and he's been dead for a long time.
Sup Forums is just falling for (((their))) bullshit at this point.
>proof here:
Assange is dead
video gone
link doesnt work
The sun will come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There'll be sun
Just thinkin' about tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow 'til there's none
When I'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely
I just stick up my chin and grin and say, oh
The sun will come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on
'til tomorrow, come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day away!
When I'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely
I just stick up my chin and grin and say oh
The sun will come out tomorrow
So you got to hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow
You're only a day away
Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya tomorrow
You're only a day away ...
2spoops, its that time of year doe
why are you spamming music lyrics
The curtain is about to be pulled back.
same video
yo what if he's our nigga jesus and came back to life
>news organisation uses bad morphing to put spin on julians words
He died Oct 16th 2016.
>Literally no evidence of him being alive after the squad with assault rifles stormed in the embasy, other than that video.
Trump is gonna pardon him, and Hillary is gonna lose the election, and #PizzaGate and #Bengahzi and....
It was Putin, Trump is compromised, Reality is a winner...
Can't wait.
So you guys know the truth.
This was all planned... sadly, everything was always part of their plan. Everything.
And now they managed to brainwash Sup Forums too.
MAGA! Hahahahahaha!
>assange posts code
>CIAnigger assange is dead posts everywhere
Indeed everything was. They've had decades to plan this.
That's why they bought this so that they can keep up and control things here better.
Its just funny that the events that occurred near the embassy never made a that big fuzz even though that no one really has the right to bust in with assault rifles and shit.
Also the wilikeaks' twitter quiz: how will u want proof of assange.
''Ok thanks'' then a few weeks later this sketchy shit is the ''proof''.
you've been played.
>weaponized information
Truly terrifying times
No you've been played
>inb4 no YOU'VE been played
Source or fuck off CIANigger
But Trump is still President. They won.
I saw him speak via video conference just last month at Bond University on the Gold Coast.
Somebody on Sup Forums said Assange has read Bitcoin exchange rate live with less than 10 min latency from real time.
Is that true?
Anyone has it?
He did
Look the information was stolen and then weaponised. This wasn't legal. There's no reason for any citizen to own bumpinformation
can you explain for a no coinz fag ?
He read something that was current up to ten minutes of when he posted the video. He isn't dead and everyone claiming he is are larping
Basically he read exchange rate that changes all the time in real time proving that the video isn't doctored, pre-recorded or shopped and he's either alive or a very good body double with the same voice.
>don't see this image on Sup Forums for 10 months until he's about to release a new leak then see it in every thread
Is it really that hard to understand that unzipped files have a different hash than zipped files?
fuckin shilll...holy was confirmed julian Assange is alive two days ago....any one who says he is dead is either a cia shill trying to discredit wikileaks or a fuckin retarded moron, which are you faggot?
Assange IS NOT dead
he just has been busy with his work and wants to stay low until there's a good chance to get his freedom
But Assange is ALIVE and WELL
He even recently started tweeting as well on a new account
There's NO REASON to believe he is dead
In fact if he was really dead, then the media would have already published something about, which proves HE IS NOT DEAD
Assange the Grey died a year ago.
Assange the White will be reborn tomorrow.
I remember watching that live and checked
He specifically called out anyone saying he's dead is a psyop trying to discredit them (but also thanks for caring)
Assange is not dead, go back to /x/
except every pre-commitment hash released was for the encrypted container, not the decrypted form, which is easily verifiable by anyone
try again
isn't it obvious?
where did all those people researching this last October go?
We have no way of knowing if Assange is dead. The good bet $ is that he IS dead. Do not believe the shills who try to tell you one way or another. Let the leaks speak for themselves
>t. Russian intelligentsia
lemme guess, there's some good shit regarding Ukraine and Clinton in those insurance files aren't there?
>he ever said it was a precommitment hash
Prove it then shillboy
I just checked Snopes, they confirm that Assange is not dead he merely had his internet temporarily cut off. Move along folks.
They were given a lift home.
the proof is literally there in the image but you'll keep ignoring it anyway, that's what you disinfo shills do
he looks different and all his associates are dead or gagged!
wake the fuck up people!
We researched this for months last year, until he "surfaced"
no PGP keys or balcony appearance!
You might want to see if McDonalds is hiring. You lot will probably need a new job in a few days.
We investigated it and decided that he's alive, case closed.
He also went out and did a speech on the goddamn balcony you tards.
>the evidence is there goyim just hand translate a checksum, you'll find out, that won't waste your time all
I mean, a point for effort but go fuck yourself
>no PGP keys or balcony appearance!
>Fake news
Balcony appearance in May.
You're running out of jewish tricks schlomo.
Every time he's about to dump something the shills come out in force. Deadman switch. He's dead jim. Trying to discredit the releases.
that's a double
anyone with half a brain knows this
he's larping you retarded nigger, do you actually think sleepyposters are shills too?
We investigated it in October and decided that he's alive.
Everyone saying that he's alive is probably CIA/mossad. Do not believe them.
They are literally paid to shill on Sup Forums all day.
Its interesting tho, do they think we don't remember?
Shill Faggot
I used to believe this but how the fuck do you explain his appearance on the balcony a few months back?
>meme flag
hi israel
snopes is controlled opposition and unreliable.
>he gives away his tactics for free
Yes I'm stupid for falling for it, whatever
ok i stand corrected
this isnt old footage or anything
of course he is alive
Probably a lookalike. It's not the first time they do this.
>unavailable vid
op you got me interested lets see what ya got
Nah dude it was literally Assange.
like this flag better, leaf?
Ew gross, put the meme flag back on
no links, no proof.
there's a good movie showcasing this
minus the sandniggers
>Devil's Double (2011), picrelated
embassy cat wants the newfags to leave and take a basic opsec course
what about the dead man's switch?
Julian is still tweeting. He's doing fine.
based on a true story
someone is tweeting for him, genius.
A real heart and minds winner, this guy
And the dozens of interviews he's done, some with close friends? All lying?
do you remember when EmbassyCat stopped tweeting?
Do you remember when JA started making weird spelling errors, the first of spelling errors found in his tweets? blatant ones, where the missing letters added up to spell "help him"?
You would say that though juden
I member
glad im not the only one left.
it was such a big deal at the time, only a year ago
yet, all the anons here are seemingly out of the know
Boiiiiiiii he gone do etttttt.
They were all killed.
I dont really think he's dead
but the radio silence from researchers of yester year is spooky
other dude btfo'd
Alright this is getting ridiculous, you're out of your mind, no one looking on would believe this
>EmbassyCat stopped tweeting
lol what
we will see
It is worth stating again to all the newfags that his associate's have died. Two of his closest, i forget their names.
I remember it, but they weren't in chronological order and there were capitals that were ignored in the mean time
Did EmbassyCat get a body double too?