The girl is taller than the boy

>The girl is taller than the boy
Is there anything in anime more disgusting than this?

Accel World would actually be a great anime with a gary stu Onii-sama/Kirito type MC.

Tell me I'm wrong.

That manlet

only reason i haven't and probably never will watch this is because of the mc, biggest fucking turn off to have to see some fat retard looking mc every episode

I need more of it to satisfy my light femdom fetish

Tall girls are love, user.

that he is a fat manlet?

tall = long legs
cant be all bad

Are you gay? It's hot as fuck.

>Manlet projecting their insecurity
Sorry, I don't know that feel since it's hard to find a woman taller than me around here.
Such things probably will be forever remain my fantasy and never be reality.


it's cute when done right. It will never work here because the guy is a literal midget.

>he hasn't watched lovely complex

Too realistic for you, I see.


Your waifu

You're wrong.

All they have to do is make him average height. He can still be fat and pathetic.

It would be a decent anime with an MC who wasn't a short, fat, pig. It would never be a great anime.

According to the LN he's supposed to be huge, both in height and width. Don't know why they decided to make him like this in the anime, but I've heard theories about it representing how he sees himself.

No problem with tall girl but is quite right, i watched the anime and the mc was so unrealistic.
A fat, ugly and stupid guy getting all those girl? it's too much even for an anime, you must be a self insert loser to defend this

I half agree, but this entire harem bullshit is a detriment to the series anyway. If it was just Kuroyuki showing an interest in him, it'd be both more acceptable (there are chubby chasers out there, you know) as well as a better story.

Unless harem is the main focus of the series, introducing a harem to the series almost always happens at the detriment of the story. The non-harem centric series that has a harem without turning to shit is incredibly rare.

Kuroyuki has in all likelyhood spent hundreds of years in the game. Real bodies are just a fleshy prison as far as she is concerned.

The main issue is with the design. While the other characters follow a particular anime appropriate design paradigm, he somehow comes off looking even more cartoonish. People joked he looks like Eric Cartman, and it isn't that far off.

It's a really odd design choice.

Mfw mc is a pig even in the game

How short are his legs?


Fatasses should just kill themselves tbqh

it's made worse because she falls in love with him in like 3 episodes, if it took longer and he saved her life and shit maybe it could be believable

Has a MC that doesn't fall into the trope
Everyone hates him except a few people like me

People will still complain about MC character all being the same

Just fuck

he's the same as any other harem MC, just short and fat

manlet detected. Does it trigger you that much?

I'm 5'10 and I can't stand it if a woman is shorter than 5'9

Fucking fight me you dickless deformity.

>King Manlet

You didn't learn from anime that short girls are cute?

I need to self-insert to watch anything

Fuck i forgot my meme arrow.

you are wrong

in all fairness that is a default avatar forced into him

Youre right

I cant self insert as a midget

Fucking manlets fuck off

Short girls don't exist in my eyes so I never saw whatever it was anime was trying to teach me. Besides, my preferences don't change based on the shows I watch, the shows I watch are chosen by my preferences.

kirito is still a manlet, asuna was literally taller than him.

It's hot. Surely you don't have problems with the girl being:
-older than the boy
-taller than the boy
-disagreeing with the boy
-being more sexually active than the boy
-being stronger than the boy
.being more assertive than the boy
-being more intelligent than the boy


As long as the guy has some good moments to shine as a man it's ok. If he's just a beta fuck then it's not.

I agree of course but you just opened a pandoras box that cannot be closed. Good luck with the shitposters user.

Stop being gay.


That only works when MC is a cute shota.
This guy is just a fat piece of generic shit.

Shut your whore mouth

i guess you had no problem watching this then?

I really need to get around to watching that eventually

Go back where you came from and take this meme with you, please.

its alright, they make stupid fucking faces all the time though which is a turn off

Manlet got triggered

Answering with a meme, I see. Should have added a few cucks too.

Fucking hell, how mad can you get at being short?
Suck it up

Trigger manlet detected.

>more sexually active

Are you some sort of cuck?

It should be as sexually active because they should be fucking each other.

Meaning the boy is a virgin and she's not.

/fit/ go away

It's fucking hot you faggot. But in that series is shit because the guy is way too small and he's a fat fuck.

Shit tier anime.
"Can't Self Insert Any Harder" the animated series. Sorry, but in real life no decent looking girl would be attracted to or stay with a gross guy, as much as your weeb shows like to make it seem.

>"Can't Self Insert Any Harder" the animated series

Yeah no, only manlets can self insert to this show

>"can you help make a photo for the job, oto-chan?"
>"Oto-chan, can you get lower to my level?"
I was the oto-chan.