ITT: characters that are literally you
ITT: characters that are literally you
Is this gintama?
This is great
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
Oy vey
Messy hair, blonde, same height, weight and birth in the same month. (Woah i didn't know this)
Our personalities are also very similar.
This thread was actually fun in the end, huh.
Blonde, quite the obedient asshole and the backstabber, but also a good friend.
But she told me she was more than 18...
I'm not a fucking pleb like you all seasonal shiteaters.
I'm creative, always thinking ahead, intelligent and nihilistic. Don't even get me started on my sense of humor.
>tfw nobody to discuss Das Kapital
I can't help being afraid of darkness.
Do you also wear cute panties?
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked craving for cocks
Source please.
what ep?
All of them
Who's this edgy fuck?
no but seriously what episode is this girl in I don't see her in any
I genuinely like the way this was animated
>pic related is literally me
You're right, my bad. I just checked and she only appears in episode 3
A talentless bastard.
Literally me even though I've had it worse than him
I'm just in Alaska. Great internet. Not a lot of traffic up here.
Source, that's me
how the fuck did you suffer more than Kaneki, who're you fucking Guts?
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
I am Shinka!
>Not Mori Summer
does that mean that you are a cutie cat girl?
Purposely got myself into fights and tried to stir up shit to see what would happen in highschool. Also I'm kind of a cunt, but in an endearing way that only my friends liked me. No qt twin gfs tho.
My only friend is an autistic middle schooler.
>thats a dude
Except i have shittier job.
Fuck me up
Is that even possible?
Pushing papers 8 hours a day is shittier job then making hamboigas in mc donalds.
user you did it wrong. You're supposed to say: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor
second season when?
I'm a loser who has trouble making friends, but my 14-year-old cousin is even more socially retarded, to the point of completely shutting down in social situations, so she clings to me because I'm one of the few people who doesn't yell at her or ignore her.
This sounds familiar.
Do you plan on fucking her?
>The edge
That guy is the biggest stooge I've seen in a long time. He literally has no reason to be so egotistical and has done nothing to justify his superiority complex. I can't wait till he gets killed.
Kaname from Mahou Shoujo Site.
Nope. I just want to help her out, so that she doesn't end up being as much of a fuck-up as I am.
Does he get a girlfriend?
good on you user
keep doing what you're doing
Me except I'm not in the military or being attacked by aliens
I can the feel the edge of that man.
My fingers are literally cut from his words.
Considering he wants to abuse his sister more than anything, no.
I am Stella! I want to fuck!
>I've had it worse than him
Fuck off Guts, you're not supposed to break out of your manga.
If only it was actually self-conscious instead of destructively narcissistic, it would be great.
d-did someone say mori summer desu
is there anything lower lvl entrance/ bad than a burger flipper?
>Hate women
>Have best friend
>Best friend turns out to be a reverse trap
>Basically be this guy response wise
Literally me.
>average in everything except smarts
>pretty smart
>social when i need to be
>decent at sports
did i mention average
You're a shogi pro?
He really is beautiful. Rei best girl
Pick any christmas cake. I work at office, fail at romance, end up getting wasted from time to time and whine like a little bitch. Any succesfull relationships make me feel salty, because I can't get over stuff I had before and move on.
Except nobody picks me up even for fun because I am supposed to do that instead.
Sorta this for me
Don't Mind me
Papa Adolf is that you?
I just can't
This guy
Saiteihen no otoko
This, but without the martial arts or transforming, just the jerk attitude and cute face.
Pointlessly hot-blooded and rambling on about old series no one gives a fuck about.
8man: intelligent, aloof, socially-inept, and has a twisted sense of morality
i'm also a masochist
except that the term "goy" is used by jews to refer to non-jews.