What are your objective reasons to find Re:Zero shit?
What are your objective reasons to find Re:Zero shit?
>It's popular.
I don't know whether it's shit or not. Based on the premise I have no desire or reason to watch it.
The medieval-esque setting is a gimmick rather than anything actually genuine.
I didn't watch much of it, nor do I want to. It's a joke.
But I'd be willing to bet it's the typical flavor of the season show which gets nearly forgotten after a year or two.
It's Isekai which means it's the lowest form of otaku pandering trash out there.
He's the only reason anyone should watch this garbage. How can one man be so based?
I don't really get how it's otaku pandering. If anything it's proven itself to be the opposite. Subaru is basically useless and humiliates himself at every turn. Only Rem likes him, Emilia clearly just pities him.
Shallow, archetypal female characters who provide waifubait rather than any legitimate entertainment value, poor world building, obnoxious and generic villains, a lack of real tension due to the reset mechanics, too many boring SoL episodes.
Subaru is the series' saving grace in that he's superficially entertaining and also gets interesting characterization and development. He's annoying at times, but that's a million times better than bland waifus like Emilia and Rem.
Probably because you're a deluded Re:Zero faggot. The whole premise of the show of being a NEET, going to a magical world and getting the chance to redo your life for is for otakus.
Yes, but his NEETdom has made him into a giant incompetent and socially retarded loser who fucks everything up more often than not, and everyone except for Rem cringes at him half the time and doesn't want him anywhere near their affairs.
Funniest show of the season
Love seeing this spaz fuck everything up
Re:Zero is a masterpiece. AOTS
Betleguese is more enjoyable
This, it's not wish fulfillment if the self insert is constantly getting cockslapped by reality, fate and cosmic horrors all at the same time.
too much attention on Sup Forums from crossboarders
Should we start banning people who don't know how to greentext?
Generic, terrible characters, cringe, edgy.
it wasn't used incorrectly, go away newfag
It is when he's loved by people for no good reason and has a blue haired maid waifu who would fuck him if he simply snapped his fingers.
Are you faggots implying that otakus don't like that kind of MC? It's literally been the same shit ever since fucking Eva aired in the mid 90s. You need to get a reality check if you believe otherwise.
>stupid newfag is acting stupid
I seriously can't even
"flawed" characters are terrible in anime
This. Also at least Shinji wasn't a NEET.
>all these newfags
kill yourself, maybe you are old i really don't give a shit, you are wrong. their greentext was used to indicate that that's not their actual reason, but that's why other people think it's shit. without the greentext it wouldn't have made any sense because no one admits to hating something just because it's popular. kill yourself.
Who are you quoting?
Except the maid's the only one who ever gave one fuck what he said or thought and she just got erased from reality. He's a total cock to everyone else and an entitled fuckfence who does shit for people with the expectation they will pay him back and thank him for it at his feet.
Why on Earth would they enjoy something that goes 'here, this is you, you're actually a huge asshole and everyone hates you'? Otaku are fucking weird.
Your lack of capitalization shows how big of a newfag you are. Lurk more.
>Only Rem likes him
That's more than enough for a guy who's supposed to be so awful.
>Emilia clearly just pities him
Most guys would love to be 'pitied' the way Emilia 'pities' Subaru, lavishing the guy because she's so kindhearted. And stop pretending she won't fall for him too.
Re:Zero is "otaku pandering". Only pretentious Westerners who want to eat up shit like this without feel ashamed think it's not.
No, you actually don't just use greentext whenever you want to be sarcastic. You're being silly, if that were the case, then I would literally greentext everything I say. Sarcasm is purely contextual, greentext serves a different purpose. The only places I see idiots use it just because they're being sarcastic is Sup Forums, which happens to be full of newfags. Look at how uses it. It is typically used to quote someone or describe a situation, not just indicate that you are joking. I don't know why I'm being so nice to you and explaining this shit but be thankful nobody else is calling you out but me.
>i'm backed into a corner so i guess i'll just point out their grammar and call them a newfag
sarcasm wasn't the reason for their greentext, maybe read what i wrote again.
Rem is its only likeable character.
Uninspired and boring world.
Crappy dialogues and interactions.
Bellow-shit tier 2nd arc.
You're just focused on the fact that Subaru's a loser, which isn't unique. No one really hates him (in fact it's the opposite; people tend to accommodate for him out of goodwill), the maid is deeply in love with him despite the fact he's a loser, and he'll be shooting for Emilia, who will undoubtedly be his.
There are only "flawed" characters and Kiritos.
The middle ground becomes Kirito sooner or later.
So were you quoting someone that was saying it's popular, or condescendingly implying it's not popular? Those are pretty much the only possibilities, neither of which make any sense. I don't mind newfags if they are willing to learn from their mistakes but you're being a stubborn little cunt. Just admit you're wrong and we can be friends.
The most basic characters I've ever seen in anime, bitches are WET off the MC for no fucking reason at all, basically a ton of stupid bullshit we've all seen b4 nigga
no, just read what i said again. they used greentext to indicate that the real reason other people think it's shit is because it's popular (which i don't think is true because i have legitimate reasons to think it's shit. without the greentext it would just them saying they don't like it because it's popular, which isn't what they wanted to say. it really has nothing to do with sarcasm.
MC is blank slate with no past.
Character traits are "forgotten" for the sake of plot convenience.
Bad guys are edge incarnate.
Time powers are ultimate handwaving tool with no concrete rules.
Charcters relations dont grow - they just leap to certain condition.
Tons of time wasted on MC suffering.
Are you fucking kidding? Literally the only one that likes subaru is Rem, because he saved her life. Literally everyone else hates him.
But there's no implication anywhere that he is quoting Sup Forums or the people who think it's shit. He should have just said, "there are none, everyone just says that because it's popular." There is really no way to extract that sentence from two fucking words and a meme arrow. Greentext is used for quotes and summarizing mostly, not for whatever laziness that guy used it for.
Idiots think Eva is anti-otaku despite being the product of mega otaku and referencing scifi and mecha and having gratuitous fanservice and all sorts of things up the ass. Some people are this divorced from the reality of things.
It's literally exactly like Sword Art Online
>"flawed" characters are terrible in anime
Objectively incorrect.
"Perfect" main characters are garbage and if you like them you're cancer.
Yeah, everyone wasn't patting him on the back last episode. Emilia didn't patch the guy up despite his disobedience. Beatrice and Ram don't go out of their way to help him.
"Everyone hates Subaru" is bullshit. They typically don't expect anything from him and are understandably irked when he makes an ass of himself, but are generally okay with him and kiss him up when he does good.
>There is really no way to extract that sentence from two fucking words and a meme arrow.
except i did and i'm sure many others did as well, maybe if you weren't such a newfag you would have too. "It's popular" indicates the reason and the meme arrow indicates it is the reason of others. pretty simple, maybe it's lazy but it's not used incorrectly.
No logical continuity for people's actions and hit or miss dialogue in a show heavily reliant on its plot and dialogue. The madoka movie had the same problem, but it also had millions of dollars of drawings jerking off in my face
How much time has subaru actually spent with emillia in the final timelines?
Flawed and Perfect MCs are shit.
Middle grounds are merely waiting to be perfect
That's entirely wrong and you know it.
The "comedy" is terribly unfunny
Self-insert NEET MC
The writer said that Subaru is supposed to be tragic when he's just an entitled brat
It's harem shit
Torture porn
None of the characters aside from Rem have any reason to put up with Subaru's retarded behavior since he is a complete asshole
Betelgeuse is annoying
None of the characters' deaths have any impact since you know that everything is just going to be reset anyway
NEETs will fall in love with this series because he will get a girl in the end, which gives them hope that they can be trash losers and still nab a waifu somehow.
The "looping timeline" plot has been done before many time and a lot better and is just used as a gimmick to tug at your heartstrings when someone dies without the finality and emotional impact of actually having a character truly die and not come back.
For you people a character who isn't visually shat on every two chapters is perfect, and if you actually believe Subaru is the archetype of a good character then you might as well kill yourself
You are on the same level of the retards who used to say that Shinji was relatable and likeable
Fucking laughable
There is no middle ground between flawed and perfect. The hell you talking about?
Forced suffering.
No it fucking doesn't dumbass. You can't use them like that. What you are describing is sarcasm, you are jokingly doing an impersonation of someone else who you think is dumb, and we both agreed that greentext isn't used for sarcasm. If he just said, "it's popular," that response is blatantly nonsensical enough that it would we prominently sarcastic. Yet he added the greentext because he doesn't fucking know how to use it and thought it emphasized his sarcasm.
You need to review your English AND you need to lurk more.
Isn't every show with a conflict forced suffering?
>The writer said that Subaru is supposed to be tragic when he's just an entitled brat
That's the point. He's a NEET. He's not that bad of a guy, just has an oversized ego, which he starts pull back on after getting fucked for it.
>None of the characters aside from Rem have any reason to put up with Subaru's retarded behavior since he is a complete asshole
Most of them don't. Except out of pity or a feeling of debt.
>Subaru is a NEET
Eh, no. He's a truant, idiots. Still technically in high school.
>Shinji was relatable and likeable
>needing a character to be likeable
Subaru isn't perfect, but at least he's a change from the cookie cutter all around great guy with some minor joke flaw, or being a bit edgier against bad guys.
There are literally thousands of those characters, why do you want more?
He's a toxic human being. He thinks that he's always looking out for Emilia when he's actually just unhealthily obsessed with her. No one wants a cunt like that as a friend. Being a NEET isn't an excuse for that.
Because Otaku's fantasy to that shit of a character they can relate to
There is a reason strong confident characters dont happen in anime any more otaku's dont like them
Yeah, this isn't exactly what the friendzone looks like
>Subaru is basically useless and humiliates himself at every turn
Otaku's love that shit nigga
Its the opposite it is manly men that Otaku's hate. These fat fucks have ruined anime
>He's a toxic human being. He thinks that he's always looking out for Emilia when he's actually just unhealthily obsessed with her
Yeah, no shit. That's what makes him more entertaining to watch than a character you would like.
How is he a change? his is a cookie cutter beta anime hero
>Subaru isn't perfect, but at least he's a change from the cookie cutter all around great guy with some minor joke flaw, or being a bit edgier against bad guys.
There are literally thousands of those characters, why do you want more?
lol no
>That's what makes him more entertaining to watch than a character you would like.
No, it's not entertaining because everyone still puts up with him and his retarded behavior other than Emilia, for the moment. And you know that she's going to forgive him due entirely to the thing that made her hate him in the first place (his unhealthy obsession of her leading him to act entitled like she owed him something). It'll just be "Oh Subaru-kun you saved me again haha so I guess I'm in your debt once again :)"
It's just like Steins;Gate. A retarded faggot asshole MC that everyone is drawn to/puts up with so that the beta losers who self insert as him can feel good.
Emilia doesn't even know Subaru is in love with her. Girl has no common sense. The way she speaks and behaves, she likely harbors self-esteem issues of her own because of the way she's treated by others. Subaru also doesn't blather about being 'friendzoned'; that's /r9k/ shit projected by viewers.
Subaru will confess his love to Emilia and she will reciprocate. Bet on it.
>bad guys are edge incarnate
Did you forget arc 2 already?
Let me preface this by saying that I dropped this show a few weeks ago, right after the first proper appearance of the big existence-eating whale, so if anything major has happened since then, I haven't been privy to it, nor do I care to be.
My beef with this show is that it's basically an uninterrupted series of tragedies. Now, I'm not naive enough to believe that every story should be sunshine and lollipops, but tragedy has a literary purpose: a stepping stone. A growth point. Subaru went through some heavy shit to overcome his predicaments, so logically, he should've matured a bit. But he doesn't. Every time he achieves some kind of minor success, the world drops another shit log on his head, and he just becomes even more of a pissy baby. Every success is systematically invalidated by another growth-less tragedy.
I get that there's a sloth theme here, like how is this somehow a karmic punishment for his wasteful lifestyle or whatever, but I would think even a lazy bastard would man up after a while, or at least have the good sense to cut his losses and elope with the girl who's already into him.
tl;dr: It's emotional torture porn, and I don't really care for it.
Funny, Emilia is so naive to where she doesn't understand what love is or how babies are made.
This has to be bait but episode 18 was literally the point where he is supposed to be "growing" he starts over "from zero" after hitting his lowest point
Because it's just a generic edgy fantasy show with a time loop gimmick. I thought it would end up being something unique and interesting based on how many people on here loved it so much, but it's really not anything special. It teases the audience by pretending to be the """psychological""" show that it is clearly not. It just leaves me with the feeling of being cucked, desu.
To be fair, I didn't watch the whole episode. I bailed right when he accidentally attacked Emilia with the ghost hands.
Just looking at that fucking character gives me cancer
I like the rest of the show though
In these last few eps he has his breakdowns but the whole point of 18 is to realize that he isn't alone and that while it isn't much he still has the strength to forge ahead
>Most of them don't. Except out of pity or a feeling of debt.
There's no indication that anyone is really pitying him. Rem and Ram both had a weird respect for him, both in cases where they felt he was suspicious and killed him and then Rem fawning over him (which is batshit crazy). Puck finds him strangely charming. Beatrice finds him annoying, but only really took pity on him the one time where he begged her for help.
It's implied several times that Emilia is lonely because she doesn't have any peers, and it was clear that part of what she liked about Subaru was that he treated her like an equal. Remember that line about her not wanting him to be his Knight? The reason that was upsetting for her was clearly because she wanted him to be at her level, not her servant.
The whole narrative of "he's supposed to be a pathetic NEET" is constantly both subverted and affirmed with no real coherence. Remember that thing about him having a really strong grip for no reason in the beginning? Remember how he tries to hide his fear by being cheering and energetic? That's not how a NEET would react to stress in the first place, because if they could do that they wouldn't be a fucking NEET.
i don't think you know what sarcasm is user.
That wasn't the point of the episode. Subaru saw himself as worthless as no one expected anything from him and laughed at his own half-assed effort to succeed. That was until there was actually one person who had expectations for him to be a hero and accept himself and his pride.
It's the DanMachi of the season, and Rem is the Hestia of the season, albeit nowhere near as sexy. In any case, it'll be forgotten very soon after it ends.
As I said, I stopped at 17, so I wasn't aware of that. Don't think it should take 18 episodes to get some positive character development, though.
>Betelgeuse is annoying
Fuck off. Slothman is best girl.
The loli mansion arc was fucking awful, had to drop it there. They really could have condensed it to 2 or 3 episodes instead of painfully drawing it out
Subaru is a faggot surrounded by enablers which means he'll keep being a faggot
How can an opinion be objective nigga
>not having objective opinions
What the fuck are you even doing here?
>You can't use them like that.
Greentext has always been used like that
You're right. It's my objective opinion that this thread is just shitposting.
Do it pussy.
Holy shit this is cringe hilarious. Quit using greentext like an autist, though.
>won't listen
The hands are basically Satella summoning herself to shut Subaru up. She attacked Emilia out of her own act of will to tell Subaru to stop.
>Am I triggering you?
While I don't think Re:Zero is shit I won't go as far as saying that is extremely good. My concerns with this anime are the following ones
-Subaru's decisions in general
-Him trusting people so easily and taking things as given
-Not giving more screentime to the main heroine
-Using the "We do have OP as fuck guys but they are not available at the moment when you need them most" card
-His self pity monologue was good until it got to the part where he says that all his life choices lead him to not being able to do anything which honestly felt like a "Japanese NEET motivator rant"
-Took him 3 days in each loop to make each of the maids wet for him in different scenarios and yet, Emilia can't even talk to him properly about important stuff that ends up causing the end of the world because she's stupid as fuck.
-Subaru still believing that he could escape with Rem even after learning that Puck would just destroy the world after Emilia died.
-Making Rem too perfect
here here
It's a great show. I will definitely remember it in the next few years. If people who disliked it actually watched up to episode 15/18, they'd be experiencing the emotional feelscoaster everyone else got.
fuck you
fuuuuuuck you
I don't think it's shit, but it's been quite a chore watching these last episodes.
Subaru is the cringiest MC ever.