How do you feel about eromanga artists doing non-h?
How do you feel about eromanga artists doing non-h?
>How do you feel about eromanga artists doing non-h?
I would feel bad if it means he stops doing actual porn as a result.
they need to go back to doing porn
As long as they continue doing actual porn(preferably, porn of their new manga), then I don't mind
I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand they make some really good looking characters, I mean just look at sns, but on the other hand now there's no porn of said characters made by that artist that we know of. There's also the ones who make an ecchi series and just cocktease like crazy while there's others who at least show the titties.
It pays the bills and it forces them to learn storytelling while arousing people. Win/Win
Great. Since we can have pic related
and fantastic
I hate it. Now Ootsuka Reika solely focus on her mediocre serialized manga.
As long as they have a writer, I noticed that former hentai artists can't write for shit, and most get cancelled fast and dissapear into oblivion.
I just hope they enjoy what they make moreso than porn if they stop having the time to do H works
Also did Gujira's manga start yet? I want to know if he can actually do something besides traps getting drugged up and raped until they like it
They always have shit writing so it's a waste.
Yep. I think it started a couple of months back.
shokugeki no souma is p good
hey man air gear was fucking great
>I noticed that former hentai artists can't write for shit
That's to be expected since most of them never really had to try when writing their hentai stories. You do have a few outliers who either do comedy really well or actually manage to write something relatively moving, however.
>air gear was fucking great
>Remake of a hentai manga she worked on a long time ago
>Same characters
>Expanded cast
>Art improves because she is forced to work on it consistently for 4+ years
We need more of this innovation. Remaking original hentai work with superior remake.
Please sauce
Great because overall ecchi >>> hentai, characters also tend to be better and somewhat "memorable".
I like that stomach.
Gion no Tsugai
The other is Mujaki no Rauken
How well does the porn manga industry pay?
Not a lot of h-artists ever go mainstream.
Probably, 80k/year or so. It should be the same as any other artist.
I'm fine with it.
I'm not. We have lost way too many.
I'm not too fond of it.
Shokugeki no Souma quickly devolved into generic garbage with endless pointless competitions while we hardly got any titillation.
On one hand I'm happy for their success, on the other I'm bummed about the loss of a good h-artist. Infinitely preferable to an artist quitting or worse.
I love it
I only like it if their product is good. I love Fukudahda's stuff but he's too reliant on sex, so Iinazuke Kyoutei ended up being an h-manga with no payoff and it suffered for it.
He was too good to stay in porn for very long.
It works out pretty well sometimes.
Some of those guys never stopped, it's just that they're currently competing to see who can put out the least amount of content.
I don't know every h-manga artist out there doing non-h, but I would assume that the dude doing Black Lagoon is winning right now.
I wouldn't mind them if the majority weren't some of the most badly written cliched trite even for manga standards.
Hiroe and Hirano are battling it out, to be sure.
>How do you feel about eromanga artists doing non-h?
>doing non-h?
pic unrelated, right?
>girls that win against the cock
this artist is a madman
Her current series is ending soon, maybe she'll return to lolis again.
His porn is terrible. We are better off without him trying to make erotica.
I dont mind, the problem i have is with eromanga authors that do non-h then go back to doing eromanga and then neglecting the non-h fucking god just give me a new chapter Hiroe what the fuck are you doing holy shit
I liked Pretty Neighbor, but I like Railgun a whole lot more. Though I would be much more forgiving of Railgun's delays if it was because he was drawing hentai on the side.
It is the worst. There are plenty of shitty mangaka, but good pornographers are rare.
Also, writing is not usually their strong point.
As long they will still do hentai. Tosh will be back after SnS right?
still fappable
Is she pregnant?
Magicalize is one of my favorites, I just wish someone bothered to translate the chapters.
I love the girl with sad eyes and long black hair that stars in 90% of Inomaru's work, but those tits are bigger than she ever had in porn.
I swear Inazuma's art is getting worse, at least on the faces.
>Tosh returning to H after SnS.
He better do so. And make a SnS doujinshi while he's still at it. I miss his works.
Nigga it just had 6 chapters released two days ago.
nice recommendations, thx
>it just had 6 chapters released two days ago.
Well hot damn, you're not kidding. I know what I'm doing tonight.
what's there to feel about it, it's an incredibly common route for manga artists to take. It's often a career progression.
hentai is a great way of making a quick buck to get yourself set up.
Plenty of people started off on Hentai, Hellsing being a major one that springs to mind
Is that fucking Inomaru?
Good, I'm glad that bastard is doing non-H and not making the world a shittier place with this terrible NTR.
I've never gotten over some of this shit.
I love it, it needs to happen more often.
He still draws H though, and doesn't really do NTR anymore.
Nah, that's bullshit.
>ood, I'm glad that bastard is doing non-H and not making the world a shittier place with this terrible NTR.
It's funny since he's probably the one guy I know who does NTR where the girl doesn't break in the end.
Good for them
>Good, I'm glad that bastard is doing non-H and not making the world a shittier place with this terrible NTR.
Ironic, considering his non-H has the most loyal waifus.
Agreed. My boner demands context.
That makes it more tragic. In real life, you can't mindbreak someone by raping them. The second a girl starts doing ahegao, the story stops being realistic and starts becoming fantasy.
I appreciate it. Especially that Shub niggurath one. Doujins are nice, but my brain switches off after I cum and I close the tab. Something that isn't there explicitly to be fap fuel is funner to read for readings sake.
I don't like it.
Hisasi does some great things. Doesn't really matter to me as long as they keep making ero.
Very good
I happy and sad at the same time. If they do non-h stuff I want them to not drop 18+ stuff for good.
It works out pretty well sometimes.
Ok, 1 issue in and I'm reminded of the superhero manga from a year or two back where the girl was a flying brick with heterochromia. Once again, I could do without the useless male narrator. The plot is so thin that my time would be better spent ready Inomaru's porn.
Can't blame Inomaru for the plot since someone else is writing this.
I wish her Mommy would by my Mommy
pretty okay
I hope so.
I miss Kuya-sensei
Depends on if they are forced to stay out of H or not.
I'm happy artist makes more money
i like it
As long as they don't switch over exclusively to that I'm fine with it, truth be told there are a number of H-artists I'd like to see have a crack at non ero stuff.
It sucks because non-h raws are so much more difficult to come by.
M-mind giving me a link user?
It's stupid. It ruins perfectly good stories with unnecessary fanservice.
this angers me
>Latest Release(s)
>c.22 by Japanzai (367d ago)
It's fucking retarded how they don't shill the fuck of their shit on twitter
Lurk moar dumbfuck
Aiki is over
Wow never knew that Maybe used to draw porn, now I understand why he's so good at drawing ecchi scenes.
Has it really been a year?