Evangelion Meme Thread

Post 'em if you got em, new people are still binging the series all the time.

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Aw fuck yeah





Open the door of your heart.





>tfw got into NGE last week and binged watched it
>tfw watched EoE this morning and I'm still fucked up from it
Fuck, it made me so depressed. I just wanted them to all live happily ever after ;_;
I know the movie is obviously the better ending but at least the TV ending gave me a bittersweet happiness, but after watching EoE I just want to kill myself now.

Fucking beer on keyboard lost it

Took me about 3 weeks to get over it
It's been a year and I just finished re watching it
I spent hour on evageeks and finally came to peace with it
But watching knowing that all the suffering of the characters is meaningless and infinite bothers me, honestly brings out a lot of bad memories of being a very isolated, very sad kid

Fuck off.

Misato is best girl
Misato x Shinji is best ship

I am fully aware that "shipping" is the antithesis of this show and that every relationship or possible relationship depicted is fucked up beyond belief.

It's still painful that the only reason she's so chipper and spunky and easy going is because she's completely overcompensating for her extreme depression and silence in her youth

I can barely choose something as trivial as ordering off a menu, so no way I would ever fucking be able to choose between those three.

It's just so fucked when you look at one of the more light-hearted earlier episodes where they're just a bunch of teenagers fighting monsters compared to the movie. It's just so heartbreaking to see everything that matters to them fall apart.
I would feel better if Asuka just told Shinji that she loves him

I don't think she does, I think she realized that Shinji was selfish and that despite being able to wish for anything he still chose to end the world through instrumentality leaving them alone in a wasteland for eternity, everyone else tanged, I think shinji is too selfish to love anyone except the idea of Kaworu who was unconditional love, something someone as damaged as Asuka could never really undertand or give to another person

What the fuck is this stupidity?

Oh shit this is fucking normal? I thought I was just over reacting ;_;

Last one from me.


Honestly, before I watched NGE I was feeling almost nothing in my life, watching it (call me a fag, I don't give a shit) made me face some of the real emotional trauma in my life, especially the aspect of loneliness and estrangement from my parents, the story alone is still very powerful, but it struck a chord deep user

shit cuts deep

Hello fellow niggers

The way characters deal with trauma in NGE is probably what they got most right: trying to not deal with it until it slowly fucks their lives over.


I think a lot of people like posters on this board do this and end up seeing a lot of themselves in the NGE cast

I think that's why it's so "powerful"


Everyone has problems, and unless you are devoid of empathy, will feel for those who have problems like yours.


If you really had the same problems as Asuka and Shinji, you wouldn't see it, just like they can't.

I just watch the show cause it's good.

No need to start fights, friend.

>guys a disgraced EVA pilot has been playing video games at my house for three days, and she might be suicidal, what should I do?

send her to my house

Tell her her to go to On her way out tell her to git gud

Wow. That's an impressive number of layers.

>"Evangelion is like an onion."
>"It stinks?"
>"No, stupid donkey! It has layers!"




...because they would be the best couple out of the whole lot.



Write yourself a nice therapeutic fix-fic. You know it makes sense.


I just saw the series and the movie for the first time recently (though I knew a lot of the spoilers going in), and I wasn't so much emotionally destroyed as I was mentally exhausted from trying to process all the different themes that were going on. That said, it is still a very sad ending, since you get quite attached to the cast after spending so much time iwth them.

Shinji is a (mostly) good kid and he deserves to be happy.

Give her the V


Here is one I prepared ten years ago.
