Chapter 8 is out.
Return of Zebra girl.
Apparently she became Kaiba
Other urls found in this thread:
Sweet, new chapter.
Here it is, the moment I've been waiting for. Return of dat ass.
What a donkey.
Gangbang when?
What is Lanka's name a reference to?
Human girl still needs a chapter for character development. Why is she even in this school?
>Quickly he realized Lobo's weakness: his mate, a white wolf nicknamed Blanca
Ranka from Macross Frontier. That's why her sister is Feryl.
underrated post
to be a cocktease for the human guy of course, and or to be 2nd ranked
Jin is damn Maniac
How can animal people put up with him?
I wounder if we see chapter when animals gang up and beat him?
Maybe they just see his hatred of them as him being tsuntsun.
>you look like you're having fun Jin
>It IS fun!!! I love winning against animals!!!
the madman
Holy shit are the donkey bros joining the club?
So it's a three-parter with no omake next week?
No but Lanka gave them a corner of the cooking room because they didn't have their own room and get chased out of classrooms
Still a pretty good deal. Why is there even a kitchen in a school for animals?
Where does it say no omake?
And I think it's going to be a story spread over three weeks
Who the hell knows
Maybe it's actually a lab
The part where it says next week is the 前中後編の続き, it'd be weird if the 中 part was just a short omake.
Maybe it was originally a human school. I wonder if they're going to loan out more part of the kitchen to other people.
Well he did say 次週 and not 翌々週. And he usually say "Next week is the omake" at the end of the normal chapter.
I think calling zebra a pedestrian crossing is his best insult yet.
Because human population declining.
And who told you this school was for animals?
Translation when?
Probably when Rapeman going to finish raping his man
I fucking love Rapeman's credit pages. The one where he triggers kebabs are funny as hell and always causes a shit storm in the comments.
Their hatesex would be fun.
are those yugioh cards?
No the game is called "Magic the Donkeys" it seems.
And then I realized that in this manga, humans are the villains.
In my country we call a pedastrian crossing a zebra path.
Nigga am i reading this correctly? The title is "SHIT-TON SCHOOL"
No, you aren't.
Basically Jin.
I bet he going to become second Hitler
It's supposed to be Seton
How can be the second Hitler if his mate is a Wolf.
Wolfsbrigade or even better Wehrwölfe
Well, are they Sup Forums ?
Hitler had a dog called Blondie.
>How can animal people put up with him?
Because all the animals are dicks to each other, so to them it's just more of that.
Jin knows his phylogenetic tree well.
Really? They seem pointlessly edgy to me.
There have been a few good ones though, especially the "don't talk to me or my daughter ever again one"
I wounder what happened in they're universe what made all animals sentinel?
The good ones are in Maou no Hajimekata. They are not that good on their own, but the Muslims raging in the comments are funny as hell.
thanks m8. I made that one
I want to mind break donkey.
So, do cowgirls eventually get slaughtered for meat for carnivores?
I like them
They are funny
They become Meat Toilets
Does that cat girl being pulled along by the red head cat girl want to be his pet too?
They're bait for sites like batoto.
Why can't we just get rid of Jin?
Fuck you
Probably within 36 hours or so. Just need to finish up this nukige.
Looks that way, and will probably have to do Maou next week too, and the ongoing lewd commission I'm doing, why break the pattern now of all times fug.
Since Maou got licensed and all was thinking maybe I should just leave it to the publishers though, it's kind of a waste of duplicated effort when you think about it.
Yeah but publishers suck ass compared to you.
>Return of best girl
>She pretends to be Seto Kaiba
Losing my shit and I don't even understand Nipponese
Well I've never checked a Seven Seas translation but I doubt they'd be anywhere near as bad as the "translators" over at Funi or the like, so it should be passable at least, I hope.
Ok, so now I feel obligated to ask: What exactly was the line they're talking about here? Because I don't remember shit from Prison School that'd trigger people.
Or that Prison School got a dub.
tl;dr a line that made more than enough sense in English as:
>“You keep talking to me like we’re on equal terms, but I’m a 2nd year. You have to address a superior more politely. Shut… up…”
For some reason known not even to God got dubbed as:
>“Woah, cut the breaks Arthur Fonzarelli. You got a stick up your ass, or are you one of those dumbass GamerGate creepshows?”
The screenshot at is the trollator's response. If anyone wastes cash on funi translated shit after that they deserve the quality they get to be honest fampai.
>you not liking my shoehorning of this thing into a random show means you support it
I American clapped.
That's why you need to learn the moon runes.
How the fuck was such a massive fucking change to the script allowed? Were the people who did this virtue signaling?
I'm at least grateful that Funi distanced themselves from this. One of the better things they've done over the years.
Where can I hear the dub, anyway? I want to see it with my own eyes.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. That's not even translating any more, that's just straight up inserting your own statements into a work without consent or penalty. It'd be like if I decided to change a line in Romance of the Three Kingdoms into explaining how much I hate Middle Eastern people.
There was a Gamergate reference. It happened near the height of the hysteria and earned the translators some richly-deserved criticism.
In their defense the entirety of Prison School is just a meme.
>Funi distanced themselves from this.
>Generic "Neither the dialogue in our shows nor the personal statements of our actors or writers reflects the views or opinions of FUNimation" press release
>guy still works for them
I wouldn't really call that 'distancing' but that's just me.
That's not a defense
That's damage control
>How the fuck was such a massive fucking change to the script allowed?
Pushing a political agenda is okay when liberals do it. You don't hate women, do you, user? That would make you a misogynist and misogynists lose their jobs... you wouldn't want that, would you?
Yeah, I just read the article (I was going by the headline).
Fuck Funi, honestly. That's a fucking dumb translation, which referenced at the time a currently on-going event. A movie reference would've been so much better, but no, we have virtue signal and get money and approval from sheltered girls in their teens.
Reminds me of this one translator (forgot if it was for anime, vidya , or tv) but he pretty much said that if he is going to translate he wanted to alter the text and add his own words to the text because he wanted people to know it was him translating and it would be unique.
It was in one of those you rage you lose threads I think
Are we getting the chapter today or what?
If not then I'm going back to sleep.
Back to sleep it is then.
G'night Sup Forums
>expecting your mangoes to be translated and edited within 24 hours of raws coming out
Nigga shit takes a while to do.
Every animals want to be his pet, can't beat human.
She didn't lose, she directly attacked Jin's health point.
He needs a Wolfsschanze
Don't know, I just remember it was a pic with the text underneath of the guys quote about being a unique translator. It was a rage thread and a lot of people lost with that one.
fuck off stalker, this is a rapeman thread. go translate some other shit
He's been in these threads from the start bwaka.
>Return of Zebra girl
Our god is a based god.
Huh, author changed his comment at the end of the chapter, seems next week is omake now.
Uh, you're right.
The author also said the third donkey seen in the ch2 omake left the pack for personal reasons.
Author so lazy.
Yep. Besides, there's a comment from a reader:
He noticed how the third dude got like sacrificed.
Somebody post the Goebbels one
It is stupid for the Yugioh Card Game Club to continue with just 3 members, though.
That means one person will always be left out of the game since a regular duel is just between two people.
I don't understand why the author didn't have zebra girl just turn the horse pack into yugioh duelers as well.
That way, a card game club can actually function since the most important thing about forming a card game club is the number of players.
4 members is the absolute minimum you should have for such a club.
Zebra only has 3 members now, including herself.
Her club really should be disbanded now.
Why is the author forcing this card game club so hard?
It seems he has no idea that a card game club can not function with so few members.
mass recruitment
You would be that crazy too, if you lived in that kinda shitty world.
You know, there was a time that, if a mule wounded a man like that, it wouldn't survive until evening... Just saying.