What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Not nearly enough Mai. The loli was as pointless as her hair. Koito should've stayed out of the main group.
Needed more Mai centered episodes.
There was no fucking plot, and the characters weren't likable, interesting, or in any way entertaining enough for the show to get by just watching them dick around and occasionally fight a dumb monster of the week.
amazing waifus shit source material
The plot had no direction. There was no sense of consequence as everything would always be solved through deus-ex-machina. It sort of tried to be a battle harem and sort of tried to be a comedy, but it was never tense and it was never funny.
The only thing it did well was character design, if you catch my drift.
Takes itself too seriously, also the fucking filtering/bluring scared me since the pv.
The entire premise was batshit.
Not enough of Mai and her fat tits. Or enigma
What's wrong for starters is that she's facing the wrong way!
kyoani's masterpiece
Wasn't wacky and interesting to be a battle harem comedy.
Wasn't philosophical and intense to be a psychological thriller with fanservice.
Wasn't "comfy", character-based, and low key enough to be a slice of life about phenomena hunters.
It just didn't know what the fuck it wanted.
>What went wrong?
You started watching anime and came here.
They saw how much bank Monogatari was making and so they gave in after losing a shit-ton of money on Kyoukai, Amagi and the Free movie, so Kyoani decided to prostitute their female characters.
MC abuse.
>Only male in cast
>Does a thing on accident
>Gets kicked out of a 2nd story building
>Does a thing for class to stop all hell from breaking loose
>Class rewards him by marrying him off to a monkey
>Gets new super abilities
>Will be handed the worf gloves for life.
Girls are cute but damn, MC abuse was distracting as fuck. It wasn't even the funny kind of slapstick.
Honestly, I thought it was a solid 6/10, but since it's KyoAni I'll give it an extra point.
Boring as fuck. No reason to watch it if you're not into the waifus.
Just unremarkable
Not enough Koito.
The only good episode was where mc went shota and spent the days with Mai
Not enough pic related
Not enough Small Fino
Mai, Koito, and Reina never had sex scenes produced by Pink Pineapple or PoRO.
seriously i'd pay hundreds for that shit
Who else /reinaizumi/ here?
she's a 10 and i love her personality but I can't help but be all about Mai
this, every fucking time
That butt on that figure tho. Is criminal.
Yeah that small Haruhiko parenting really does wonders for Mai.
not enough lewds
They didn't adapt the second novel.
tiramie with the absolute truth
>They saw how much bank Monogatari was making
Not for shaft though
She knows how to suck if you know what I mean
The /ss/ was so good.
Koito should have been the main interest from the beginning.
This could have been better if there was more story and episodes that connected instead of being episodic until the last two episodes.
Funnily enough Kyoukai could have been better if it focuses less on the plot and had more monster of the week episodes
I liked Phantom World, I see why people weren't much for it but personally I found it relaxing and comfy to watch. Plus Mai and Reina are great.
Came for Mai
Stayed for Reina
That drama play episode was the worst
Most annoying power. Mai on the other hand was short and packed a punch.
The characters lacked character development. Also, Kurumi. She lacked screen time and development: you could have easily deleted her from the story and it wouldn't have mattered.
Not enough Enigma. Could use more Ruru.
>What went wrong?
Nothing. The BDs were sold out two days before release date.
>it was just because of the ticket and the borderline pornographic slideshow drama
Shut the fuck up that doesn't change anything, it was a solid success.
I knew this anime would be shit before it aired and I said it was shit from the first episode and dumb fucking KyoAnusfags said I was wrong
They should have ditch these three and have Ruru and Enigma as the main girls instead.
Is that supposed to be impressive or something? Every single anime that have come out since spring 2014 (Ping Pong) are shit.
Why do some people like Enigma so much?
It's a meme you dip
Kyoani cultists thinking a haremshit show had a chance of not being utter shit just because "muh Godani"
I still remember some of them in the threads before Phantom Shit aired telling me that Kyoani could turn turds into gold
Nice KyoAni execution of poor source material.
haikyuu and rakugo are good
It felt like it was trying to be all of those and failed on all counts.
She can heal by sucking with her mouth.
Does that mean she can cure an STD with a BJ?
What do you mean poor? Kyoani completely fucking changed the entire plot of Musaigen, the original Musaigen was fucking awesome.
>The source material is awesome
If I had a nickel every time I heard that.
K actually no. Musaigen became really edgy, but the plot was interesting volume 1 was ok until the end when Ruupa - she's the enemy at the end of volume 1 - appears, then the author jumped on volume 2 with a pseudo-matrix plot where the entire world was controlled by a supernatural being called "phantom" the whole humanity was under a dream and the actual world was a complete mess, all what you read on volume 1 is a fake. Then Haru went full Fallout mode, fighting against the Phantom with human abilities - not the power showed on volume 1 since that doesn't even exist - but he was defeated, but at least he managed to break the "phantom world" and a huge war started, humans against phantoms, lots of people died and shit until the humanity survived at some point. Here was confirmed Haru and Reina have something more and not just a friendship, meanwhile Mai stay friendzoned and Koito just as a side character.
No, it's completely different. Kyo-ani made it into a slice of life when in reality it's some "your whole life and the world around you was a lie" type of shit. The only problem was that it was too edgy but it has an interesting premise.
Fair enough. I'm not sure Kyoani can even adapt something like that though. Kyoani's sticking to what their strengths are for the past couple of years and apparently will completely warp the real plot to fit their frame.
I don't care if it's edgy. This would have been better than what we got.
>still posting that fake spoilers
top kek
That isn't fake. It's from the original novel series (it's not a light novel).
It's a light novel m8.
And all that edgy shit in vol. 2 is from AU.
Here's a pic of Haru fighting his AU self.
bad show, the fanservice wasn't even good
never seen less sexy fanservice, bad effort all round
Lacks Reina porn.
What was the episode Sup Forums? I thought the Reina episode was good.
Currently watching this.
I don't see a problem.
Amaburi was a bit better, watched that one yesterday.
I finally realise why people worship Sento.
Shit I meant to ask what was your favorite episode Sup Forums?
Nothing; it's fun(ny) all the way through
I think the only meh part was probably because it's too short, so some things don't get developed well but everyone had their time anyways, like this her episode was brilliant
I think PW had a much better ending and villain than Amagi, especially since Gil just got away freely like that. The fuck.
it was just kyoukai no kanata but every episode was the dance episode
You mean the idol episode? That was the best episode from KnK
It had a Male MC instead of a Female MC so the Yurifags will pick every buzzword they find in order to delegitimise it.
I remember universally loved episodes are 4 (you know why), 7 (the whole cat mansion scenes), 8 (very erecting episode), 11 (Freud can probably explain this) and the final one (the semen demon). General impressions are that the second half are better though.
There's also this too, this time made it slightly bigger; probably won't include the last two episodes however, I lost the bookmarks for the final threads.
>Amaburi was a bit better
Amagi was trash.
8,10 and 11.
Any other episodes were terrible, not even Enigma could save it.
Koito and Enigma
No they didn't. They only adapted the first novel which was "episodic" until the end. Novel 2 is fanfic garbage.
7, 9, 12
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA shit's existence
Not enough focus on Koito.
>Dissing FellatioFaeries
After literally the first three minutes we went from "hey, look at all these clever examples of perception quirks humans have, implying we've got some clever writing" to "look at these girls' panties!"
Just stick with one of the other, don't pretend it's one series and get my hopes up, or else let me know from page one it's all ecchi crap so I can go in with the proper mindset and fap to it properly.
>first three minutes
Some episodes were hit and miss, though that's probably more up to taste.
The bunny family episodes was probably the single best episode of the year so far in my opinion. The Kurumi bear world episode was also fantastic, not to mention single mom Mai and Schrodinger's Cat.
I think the episode with the peeping phantom and the marriage monkey were the worst ones.
If Kurumi's episode was an entire series I'd throw my money at the BDs.
Do we talk about Phantom waifus?
I claim right.
I am torn between wanting her to be equally chocolaty like her sister.
Enigma a best girl, but I really like left fairy's design.
I remember yell it goes not up. I look it again and i'm what da fug is happen. Then turn to my firend and asking for help. I tell "it's to much i likem short". Still today not really know what went wrong.
It was just incredibly average in pretty much every respect except animation.
I still find myself in every Phantom thread for some reason, though.
>The BDs were sold out two days before release date
All 10 of them?
That bunny family episode really was great. Too bad most of the episodes were misses
>sell 10 BDs
>still make more profit than shaft
>perfect characters for doujins
>gets little to no good ones
every time
Based KyoAni