If you could turn any book into an anime which would it be?

If you could turn any book into an anime which would it be?

Catcher in the Rye as a a movie.

Game of thrones

Orxy and Crake. I'm pretty sure it was a big influence on Shinsekai Yori---an anime based on an award-winning Japanese novel.

Physics for scientists and engineers: a strategic approach with modern physics 3rd Ed.

120 Days of Sodom

we've had this thread everyday for the last few days and it's never resulted in any good discussion

please stop

The quran for the cute brown lolis

But No Elephants

Da bibble

this desu. anime would be the best visual media since it works well with pov chapters as individual episodes.

Ranger's Apprentice, The series is one of the most enjoyable (and funny) ones I read and is one of the few medieval settings that doesn't have the main character swinging a sword around plus it also features one of the best "bully redemption arcs" I've seen in the first book alone.

And what I would give to see Halt animated

Anna Karenina.

Ideally produced by SHAFT.

I want this really bad. Please make this happen, Japan

there are very few girls with important story arcs in the bible

There's the incestuous love triangle with lot and his daughters.

At least most of the famous girls in the bible are prostitutes

Paradise Lost. Satan best tsundere.

Shaft did it.


Hell the series even has a bit of of NTR so it would fit perfectly as an anime

Did Satan canonically have this good an ass?

I can unironically imagine Ender's Game as an anime


Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Then maybe I'll be assed to figure out why people keep on edittng that book everywhere.

if you touch yourself you can ask him

Witcher saga

m8 did you ever watch Cow & Chicken

>Oryx and Crake

Should I read it?
I'm finishing the SSY novel now.

Great taste user.

Books 1-4 were the best. An anime of that arc would be amazing. They could just use the same humor and plot.

My personal favorite is either book 2 or 4

Jesus is MC and all of his apostles are cute lolis


I'd love to pick my own, but it's not even halfway finished.

I'd really love to see an episodic anime with the quality of an OVA based on slavic fairytales.

Mein Kampf.

Sunset Park by KyoAni


there is a manga for u senpai

This. All the way to the GOD EMPEROR


If comic books count: The Blackest Night event from DC

If not: The Iliad

Atlas Shrugged so I can see a meme ideology get a meme anime.

Heart of Darkness

But make everyone cute girls.


I'd be cool with Tai-pan as well

This book is perfect for an anime. It's about a former physicist whose wife died in fire. He now has a new Vietnamese waifu who is prego with his child. It giant fire flies, puss covered mutated creatures, a purple light that gives people an instant orgasm, and even tentacles from a parallel universe. Yes it does have tentacle rape.


And here I was thinking I was the only person on Sup Forums that has read Marquis de Sade's works.

Utsuro no hako to zero no maria

I am CERTAIN that there is absolutely 0 studios that could make this work. Are you sure you want to ruin such a masterpiece like that?



The Silmarillion. No other medium could ever have a chance of capturing its glory.

Assuming it would be a good adaptation, Wheel of Time.

It would have shipping wars and one harem, which I know we all love.

Lord of the Rings.

For hentai, Joy of Sex

Man in the high Castle, Tagomi is one of my favorite characters in fiction.

But pretty much all the girls were raging cunts. Why would you want to see that again?

Pity, this will never happen.

Lemmy Kilmister's biography

Lemmy ;__;

The Iliad and also The Odyssey, if they count.

The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy.

I want to see the smiles and lives of Indian kids shattered by the Love Laws put into action.

By Studio 4C and Madhouse with Urobutcher and Yuasa.

Be still, my trembling erection.

fucking this

I am Legend.

Vampire hunting.
Vampire waifu.

Would like to see a gorgeous post apocalyptic Tokyo.

Production IG or MADHOUSE pls

Notes from Underground
White Nights



>Lord of the Rings.
At least the anime wouldn't leave out Tom Bombadil.

Maybe not, but it should, because Tom is random plotless shit.

Wheels of time, for all that delicious braid tugging

How 1984 would be if it turn into anime?

Tigers in the mud

Skulduggery Pleasant

My own manuscript.

It's Madoka Magica but with a Christmas Cake.

A lot of sex and Ministery of Love.

Kvothe's fabulous adventure because it's basically a LN already.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Guys! How about The Children of Hurin?!

Finnegan's Wake

Any James Joyce novel.

This, can't be worse than Lynch.

Stephen King's Dark Tower
whole thing.

inb4 '8 parts reterd'

Hey, hey fuck you.

And sniffing.

The Catcher in the Rye would make a terrible movie.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Shaft

>If comic books count
If this is allowed then I want Nextwave: Agents of Hate anime by Trigger.

How would Notes from Underground work as an anime? Watamote?

>fantasy setting
>lots of self-insert Warders with nothin' personnell kid personalities
>every girl is a tsundere
Yeah I have no idea why it would be popular.

Just remove the circus arc and you're golden.

The Ravenrings-series

At the Mountains of Madness by HP Lovecraft, directed by Tetsuro Araki.

I want Rumo: And His Miraculous Adventures to be animated.

The Foundation series, of course.

Erwin Rommel's Infantry Attack

it'll be /k/'s wet dream

My man.

Fuck the haters, i want it with better animation than old cartoon.

Part 1: Hikki in his late thirties or forties rambles about shit.
Part 2: Hikki as a bitter but romantic young otaku.

Mistborn is already anime as fuck to begin with.

All of them. An entire season of literature cartoons.

The Picture of Dorian Gray would be the tragedic fujoshit
Moby Dick would be a mind-numbingly long shounenshit with whale fact filler episodes
Blood Meridian would be shounen by format but have edgy seinen themes. It'd be the new SnK.
Roadside Picnic would be appreciated for all the wrong reasons: sick action and monkey daughterfu
The Stranger by Camus would be boring-ass hipstershit
DeLillo's White Noise would be the edgy AOTS

I'm not sure about Pynchon and Kafka. Lolita is a must but I don't know how exactly that would play out.

>ecchi Red Riding Hood
>winnie pooh with stylized human characters

Planet of the Apes

The Magic Faraway Tree series. Imagine a 'Howl's Moving Castle' type vibe

This, and I want the boys to be qt.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu and Machiavelli

The Science of winning by Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov

Always thought Bridge to Terabithia would fare well as an anime.

>The novel tells the story of fifth grader Jesse Aarons, who becomes friends with his new neighbor Leslie Burke after he loses a footrace to her at school. She is a smart, talented, outgoing tomboy from a wealthy family, and Jess thinks highly of her. He is an artistic boy from a poorer family who, in the beginning, is fearful, angry, and depressed. After meeting Leslie, his life is transformed. He becomes courageous and learns to let go of his frustration. When at the end something tragic happens to Leslie, Jess learns to overcome it.