Will Shinji Joestar and Rei Lisa be able to defeat RamiDIO?

Will Shinji Joestar and Rei Lisa be able to defeat RamiDIO?

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where did you expect this thread to go?


Get on the fucking horse Johnny

It's Gendo Joestar and Shinji Kujo you fuck.

I just imagined unit 01 staying behind and being sick like Holly.

Replace the entire cast with Jotaro's group from stardust crusaders, how will the story work now?

Every angel is quickly finished by Jotaro in EVA-01
Joseph is leader of NERV
Avdol is his assisant
Polnareff is tsundere love interest
Kakyoin is Rei

Also Kaworu is dolphin and every angel is named after tarot card. Instrumentality don't happen cause Jotaro gets pissed of


What would make this better is that each EVA unit looked like their owner's stand.

>Get in the Star Platinum Jotaro

Would it be the Evangelion of anime?

Jojo and evangelion memes I imagine

god i fucking hate this fandom

>this is the average quality of threads on Sup Forums
hello darkness my old friend

>I'm going old man, yare yare daze

kys rebbitor

You know that's actually something opposed to waifu threads?

jojo or eva?

Instrumentality doesn't happen because Jotaro's EVA Unit's power is also instrumentality.

I just imagined Asuka's rage scene from end of evangelion but with Polnareff
>Giant Rei's head emerges
>Yare yare daze

Why do people like you hate it so much when someone else has fun doing something that's a little stupid? Why do you people care so fucking much?

god i fucking hate you.

Polnareff lies on the beach, hurt from battle with mass produced vanilla ices. Giant Kakyoin head lie in the red ocean. Jotaro gets up and says
>Yare yare daze

>Shinji drifts his EV86 unit to win against the opposing angels while eurobeat plays.

yara yare daze xd I'm so randum *holds up stand arrow*

>mass produced vanilla ices

Great thread

>I should die, not you Kaworu, you're better than me

The beginning of Yare Yare is also the joy of Daze

Angels are 14 words said by Pucci
