Mine is best girl
Mine is best girl
it's shit, mine is shit, akame is literally the only possible conceivably justifiable element of this shitpile
Trash anime, trash girl.
Shitty show.
>Mine is best girl
This is true.
Just finished it was great
It's bad.
It's okay.
>Mine is best girl
Aniki is best girl.
Garbage show.
>Chelsea is best girl
Fixed that for you.
Anime is trash because manga is trash as well.
Don't listen to them they hate it because it's popular. I enjoyed it. Not great but stil enjoyable
People actually like this shit? Well, you do occasionally see SAO fans here.
Just watched it recently. Liked it well enough, I guess.
>Mine is best girl
Good taste. pink hair best hair
Show was only good with Sup Forums. Outside shitposting 0 value
Mine is best girl.
>Leonne gets killed by kung fu master Honest
>Tatsumi's turned into a danger beast/human hybrid monster
We really are heading straight to a everyone fucking dies except Akame ending eh?
Leone dies, I told myself that I would drop it, and I did.
Started out great but went to shit at some point, the concept and world building was pretty well done, but the author never used any of it, at the end only the characters kept the series alive but again the author decided to kill them all without introducing any new element into the story. Its like if they skipped the whole series and started out in the final arc since the very beginning.
shitty series, now beloved by toonamifags int he same way as high school of the dead
Trash anime, shit tier Mine.
Shit show, shit source only thing I enjoyed was the second OP and the weekly shitposting on Sup Forums.
It would be good, if Esdeath and Jaegers were the protagonists.
It's edgy garbage that just kills off every character for cheap shock value
Reminds me of Re:zero
Mine is indeed best girl.
Discard the anine and read only the manga that's worth checking out for a few reasons (Mine being of them).
It would have been much better, but with Dr. Gaylish being dead. Honestly, I still don't know how this guy managed to get in this grey group when he was Wild Cunt level of shit.
It was really necessary to use the proxy for this?