I just finished Nadia Secret of Blue Water. Can we have a thread about it...

I just finished Nadia Secret of Blue Water. Can we have a thread about it? I'm going to miss the wild ride: from starting off hating Grandis and co, to them becoming my favourite characters at the end to see Jean and Nadia share their first kiss to seeing the New Nautilis take off into space. Hell, I liked the Island arc, although the Africa 2 parter and music clip show were absolutely shit. Also why did Nadia become a slut?

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The musical episode was the high point of that arc. At least the song was catchy.

I want to hold Nadia down and force feed her meat.

Who doesn't?

It was, which is sad because the musical episode was shit save a few tender moments (like when Grandis is talking to Nadia). Also, how can I become an admirer of Grandis?

Write her a poem or something. She's great.

It was a great show that I quickly fell in love with, one of my most favorite write shows ever. I think it was way better than eva which was just a confusing ride of angry emotion that comes across as pretentious. Nadia has likable charactersthat you want to route for in a fantastic world that you want to see more of.

Totally agree about Nadia. Totally disagree about Eva.


I should rewatch it, the only things I remember now are all the times Nadia did something that really annoyed me.

The island part especially comes to mind.

I'll write her a song instead.
I liked both shows for what they were, but I understand where you're coming from.

I loved how she kept getting BTFO during that arc though.

I like to pretend with my headcanon island and africa arcs didnt exist. so what disaster happened in production behind the scenes?

Gainax has been planning on the show only being 26 episodes. But when it ended up being ridiculously popular, NHK, who was financing it, demanded more episodes to keep the show on-air longer.
Gainax didn't have the manpower to muscle through 13 unexpected episodes and so outsourced the production to Korea under Shinji Higuchi's direction. Now, it does seem that Gainax did have a hand in some parts of the Islands, like the Red Noah, which is all story-relevant. But the rest, where the art and animation went to hell, was all Korea.
This at least gave the rest of Gainax plenty of time to work on the finale and give it a proper ending.

>Gainax has been planning on the show only being 26 episodes
Does anyone have a source on this? I've heard this said many times on here, but I've never found a source. Going by the fact that Electra's betrayal is episode 22, I don't see how the show would have ended in 4 more episodes, even if you skip the entire island arc, there's still 5 episodes, and you'd have to consider that there would have at least been a 1 or 2 episode buffer between the Nautilis being sunk and Jean and Nadia arriving at Tartessos

>Sanson is 40 and marries a 16yo

>just a confusing ride of angry emotion

That is actually what Nadia is though. The show is about a girl with strong personal convictions that comes (through a mixture of social pressure and psychological trauma) to compromise and live in peace with wider society. She has emotional clashes with several characters over various philosophical differences during the course of the series, the most memorable being her hardline vegetarianism (this was apparently based on a phase that Anno himself went through in his earlier years - there's a reason Shinji looks so familiar if you give him a tan and let his hair grow out a bit). At one point, Grandis outright tells her that no one is going to want to be around her if she's always so opinionated and confrontational.

The most striking instance of Nadia's naive willfulness being stomped into the ground (rather cruelly imo) is when she develops her first real crush. She becomes smitten with an African prince and all of her friends essentially tell her that she's being selfish and that she should really be in love with Jean by now because he's saved her life. Of course, the narrative itself has been pushing this the whole time and the audience is expected to agree that Nadia is an ungrateful bitch and that Jean is a hero who deserves her feelings (never mind the fact that he's objectively a perv who has been creeping on her hardcore stylie from the very first episode). Don't worry though: the prince breaks her heart and we all get to laugh at her shattered dreams again. GOOD END.

Basically, the message of Nadia is that youthful idealism inevitably gives way to acceptance of the harsh realities of the world. It's fine to have hot opinions when you're a kid, but you gotta ultimately temper them to fit in with the normies. Becoming a functioning adult = having your mind and spirit broken. You know, classic Anno shit.

>never mind the fact that he's objectively a perv who has been creeping on her hardcore stylie from the very first episode
You sound like an SJW

It was originally planned to be just two cours, but it got so popular that NHK, who was bankrolling production, demanded Gainax produce another cour.
Gainax just couldn't handle the demand, so they hired a cheap Korean studio and set Shinji Higuchi in charge of keeping things churining there while Gainax itself worked on more important bits. So the cheap, crappy, cartoony, filler-ish episodes were from Korea, but the Red Noah episodes, where the story actually mattered, were Gainax.
It also gave Anno a chance to get a head start on working on the finale.

Anno got the reins back around episode 33 and it got good again.

The Japanese have sometimes subdivided television series and dramas into kūru (クール?), from the French term "cours" for "course", which is a 3-month period usually of 13 episodes. Each kūru generally has its own opening and ending image sequence and song, recordings of which are often sold. A six-month period of 26 episodes is also used for subdivision in some television series.

A cour is a chunk of the year comprised of 13 weeks that follows pretty concurrently with the natural seasons(winter, spring, summer, fall) and so the term "season" is often used interchangeably, though it's not entirely accurate to anime. "Season" would refer to the number of total episodes ordered for production. Which could just be one cour's worth of episodes, or two cours or even three or four. Most shows nowadays are rarely ordered in seasons of more than one cour.
Nadia was originally planned to be 26 episodes, or two full cours. The extra padding brought it up to 39 episodes, or three full cours.

I'm just someone with functioning eyes who watched the series.

The end was gross as fuck.
Seriously fucked up.

Some twenty year old guy getting with a 5 year old.

Some old dude fucking the girl he considered his own foster daughter, just like woody allen.


Fuck them Atlanteans, Lemurians are better anyway.

Why this copy-pasta?
>Some twenty year old guy getting with a 5 year old.

>Some old dude fucking the girl he considered his own foster daughter, just like woody allen.

Celine Dion did it

OP here, is it safe to say that Eureka 7 was heavily inspired by Nadia? I felt like Nadia and Jean were just Eureka and Renton, except Jean's not a fag and Nadia isn't dere

You can't cut out the Island Arc, you stupid fuck. You'd lose

>Jean and Nadia's kiss
>backstory about why Nadia's so messed up about animals
>cute stuff like Nadia and Jean accidentally using the same toothbrush

My main problem with the series was the finale. For one thing, Jean was completely useless, despite being kind of a badass most of the series. The only thing he did is not shoot Nadia. If they had left him on the ship, not only would things have worked out, they would have worked out even better.

On top of that, Nadia didn't even have time to feel sad about Jean's death, because they had to cram in her feeling sorry about her brother's death, her dad's death, and her mother's death all in the span of 10 minutes.

I enjoyed it. In the end, Jean's just a boy, and it also gave Electra and Nemo some time to shine.

Nemo didn't do anything but get shot.

And Jean isn't "just a boy"; he's the hero. It wasn't realistic any of the other times he saved them from danger, but it still happened. You don't make the hero worthless in the last episode.

Sacrificed his life so Nadia can save Jean and so everyone can escape. Also, it was set up so Nadia can make her big character arc moment. Jean isn't the protagonist, Nadia is.

>Jean and Nadia share their first kiss
You can't imagine my rage at the Africa arc taking place only a few episodes after that scene. That was the one and only tender moment between Jean an Nadia and it was completely ruined when Nadia landed in Africa and instantly forgot about Jean while attempting to hop on Jamal's BBC. What a despicable cunt.

That was only Nadia's second kiss.

>Sacrificed his life so Nadia can save Jean and so everyone can escape.
He "sacrificed his life" because he was dying. Because he got shot.

And if it were up to Nemo, Nadia would have died.

>Also, it was set up so Nadia can make her big character arc moment
Nadia didn't do anything in the finale either. All she did was have consecutive, rushed emotional moments that should have been spread out evenly over the last arc.

Nadia's big character arc moment came when she tried to commit suicide.

>Jean isn't the protagonist, Nadia is.
Jean was the hero and the deuteragonist. He managed to accomplish quite a bit in every arc prior to this, despite just being a 12-year-old kid. Then the finale comes around and he's a liability. And why? Was it an intentional shift/reversal of expectations? No, it wasn't. It was just that Anno wrote himself into a corner, realizing he had to settle Nadia's relationship with her entire family and that he only had an episode left to do so.

>He "sacrificed his life" because he was dying. Because he got shot.
He would have lived because of blue water.

>I liked the Island arc
Your sould won't go to heaven.
>the Africa 2 parter and music clip show were absolutely shit
You'll go to limbo at best.

Show got popular and was extended while Anno was dying of work overload and they had someone else do those awful arcs.

>You can't cut out the Island Arc
Yes you can, just like Anno did with the Nautilus Story.

>Jean and Nadia's kiss
Irrelevant unless you're a shipper faggot.
>backstory about why Nadia's so messed up about animals
Irrelevant as fuck.
>cute stuff like Nadia and Jean accidentally using the same toothbrush
A random comedy scene weights nothing.

And with all that said, you completely forgot mentionning the one relevant part of the island arc that needs to stay, the Red Noah part.

>Yes you can, just like Anno did with the Nautilus Story.
Nautilus Story is shit, and you're shit for liking it. It literally ruins the series. It completely rapes that crewman's death and takes away all the emotional impact that the original episode had.

>Irrelevant unless you're a shipper faggot.
The whole fucking series is about Nadia and Jean. They are literally the backbone of the show, dumbass.

>Irrelevant as fuck.

>A random comedy scene weights nothing.
It's not random comedy; it's cute.

>And with all that said, you completely forgot mentionning the one relevant part of the island arc that needs to stay, the Red Noah part.
Because that was actually in Anno's cut, so that goes without saying.

>Reminder that Nadia literally steals food from starving orphans


How is anyone supposed to take this guy seriously while he's wearing that ridiculous hat?

Sadamoto is posting Nadia recently


>That was only Nadia's second kiss.
First of all, if that wasn't her first kiss, what was? Second of all, what's you're point? That doesn't change what I said about Nadia being a massive cunt either way.

She kissed Jean when he was unconscious.

Ah, I don't remember that. It's been a long time since I watched this show.

The hood is admittedly a bit silly looking but Gargoyle was one of the best anime villains I've ever seen.

Nadia omake by Sadamoto

Probably inspired by real life events, knowing the source of Nadia's dietary foibles.

I fucking hate the ending. Hate the sacrifice of hundreds of lives for Jean, hate the asspull revelation about Gargoyle, hate the wanton destruction of knowledge, I even hate the random pedo pairing. It was like "okay, time for a happy ending where nothing of importance results from this for the world!"

Shouldn't she be regular as clockwork given her high fiber intake?

Does 'best' mean 'crazy overpowered for offscreen reasons' and 'super well informed without clear reasons why'?

>hate the asspull revelation about Gargoyle
Nigga, that was the best part of an otherwise mediocre finale.

Overpowered? He is merely a man. Was it not shown that he has spies and surveillance networks?

That doesn't make it less of an asspull or less coherent with the rest of the story. It was completely unsupported, and considering that his superiority complex was already known to Nemo to be at the heart of his machinations, his humanity not being mentioned even once before to rattle or clue him in is ridiculous.

Not ones that can magically know where a submarine is at all times in the 1880s, well enough to plan super elaborate traps that require tons of support and time to transport and set up

Nadia should really have been -- but if Anno was living off of tofu, which has next to no fiber content, the Gainax restrooms probably echoed to the sounds of him straining.

No, it's basically the exact opposite of everything you said. There was nothing to support that he was an Atlantean or whatever they were, other than his own words. Nemo and his family didn't even look like the rest of them.

Him being a human was clever writing. It's laudable.

I didn't like the finale either, but you're wrong on this one.

Ange VS Nadia when

I'm sure the Nautilus has an easily traceable energy signature.

>There was nothing to support that he was an Atlantean
Exactly. We didn't know because they gave exactly no hints, which makes it an asspull covered in shit. Nemo DID know the whole fucking time. He could have used that knowledge the whole fucking time, but he didn't until he was trying to save the asshole.

Then that would have been mentioned, and they wouldn't have bothered trying to hide all the damn time.

If the african prince dude and Nadia's crush on him had happened WAAAAAY earlier in the series when her and Jean were still new to each other, I think it would have probably not rubbed so many people the wrong way.

It essentially disregarded (or forgot) Jean and Nadia's character development up until that point entirely, as if they were back to square one again or something.

So it does make Nadia come off like a cunt, but I don't blame her, I blame the directors/writers.


>Calling a child a pervert just because he wants to see his crush naked.

Go back to tumblr and stay there with the rest of your legbeard friends.

Comic Market 8/14

The only reason I can stomach the Africa Arc is that it made Nadia's suicide attempt more powerful. I mean, the audience kind of hates her when she betrays Jean like that, then she reveals that she hates herself.

gargoyle is a villain done good. no mercy for the heroes, always trying to find better ways to corner them giving them no space to catch breath and 100% metodical

plus in the italian dub his voice is 11/10


I died inside when this happened. It was the first taste of what was to come, and my soul wasn't ready.

I don't know about anyone else but I had been wishing she'd kill herself for quite a few episodes prior so this could have been a pleasant surprise. Too bad she lived.

Remember when this bitch shot the captain and tried to kill herself and then shows up again like 10 episodes later acting like nothing happened?

Well they had sex in-between.

>'crazy overpowered for offscreen reasons'
That was in there. Neo-Atlantis was decentralized with a lot of bases producing Garfish to control the world market and get the capital to recreate higher tech until they could conquer outright. Until Gargoyle committed everything to Red Noah they were too big for Nemo to ever beat with one ship.

Yes, I know that was in there, that's what I meant by 'crazy overpowered for offscreen reasons' since we see basically none of it except some lackeys giving reports. No sign of how he gets nations to accept the goods, no sign of how he's established trade ties, no sign of how he's staying under the radar, and on and on. We just have to take on faith that he's so fucking good at his scheme that he's been boosting human technological progress and become a major part of the world economy with no one really noticing, thereby gaining enough completely dedicated and trustworthy underlings to run a shitload of ships and future tech.

I was cryin like a little girl when Neo died. Plus that music. I'm still listening to it from time to times.


I was really enjoying it but island arc and everything after it ruined it for me.
Even the ending felt really half-assed (or maybe it was just Anno doing his best to repair the damage).

Nadia is pure sex though.