Strike the Blood

Are you ready for the new season in form of 8 ova?

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Pfft no.

The anime was top 5 garbage shows

Himeragi a shit.
Threadly reminder.

Bear please.

>8 OVA arcs of IIE senpai

My body is ready.

La Folia a shit reminder.

I've been waiting for this. I need more Yukina in my life.

If there are going to be that many why not just do a season 2? I'm not complaining because OVAs should have a better budget and less censoring but it seems like a weird business model

iie, senpai.

Ova sell more.

Shinmai BD were about 6000 copies.
While the ova with the nurse was about 10000+ copies.


We all do. I can't get enough of Risa Taneda's voice.

Fuck off.

Is it bad that I remember the good times I had discussing this show with you guys more than the actual show?


no since la folia and natsuki don't canonically win
dropped this shit long ago

Will there be nipples?



ia senpai

First reply. Best reply like always. Each Arch was nearly the same. Shit characters

I'm always ready for more best girl.

IIE senpai, we are always ready for more best girl.

They looks so happy together.

Of course. Yukina is Koujo's waifu after all.

Well now I am interested. I guess the contents of that volume work better as a ova?

Yes, there is fan service in this book to be adapted.