Is mikan the best TLR girl?

is mikan the best TLR girl?

Yes, also one of the best imoutos ever created.

No kotegawa is


incest is wrong

Says who?

my niggas, great body, great with kids, great mother, a sincere lover, great ass, great hair, great family. there is ZERO (0) negatives about her.

The law, genetics and if it happens; your inbred child.

The one on the chair is Mikan

One step shy, but still one of the best.

>boring, bland design, dull personality, uninteresting plot, little development, redundant and generic archetype
These are negatives. Yui is overrated shit

>Nana that high
>Yui not S+
Shit taste user.

Wow, I never see anyone else put Nana up high.
Well done on that.

It's Yui Kotegawa

Mikan is second, maybe third best.

>is mikan's mom the best TLR girl?

you're a pleb and i hope you stay a virgin forever

>he doesn't want to become a wizard
Check out this normalfag.

Then this will piss you off deservedly.

Pretty decent taste.

I'd move Mikan up one, but the rest is about perfect. Also, it's nice to see Nana get the love she deserves.

Wrong Mikan

Not even top 3 anymore.

I-is ESL-kun asleep? Can we talk about TLR in peace?

He's awake. For the moment, he's more occupied with IS, Raildex, and Re:Z threads.

Yes, she is.

Nemesis is giving her a run for her money now that she's turned into totally-not-Shinobu.

Nothing compares to Nemesis, then Yui is the next best thing along with Risa, finally we get to Mikan.

I like Momo more, but Lala is kinda up there too.

Her boobs really grew in size as the manga went on.
Also, re-reading the manga, Yui's first character design from chapter 49 changed to modern Yui in like less than 20 chapters.

Her and Yami are tied for the top spot.

>wearing nurse clothes
For what purpose?

But Haruna always wins

having casual sex is not the same as making babies user

Great coloring there, if they did the bath scenes they'd probably remove all the weird reflections from the faucets too.

this user knows the drill

ESL-kun? newfag here, care to explain?

Remember when Mikan was simply a smug kid?

Best TLR. Best imouto.

The cakes are.