
>tfw this scene will never be animated.

Other urls found in this thread:!Kd9TyA5a!7DGQGUJvpyXp1ey6s6SFkw

Mayoiga was shit; I wouldn't want more of it to be animated.

>Everybody say it was shit, so I must say it too.
Fuck off to MAL or kill yorself


it was seriously shit
fuck off

I'm sorry about your lack of taste, but sometimes a bunch of people hate an anime independently.

Remake when?

I wonder why are the people even like this trash.

How does the manga deviate from the anime?
Also, the fuck is happening in that image?

Not very much, the manga still in track with the anime, with some minor change
>Mikage become insane
>Hellfire is a trigger happy
>Kamisama actually has a waifu
>Masaki also fall into the river with the Zong and also got saved by Kamisama

Manga >> Anime

considering how the name strongly turned from mediocre to unnameable shit around ep.5/6, that really doesn't tell us much.

The manga itself is mediocre at it best, but considering the source material, the mangaka has done a god job.

Is the sekrit club finally dead for good? The last time I heard from them is when we purified them with black dicks. It was glorious to hear their suffering for having faith with this shit show.

Why is this show shit?
>inb4 muh Okada meme

>Toshiboy replaces Mikage in Team Execution
>Nyanta and Lovepon risked actually murdering Misaki in the name of torture
>Mikage went nuts and was put in jail
>there is a lot of giving people concussions

Is anyone translating the manga?

There's plans of doing so.


Of course no. One of the sekrit club member has a friend on Steam who understand the moon and he beg him to translate the manga. He was eventually removed from his friend.

I hope Dozaeman doesn't kill herself cause of being bullied by us.

Mayoiga is shit, but they give us this perfection out from those pile of trash.

She doesn't actually give a fuck

>He was eventually removed from his friend.
Wow, seriously? That's hilarious. I have a guess as to who the beggar probably was.

>liking meme beanie
The fact if she's come from a shit show already invalidates her from being best girl of the season. Kill yourself

>he removed from his friend

What else have those idiots done?

sharkpon is a miracle

Are all the raws in the archive?

Here, have a free spoon.!Kd9TyA5a!7DGQGUJvpyXp1ey6s6SFkw

Thanks user.