Daily reminder

Daily reminder

the difference is le strawman on the left gives us roads and services in exchange for raping us with taxes, when le strawman on the right doesn't.
i like my roads and services.

>the state can't possibly get revenue from any other source than raping its citizens

I'm not saying that at all
what sources would you suggest?

Where I live the state owns the natural resources and you pay a giant royalty to the state for natural resources you pull out of the ground. We don't have individual taxes here, not at the state level

Neat. Where is that?

In soviet ex-russia, state pays you

Why does your flag read United States? I'm not being facetious, I'm wondering if that's bugged out.

I said ex-russia. You do realize of course one of your states used to be part of russia

It's not fucking theft. You consent to taxation by continuing to stay in a country. Don't like it? Fucking move! No one is forcing you to stay!

I actually forgot, but thanks for reminding me. What you suggest could work really well on a smaller scale like you're talking about, but you have to remember that the vast majority of the United States are a bunch of wageslaves whose only contribution to the economy is through taxation.
You could sort of equate to harvesting natural resources where you live. Rather than taking natural resources and paying for it, people in the continental United States take state resources and pay for it.

tl;dr most people have no way to contribute of their own volition.

Taxation is meant to be used for security. The army will fight for you against another country if they try to invade.

Nowadays taxation used for bullshit things like welfare, feminism and Jewish banks. Which is theft

Good point.

You are never asked to consent. You never sign a contract. With your logic it's impossible to rape a woman because they all consented just by being born. If they don't like it they should just get off the dick. Fucking move, right?
I can't move without money
I can't get money without working
I can't work without paying taxes

Stupid fucking leaf

The only thing that gives those tiny slips of green paper in your pocket is the Government. You pay for that fucking privilege. If you don't like it, go live in a country with no taxes... suppose it would be Africa.

White people have always had taxes, that's how you become a people, a society, a culture.

>MUH Gold & Guns

Pfft...cool we'll bury you with them.

This fucker just used calm and logical points to BTFO that faggot

>the only thing that gives those tiny slips of green paper in your pocket is the government
That is thanks to Woodrow Wilson and FDR, and was never intended by the Founding Fathers

you should have been born into an inescapable network of rape dungeons

Taxation might be theft, but the existence of a state is necessary in creating a just society. Where does justice come from in an Ancap society? Who makes the rules?

>muh gold and guns
We will bury you with them.



It is accepted, taxation on humans or property is slavery and feudalism.

Lets seperate benign income thefts used for public insitutions and state ownership of your house.

Local governments, who control a small area and can associate freely with each other.

See my above statements. Also, we're in the New World and slaves are an option

Especially when the money is given to immigrants to start businesses and buy houses.

Who pays these governments?
Would small governments be able to fight a war?

without taxes, who would protect the borders?

December 23, 1913 - Never Forget

When will you realize the fact that the Fed and taxation are unrelated? Does the Fed enforce tax law?

actually , salary tax isn't for roads, that tax is taking out of your car registration

So you would support the government creating a new for profit business to enter into the market to earn money to fund government services?


Taxation isn't the only way or governments to raise funds, they can also do so through inflation; printing money.

Some theft is ok, like taxation and stealing natural resources from Africa

you are getting fuck all out of the $2 trillion + they get in taxes each year

...and if you don't want to use roads or sevices your money is still stolen

No it is not.

Theft is illegal taxation.