn't make sense to use the targets as a visible portrayal of Jack. If anything he should be the common stereotype; shady guy black trenchcoat, looks creepy and weird.
>Fate/Grand Order isn't responsible for Nero, that's Fate/Extra.
Fuck Fate/Extra was a travesty.

>Agravain on suicide watch

TL when

>That's Fate/Grand Or-


Ponytail Saber is best Saber

UBW showed us that

> spend all your life fighting for your glorious king
> she falls in love with a fucking weird Asian teenager
> some commoner kid fucks a king
> everything you ever believed in gets crushed

>Stop liking what I don't like

>implying jack the ripper was not an english loli
why do you think he was never captured

Agravain is actually the best knight. Bedivere is fine too.

Because crime investigation was a fucking joke back then and there was no Sherlock Holmes to solve everything.

There is also another version of Jack who actualy lacks any consistent forme and can shapeshift into anything.

Nigga was just too beta and didn't understand his king's autism like a sword can.

m8n sherlock holmes was real and was in on it since she was also a pink haired loli, stop believing what mainstream historians tell you and staywoke

> That is very clearly just a bullshit reason to turn him into a girl.

1)Da Vinci was most likely homosexual
2) As a heroic spirit he chose to appear as his ideal of beauty so he appears as the Mona Lisa
3)He was still male originally

> #
Doesn't make sense to use the targets as a visible portrayal of Jack. If anything he should be the common stereotype; shady guy black trenchcoat, looks creepy and weird.

Loli Jack is just one aspect of Jack the Ripper because nobody knows who it actually is

In Strange Fake you have the Berserker version of Jack who is basically a servant who can shapeshift into any form he wants

> Fuck Fate/Extra was a travesty.

CCC was okay

Forgetting the King had a threesome with two weird Asian Teenagers.

Gawain and Lancelot were both faggots that turned on their king though.

Bedivere is the only one who understood Seibah, but Nasu forgot he existed so...

Saber clearly has a thing for swords...I doubt Agravain is a sword, is he?

Gawain never turned his back on Arturia though. Also Bedivere shows up in GO too.

>Bedivere is the only one who understood Seibah, but Nasu forgot he existed so...

Bedivere was an important character in the last Camelot chapter we got recently.

Bedivere didn't really understood her as the 6th chapter of F/GO showed

>Gawain never turned his back on Arturia though
He did when he went off to fight Lancelot against Arthur's wishes because he was butthurt, which resulted in him being injured and unable to protect Arthur during Camlann.

>atlantis was ruled by lolis
>the pyramids were built by lolis
>most important inventions were by lolis
>mozart was a loli
Blacks BTFO

>mozart was a loli

Does this looks like a loli for you ?


>leonardo da vinci with tits

show cute renaissance girls revitalizing the art world cutely when?

He literally turned himself into Mona Lisa.

We wuz kings.

Did someone in the drawfag thread request Kira sucking Davinci's hands yet?

But Mona Lisa was already a real lady.

>Knights who were a part of Saber's order, some of them since the beginning, could not understand or even once make an attempt to understand her
>A random autistic jap ginger was fully able to understand her hopes, dreams, pains, and life and comfort her within the span of a week or two


Saber is autistic
Shirou is autistic
They were made for each other.

The knights never tried to understand her. They just followed the orders of their perfect king.

>low tier phantasms should just ricochet from Heracles
>every fucking skeleton with a rusty knife deals him 2x damage
FGO is utter bullshit.

>The knights never tried to understand her.
Bedivere did if I recall.

FGO's Herkek doesn't have God Hand

Maintaining God Hand would kill the main character of FGO, so Herc doesn't have it

He's still a fucking monster for a 4*. Also

Why though?
And why he can into Nine Lives? Nothing makes sense.

>I mean try to picture a fucking loli terrorizing London and brutally slaughtering prostitutes.

>Why though?
Mana consumption. He almost killed his Master instantly when he activated it.

He wanted to see the king smile for his own sake. He couldn't understand why the king didn't.

But his resurrection doesn't kill the master. I don't think that shit requires less mana.

The resurrection is part of God Hand user.

So he has God Hand in FGO.

I didn't mind most of the genderbends or sameface sabers, then I saw Julius Caesar and Attila and something broke.

No. He has Battle Continuation.

1 life =/= 12 lives. At maximum bond and presumably at maximum efficiency with Herc, GO's protagonist can handle 3-4 resurrections.