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Gappy makes me happy.
first for best boy
and people say Moody Blues is a non-combat stand
How could you forget this face?
Dub script is up. Not too many more to go. I still have some editing shit to do with the base footage and such, so if this is finished tonight we should be able to expect it to come out in about a day or two.
Same deal as before, reply to this post with your link and stating somewhere which one it is.
From the stands that exist in the series, which one would you want the most
trish gives me
you know the rest
i-is this it?
the beautiful new world we have created
i love it
Must be one of the many requirements for serving DIO.
D4C so I could fuck my female self.
>808/4 is 202
You got there.
compliments about my smelly fingers
How much is DIO paying you to smoke?
D4C so I could find a universe where I am not a miserable loser, kill myself, and then take his place.
Or a universe where I get to go to space I guess.
You will literally be sponged and your dick will be eradicated the second you make contact with your female self's puss I'd still risk it
Man in the mirror was weak though.
claiming e55
I went back and rewatched Part 1 and 2, and I have to ask. What the hell happened to David?
Part 4 looks like a slideshow compared to how much shit is going on in the animation of the first two parts.
claiming e70
Claiming e20
the discovery of another man interested in women in this italian sausage fest
Gay Priest is here now
The Mafia doesn't take kindly to homosexuality.
Smaller budget longer seasons.
This is also the reason people doubt part 7 getting adapted.
I love how expressive the part 5 cast is
That seems unlikely, given how relentlessly gay the members of Passione appear to be.
claiming e26
>The Mafia doesn't take kindly to heterosexuality
I mean, why else would they make a big deal out of the boss having a daughter?
I'm surprised Towel-Choke and Cutaway-Screamer aren't in this pic, but I guess they're forgettable like Diavolo's guard squad that shows up after him
Why did Araki start drawing mutants with no explanation from part 4 onward? Tons of characters have really weird looking eyes and ears and no one ever says a word about it.
I really like the theory that Mikitaka really was telling the truth, and found Earth to be a suitable place to migrate his people.
Why is Doppio so cute?
maaan why does no one mention this dude
he didn't deserve what he got
He had a hard life. I though for a moment Diego and him were going to get along fine. Serves me right for putting faith in a Brado.
Why did he lose his mustache half way through sbr
He looked way better with the goatee thing
Trish is a fag-hag
Are you kidding? Parts 1 and 2 were absolute powerpoints, covered with obvious animation tricks like sliding the characters across the scene and slapping color filters over still images while the camera pans a thousand times over. To say Part 4 is a slideshow compared to the first two just puzzles me.
>I dont understand D4C the post
The user of D4C can interact with themselves.
King Crimson
Pucci was too good and pure for Dio. Should've taken me instead.
Leave Savage Garden alone whitesnake
A JoJo falls in love with bizarre adventures.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the adventures' phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls the even stranger experiences, and is overjoyed to find out that they have a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the bizarre adventures, he gets no response because adventures is a concept not a person. After some investigation, he finds out that the strange odysseys he called are not the same adventures he fell in love with. In fact, these adventures don't exist in his universe at all. The boken-tachi is the alternate universe counterpart of his crush that has fallen in love with his AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of their crush.
After finding out, he slammed his fist into ther palm and said, "Yare yare daze." Hijinks ensue as they strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of DUWANG.
post ED songs you want to hear for part 4
Alright guys, I've got a question.
A. Gappy has "4 eyes," "2 tongues," and "4 balls."
These parts of his body are not fused or synthesized. They exist independently and function alongside each other.
B. Gappy seems like he's gonna live through JoJolion. The happy JoJos have the best luck in terms of not dying alone in a horrible fashion. Yasuho will most likely live and marry Gappy. However, she also might be the big death in Part 8. Who knows.
If Gappy survives and weds Yasuho, then they will have sex. Gappy gets big ole sailor boners around Yasuho-chan. This will undoubtedly result in a child, as the Joestar legacy needs to continue somehow. So, who's kid is it? Kira or Josefumi?
Kira is a 100% heir to the Joestar legacy. Star birthmark, J-Verse family correlates (Holy and her ancestry), stando power. However, his personality is somewhat lacking in the JoJo-ness category. He loves and serves his family, but seems like a bitter old queen in all other situations and does little in terms of heroics. He does save Josefumi, tho.
Josefumi has the birthmark, but no explanation of his heritage. He has a stand, tho, and it's a gentle one in terms of main power which contrasts Kira's Killer Queen. Josefumi is also much more of a JoJo in terms of character. Suffering, check. Strong sense of duty, check. Senseless heroics in the face of danger, check. Shit hair, check.
It'll be nice if Gappy and Yasuho just have a lil pink haired Gappy or some shit, but I kinda want some Josefumi heritage to explain his birthmark so he can be the one who passes on the legacy.
Or just a bitter little princess Kira Jr....
Claimed e54
After reading that I'm in comatose, my son posted this for me
How the fuck did he do this again? It looked like he was using Moody Blues automatically or something without playing back a particular event? It's been a while.
Is King Crimson the strongest stand physically?
Every time he appears, every time he throws a punch, someone's organs fucking explode and they almost die. He easily killed alot of the main cast and if it weren't for GE:R he would've won easily.
I've never understood this either. He gets rid of vampires, zombies and other weird shit but makes these mutant ass niggaz
So could Valentine live forever with D4C? Could he just have to switch with a younger version of himself if he wanted? I'm assuming so because he could switch between body types.
Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.
What would KC:R ability be?
completely erasing his past and rendering him unrecognizable
What is there to say about him? His ability is pretty unique but aside from his backstory he doesn't do, say, or think anything interesting throughout the whole part.
Time is not allowed to be and also everything that happens is not something that happens unless it's KC:R that is happening and time is cut into little pieces and thrown into a hat where Diavolo gets to pick pieces out of the hat and they happen only if the pieces of time that haven't happened don't allow that time to happen the only time
I'm glad Giorno was able to figure out Talking Heads pretty quickly. I hated Death 13 because everyone thought Kakyoin was lying and couldn't believe that the baby is a stand user.
Fuck wrong image.
It's the fucking worst when supposedly-smart characters can't figure out something obvious.
>A French kid alone in Egypt wearing Polnareff's oversized clothes and introducing himself as Polnareff frantically tries to get Jotaro's attention
>Jotaro asks him if he's seen Polnareff anywhere and then walks off
my nigga
He can go back in time but erase a fact of going back, creating time looping clones of himself
Almost the 4th post
Why the hell did Giorno's entire personality and significance vanish after he drank Abbachio's piss? I don't think he makes any other facial expressions besides the one you always see after that.
>Cinderella arc in one episode
But how.
I'll be mad if they have to cut scenes like
>Yukako talking with Josuke and Joseph
>Yukako getting into the cab
>Boob grab
>Koichi telling Josuke and Okuyasu about her
>Yukako causing a traffic jam
I appreciate that they're not dragging things along as slowly as SC, but I'm really nervous about all these 6 chapter episodes they're going to have to do.
>Polnareff must be a pretty common name this far out from Japan, right?
His emotions ______________________________________________________________pissed off
It was Moody Blues's secondary ability.
How long does it take to make an anime episode of JoJo?
>Koichi telling Josuke and Okuyasu about her
of course they're gonna keep that in, silly.
Probably, but I don't know man. If they're going to have adapt an entire chapter more than usual, which is pretty hard pressed too, a lot of stuff might not make the cut.
Unless they're *really* good at condensing the dialogue or something.
I just hope this makes the cut honestly.
The only thing they will probably cut is the cab scene or Yukako talking with Josuke and Joseph. The other ones are safe in my opinion.
What if Giorno stabs himself with the arrow after stabbing his stand?
I mean, what ability could possibly be better than GE:R ability?
GER, but it's a lot of tiny ones like Bad Company or Harvest
Gold Experience Requiem Requiem Thunder Cross Split Attack
Not those, anything but those.
Cutting scenes with people fucking around with their Stands would be criminal.
Gold Experience Requiem Thunder Chief
Okay, real talk. Is there anyone who can actually beat Tusk Act 4? in a fight. And I’m not talking about Tusk Act 4 Requiem: Love Train. Not even talking about Tusk Act 5 Requiem Requiem: Love Train. Hell, not even Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Master Tusk Act 6 Requiem Requiem Requiem in Heaven Requiem: Love Train Requiem Requiem. I’m not even talking about Awakened Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Master Tusk Act 7 Requiem Requiem Requiem in Heaven Requiem: Love Train Requiem Requiem.
I’m especially not talking about Awakened Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Master Tusk Act 8 Requiem Requiem Requiem in Heaven Requiem: Love Train Requiem Requiem Requiem: Requiem Requiem w/ Awakened Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Monster Anubis Act 4 Requiem Requiem in Heaven Requiem: Love Train Requiem Requiem.
I’m talking about Awakened Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Master Tusk Act ∞ Requiem Requiem Requiem Distortion in Heaven Requiem Distortion: The World Requiem Distortion: Love Train Requiem Requiem Requiem Distortion: Requiem Requiem Distortion Act ∞ Requiem w/ Awakened Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Requiem Distortion: The World Requiem Distortion: Love Train Requiem Requiem Distortion Act ∞ Requiem w/ Awakened Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Monster All Stand Discs Act ∞ Requiem Requiem Distortion in Heaven Requiem Distortion: The World Requiem Distortion: Requiem w/ Awakened Ultimate Lifeform Spin Master Hamon Monster All Stand Discs Act ∞ Requiem Requiem Distortion in Heaven Requiem Distortion: The World Requiem Distortion: Love Train Requiem Requiem Distortion Act ∞ Requiem w/ The Red Stone of Aja and the Seven Holy Corpse Parts as a Vampire wielding the Sword of Luck and Pluck, Clackers, Soap in his gloves to produce bubbles, and infinite Stand Arrows, Joestar Blood, Alternate Joestar Blood, a Horse, Steel Balls, 4 Testicles, and the Green Baby that was uttered the 14 words of Heaven.
What would power of Survivor Requiem be?
Why is this funny?
Turns everyone into the Hulk.
>finally getting around to reading part 6
>Seeing some cute art of Foo Fighters motivated me to start
>FF is actually a horrifying goo psuedo-intellectual
I want to die.
That's the best thing about her.