What does Sup Forums think of Sora no Woto?

What does Sup Forums think of Sora no Woto?

I just finished it and I loved it a lot, but I don't think the character art style really did the story justice. The settings were beautiful though, it's just the Keion-style faces that bugged me.

Holy shit that soundtrack was gorgeous though.

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It's before k-on.

made me look

Yeah the soundtrack was great. Setting was neat but I thought the writing was pretty inconsistent, both tonally and in terms of quality. Character designs were Walmart Horiguchi but not too bad.

shitty show that tried to ride on k-on coattails and utterly failed

Mel Kishida's designs were better than the ones they used

Beautiful, exceptionally good in nearly all aspects. I don't see anything wrong with the designs, the only problem with them is that it leads people to compare it to K-ON even though they have barely anything in common.

The character designs are blatantly Horiguchi-inspired and it's an all-female slice of life airing in the same year as the titan itself.

Fuck I wish it had a sequel. That unexplored war setting has so much potential.

>make a anime about a cute girl military platoon
>set it in peacetime

It's kind of a stretch to say they were similar in many ways beyond that though, and it's completely retarded to call it a K-ON clone. I know nobody does it seriously, but the constant shit like gets kind of annoying.

When you've got a giant series like K-On! everything which shares so much as a superficial resemblance following it is seen in that way. Just gotta deal with it.

It's definitely a gem in the slice-of-life genre.
The characters worked well with the narrative even if they were pretty archetypal. The strengths of the show were definitely the world-building, specifically the culture of the town they live in (and how the characters interacted with it) and the beautiful OST. The ending was bit cheesy, and I would have loved to hear/see more trumpet. It seriously needs a season 2. There's just so much more territory to explore.

Which is why it was a poor decision to use such a fluffy art style. It was a mismatch with the rest of the anime aesthetically.

Great series, but really melodramatic at times.
Every episode ending with a big emotional climax got tiring after a while.
I don't know why people complain about the character designs though. Mel's artwork is very good but it's also borderline unanimatable, the hair in particular.

How is the VN?

Lacked direction, too all over the place for to me to call a gem or even recommend wholeheartedly.

Aesthetic as in general art style? Got any examples of where you thought it clashed? Because I thought it was fine in that regard. Good chunks of the writing was likewise fluffy, so I don't think the cute idea was necessarily a bad one.

The beautiful vistas made the characters look downright paintbucket-tool flat. The color palette needed a bit more depth to stave off that level of contrast.

also lots too much cheek-mouth. and the faces kind of looked silly during the more serious expository bits.

Being aimless and episodic is pretty much the rule for SoL's. Comparatively, SnW has a sense of direction. Even if that wasn't the case though, I don't see why it would need one, nearly every single episode is extremely enjoyable and well made, this should count more than anything for a SoL like SnW.

For me, it only starts to really fall apart near the end when the actual war aspects are introduced. The majority of it plays like a slice-of-life within in a unique setting. The whole "WAR IS BAD" was handled clumsily for sure and it suffered because of it. Still, I give it props for what it did end up building for itself. I'd more than likely recommend it to someone who is searching specifically for a slice-of-life to watch albeit with a disclaimer on the shows particular failings.

The side mouth is the one thing that bothers me about it. That makes it look kind of dated since that was so common in the 2000s.

Backgrounds are nearly always more detailed than animated characters and cheek-mouth is a meme complaint.

I honestly doubt you could find ten anime made in the last decade that don't have either of those "problems."

I disagree, but I guess I've always liked this kind of character design. K-On! was like that too, with a lot of intricate, painterly backgrounds. If anything I'd say Sora no Woto suffers more due to shittier animators drawing wonkier faces

Whoa I super disagree, all my favourite slices-of-lifes are very focused. When I say it lacked direction I just mean it felt like there was no plan in mind when making it. Kitschy sentimentalism? Social commentary? Goofy moe? Macrossian power of music pastiche? It flip flipped all over the dang place and it felt jarring to me.

Not the user you're replying to but I agree Sora no Woto was trying to do too many things at once, which would be fine if it were two-cour. I wanted more of the sweet sentimental stuff and less of the plot progression stuff. At its best it reminded me of YKK which I mean as a huge compliment, but it never really stayed focused on that feeling.


I like how they didn't spoonfeed everything, so you actually need to read the speculah or watch several times to see new stuff everytime.

Makes me sad that it never had a sequel, or maybe a movie, I think a movie would be perfect to explore more of the universe while not running out of new ideas/getting boring.

Soundtrack was wonderful.


Yup, time constraints definitely held it (and so many other shows) back. There was potential there, definitely, but for a one cour show you gotta be real fucking focused if you wanna nail it. I get the YKK comparison on an external level (positivity during post apoc / wartime) but I wouldn't really compare the two past that.

I get feels everytime I read this.

I wonder if anyone that participated in the production still haves the will to make anything related to it, or it's completely forgotten...

As much as I loved Sora no Woto, it gave me so much closure in the second OVA that I don't really feel the desire for them to continue the story at all.

It was a good ending, knowing each one of them continued on with their own objectives, but maybe they could've done an hour long OVA or a movie, throwing in some more flashbacks... might be wishful thinking, maybe sometimes are better the way they are.

Why do European anons love this anime so much?

Because they use actual European architecture as references for the backgrounds.

Personally, I'd like a "director's cut" version of the first season with all the extra stuff added in.


This is bringing me feels, damn. I need a rewatch.

This actually made me wanna visit Cuenca, and I never cared about Yurop (well, except for WW2 museums maybe)

Think I'll start watching this. Thanks anons

I liked the pee episode.

Enjoy, it's kind of a criminally overlooked show these days. Easily forgotten because it was anime original.

I don't know if this is already part of the speculah, but Nostradamus predicted that the Cuenca Cathedral would be one of the few places safe during the apocalypse. It's also said to be one of the places the Holy Grail is hidden.

A relative of mine lived there for a few years in the 90s, and her stay coincided with one of the predicted dates for the end of the world. Fanatics from all over Spain came to Cuenca not just because of the cathedral, but because they thought the hard stone the town is built on would save them from destruction.

Really makes you think.


If you get the chance definitely go visit Cuenca as well as Alarcon.

Exploring the city and discovering the sights from the show was one of the greatest things I've ever experienced.

I only remember the butts in the ED.

that was the OP silly. and it was all a big Gustav Klimt homage.

I don't think it's on the speculah.
That cathedral reminded me a lot of Nostalghia by Andrei Tarkovsky.

That's deep, I want to visit it so bad. Maybe next year if things gets better.

A man of taste.

No butts. But there was

Really love it, just did a marathon rewatch for the dozenth time just last week actually. Started out as just wanting to rewatch episode four, but after I finished it I couldn't help but watch the whole series again. One thing I almost always forget about until I rewatch is the hint of Felicia's PTSD in episode two during the lightning storm. I always think that's a really nice touch.

My favorite OST for sure. Some of the tracks still make me a little teary listening to. This one is my favorite.

So that's why they chose this town for the show?

It's probably just a coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised.

>but I don't think the character art style really did the story justice
Come on user, it isn't bad at all. The only one that might turn you off is Kanata, but even then, she's a miracle.
On topic, I watch it every year with two bottles of wine. It's stupidly fun yet interesting enough to suck you in and I would have loved for it to be two cours.
>mfw missing the stream three times in a row now

wait, Sup Forums does a stream of this show? annually I assume? when? I want in on that

Sometime in January I think.

Good user. From the top of my head lumiere, abandonnee, pont de pieerre, and ambiance feutree are some of my favorites. It really is comfy.

Lurk more, you'll eventually find out.

was great,
except that fucking piss episode 0/10

Piss eventually flowed on me. I can't really dislike any Woto episode.

Tentative date for now is January 7th at 20:00 UTC.
I'll post the usual image when I'm sure about the date and time.

I'm new to Sup Forums, heard about it on another website.

thanks user, see you there.

There's really no other way to show the importance of telephones there or show how warm and loving is the relationship between Mio and her dad

Is Sora no Woto the WALL-E of anime?

Great concept and production values that started out great and went nowhere? Nope

Loved the first episode. Gonna enjoy this ride.

The first episode is the only good one.