ITT: Utter shit Sup Forums recommended
Can you name a single good thing about it
I loved Lain, but this was so bad. Nothing happened, all the characters were two-dimensional, tons of filler, etc.
Which haibane would you fuck?
Doesn't it hurt writing these lines even for the sake of Bait?
I'm dead serious, I found it very boring and all the drama to be silly. I can not understand what you people see in it.
not him but i agree. watched it when i was younger. it came off as trying to be way deeper than it was. also it was fucking boring as shit. liked the themes and art direction though.
Baccano! Wasn't all that good. Isaac and Miria were the only good thing about it.
Kanna, obviously.
Mushishi more like Mushishit
It can be boring, but the script and story is good, and subtle enough.
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
You sense this smell? It is B. Base making it a season 2. I mean, 91 days.
I really liked it up until the last two episodes. All that melodrama killed the nice atmosphere and bittersweet mood it had going.
>Sup Forums
Not in this board, friend.
The first episode was 10/10 but then it went downhill and flatlined. That was my experience anyway. I had a hard time keeping interest toward the end.
This isn't even bait, it's an empty hook
The early Great Color Wars threads of 2010 made me pick it up only to be fucked by the shittiest ending.
How did it end?
They stuffed like 15 fucking LN books into the two last episodes, so everything felt rushed as all hell.
Nice recommendation thread faggot
Was it really six years ago? It feels like it was just two.
We're getting old, user
Blue > Red = Green > Purple > Homobait = Dragon > Shit > Yellow
Your favourite anime.
i didn't like haibane either. never understood the circlejerk over it.